View Full Version : Yak M&G

21-06-2012, 05:07 PM
anyone interested in a kayak M&G..some fishing somewhere..perhaps Pumicestone Passage..bottom end or Caloundra end, Mooloola River..Nerang River.

Anyone interested? Open to all ideas and locations?

Boat Hog
21-06-2012, 06:15 PM
So did you end up getting a yak Greg? What sort? Did you post up some pics somewhere?


wags on the water
21-06-2012, 06:39 PM
Maybe this M&G can coincide with my days off Greg??

21-06-2012, 07:04 PM
So did you end up getting a yak Greg? What sort? Did you post up some pics somewhere?


I bought a Prowler 4.1..still sitting in the garage..no time to use it yet.

21-06-2012, 08:17 PM
I am in mate if it is a weekend!! Caloundra end even better :thumbsup:

21-06-2012, 09:27 PM

Depending on dates, I could drag one of the yaks down. One is good for me, the other is good for two, the electric, the esky and I forget what happens much after that.


23-06-2012, 10:26 AM
Bump..... Come on you lot. A Yak M&G would be great. I have 2 extra yaks if some one wants to borrow one. (Only 8fters but they have served me well in the past)

How about 4th August 7am launch from Bells Creek at Diamond head?


23-06-2012, 10:38 AM
I am keen, are people thinking offshore or just estuary

23-06-2012, 10:49 AM
I am keen, are people thinking offshore or just estuary

I am easy either way but to make it attractive to those that are not big on yakking maybe estuary is best??

23-06-2012, 12:00 PM
What happens when you fall in...I mean I always fall off my surf Ski.....You must lose all your gear?

BTW I am being serious.... Are they hard not to fall off?

23-06-2012, 12:22 PM
What happens when you fall in...I mean I always fall off my surf Ski.....You must lose all your gear?

BTW I am being serious.... Are they hard not to fall off?

I have not fallen off yet.... having said that you can be sure I will soon :D. When you 1st get on one they seem a little tippy but as you find your centre of balance you are away with suprising stability. My 11yr old paddles the 8fter around without a problem. He hasnt fallen off (yet) either.

I ensure everything is tethered and if you do it right it is easy and doesnt make the yak too cluttered. All my lures, tackle, knife, pliers etc all in one soft esky tied to yak. Lip grips, paddle, net, fish measure all tethered. Anchor..... well that is a no brainer.

I got into yak fishing by accident (couldnt afford a boat at the time) and will always have one now. Great way to fish. I am 43yrs old, not terribly fit with a bit of a beer gut yet paddled 20klms the other day. Smart use of tide and wind and there is minimal effort required.

Have a go, you wont regret it!! :D

23-06-2012, 03:15 PM
A weekend meet down the southern end of the passage would be good. Ningi Creek is about to fire up in the next month or so. Out near the mouth the parrot will be foraging and the flathead will be in good numbers.

wags on the water
23-06-2012, 03:58 PM
4th Aug no good for me..

25-06-2012, 02:57 PM
4th Aug no good for me..

well..when do you have days off ????

26-06-2012, 01:46 PM
Any other suggestions for dates? keep the ball rolling

26-06-2012, 05:19 PM
Any Sat or Sun for me....................... :D (unless the bomb thrower has something planned which is rare)

wags on the water
26-06-2012, 08:52 PM
well..when do you have days off ????

As luck would have it....I was looking at the wrong roster. 4th good for us. Wouldn't be interested offshore though.

26-06-2012, 11:20 PM
4th is back on? I am keen, what area are we thinking? I want to go down and suss it out before hand so i can clean up on whatever prizes there are.

wags on the water
27-06-2012, 05:20 AM
Prizes are what you enter a competition for. What's wrong with having a paddle/outing in a river or creek with good company - which is what a M&G is all about.....

27-06-2012, 05:21 AM
ok..4th August it is. No prizes YJ..just a M&G and some fishing. Hopefully can find somewhere with some barbies and can have some snags after the fishing.

NOW..you mob can decide the location.

wags on the water
27-06-2012, 05:24 AM
err...I gotta go to work.......bye

27-06-2012, 06:39 AM
Haaaaa..... What about Tunaticer's suggestion of Ningi creek? I haven't fished it before and love new spots? Shall we say a 7am paddle off? (i.e get there around 6:30am for an intro?)

Oh and is there anybody out there coming along other than Pinhead, Yellowjack, Tunaticer, Wags and myself? Appollo you mentioned you might drag the yak out?

27-06-2012, 11:09 AM
Just jotting here so I can find the thread easier as the day gets closer.......
Why did I sell my yak to Todddo??
Who knows what may happen between now and the though.

27-06-2012, 12:20 PM
Just jotting here so I can find the thread easier as the day gets closer.......
Why did I sell my yak to Todddo??
Who knows what may happen between now and the though.

Hey mate, I have a spare yak you are more than welcome to use. It is only a little 8fter but it's all yours for the day if you want. :D

wags on the water
27-06-2012, 01:14 PM
Haaaaa..... What about Tunaticer's suggestion of Ningi creek? I haven't fished it before and love new spots? Shall we say a 7am paddle off? (i.e get there around 6:30am for an intro?)

Oh and is there anybody out there coming along other than Pinhead, Yellowjack, Tunaticer, Wags and myself? Appollo you mentioned you might drag the yak out?

Sounds good. My wifey may be along for the ride as well.

29-06-2012, 02:09 PM
A weekend meet down the southern end of the passage would be good. Ningi Creek is about to fire up in the next month or so. Out near the mouth the parrot will be foraging and the flathead will be in good numbers.

OK Tony, seems Ningi Creek is the go for a 7am launch (Meet up at say 6:30am) 4th August. Can you suggest best location for launch please?

29-06-2012, 04:50 PM
Ningi Ramp is a good protected spot that does not get much traffic. Pretty secure parking with so many old timer locals nearby.

Other option is Sandstone Point, security is not as good for the cars as it is a popular place.

Localities in the creek that are worth visiting are as follows:
oyster beds near the mouth http://www.nearmap.com/?q=oyster%20beds@-27.057664,153.118912&ll=-27.059279,153.115329&z=17&t=h&nmd=20110728
Rock bar http://www.nearmap.com/?q=rock%20bar@-27.058572,153.101014&ll=-27.058627,153.101216&z=20&t=h&nmd=20110728
Oyster racks http://www.nearmap.com/?q=oyster%20racks@-27.056313,153.096992&ll=-27.056399,153.097106&z=20&t=h&nmd=20110728
Rubble patches #1 http://www.nearmap.com/?q=rubble%20patches%20%231@-27.052858,153.073300&ll=-27.052561,153.072985&z=20&t=h&nmd=20110728
Rubble Patches #2 http://www.nearmap.com/?q=rubble%20patches%20%232@-27.052168,153.071036&ll=-27.052209,153.071328&z=20&t=h&nmd=20110728

Good flathead can be had anywhere in the creek, bream near any structure and there is plenty of that around, Summer whiting are usually threre in the depths of winter working over the muddy channels towards low tide and the first of the run in as it covers the dried banks. Wintertime Jacks are not uncommon around the rubble patches and oyster racks. Chances of good tailor marauding the creek are pretty good and if you want a parrot or two you need to be working the mouth over with worms or yabbies. Plenty of yabbies to be found on exposed banks.

Some seriously good fishing can be had in this creek mid winter, but I would not want to see any more significant rain between now and the event, the area copped about 100mm this week again.

I will be working the area over with artificials, mostly plastics or poppers. My go to plastic is a 65mm Squidgy Wriggler in Bloodworm colour on a #4, 1.5 to 3 gram jighead. My go to popper is a Ecogear PX45 or 55 prawn style popper. I will be fishing 6lb braid and up to 10lb leader, but usually it will be 6lb leader unless the tailor show up. I will also have a 80mm paddle tailed plastic on a 1/0 jighead for teasing flathead with.

Tides for the day are
05:10 EST 0.10m. Low Tide
10:52 EST 1.74m. High Tide
17:00 EST 0.10m. Low Tide
23:12 EST 2.09m. High Tide

05:34 EST Twilight begins
06:26 EST Sunrise
17:20 EST Sunset
18:13 EST Twilight ends

07:23 EST Moonset
19:30 EST Moonrise

This will give a peak bite period at 7am and from mid day to 2pm.
With the tide coming in I will be working over the upstream areas with the rise and come back in on the run out. Less paddling and more fishing. This is also dependent on rainfall between now and the event.

There is a lot of other structure i have not mentioned that produces XOS flatties on a regular basis for me but I will let you find them yourselves ;D;D;D

29-06-2012, 06:32 PM
Ningi Ramp is a good protected spot that does not get much traffic. Pretty secure parking with so many old timer locals nearby.

Other option is Sandstone Point, security is not as good for the cars as it is a popular place.

Localities in the creek that are worth visiting are as follows:
oyster beds near the mouth http://www.nearmap.com/?q=oyster%20beds@-27.057664,153.118912&ll=-27.059279,153.115329&z=17&t=h&nmd=20110728
Rock bar http://www.nearmap.com/?q=rock%20bar@-27.058572,153.101014&ll=-27.058627,153.101216&z=20&t=h&nmd=20110728
Oyster racks http://www.nearmap.com/?q=oyster%20racks@-27.056313,153.096992&ll=-27.056399,153.097106&z=20&t=h&nmd=20110728
Rubble patches #1 http://www.nearmap.com/?q=rubble%20patches%20%231@-27.052858,153.073300&ll=-27.052561,153.072985&z=20&t=h&nmd=20110728
Rubble Patches #2 http://www.nearmap.com/?q=rubble%20patches%20%232@-27.052168,153.071036&ll=-27.052209,153.071328&z=20&t=h&nmd=20110728

Good flathead can be had anywhere in the creek, bream near any structure and there is plenty of that around, Summer whiting are usually threre in the depths of winter working over the muddy channels towards low tide and the first of the run in as it covers the dried banks. Wintertime Jacks are not uncommon around the rubble patches and oyster racks. Chances of good tailor marauding the creek are pretty good and if you want a parrot or two you need to be working the mouth over with worms or yabbies. Plenty of yabbies to be found on exposed banks.

Some seriously good fishing can be had in this creek mid winter, but I would not want to see any more significant rain between now and the event, the area copped about 100mm this week again.

I will be working the area over with artificials, mostly plastics or poppers. My go to plastic is a 65mm Squidgy Wriggler in Bloodworm colour on a #4, 1.5 to 3 gram jighead. My go to popper is a Ecogear PX45 or 55 prawn style popper. I will be fishing 6lb braid and up to 10lb leader, but usually it will be 6lb leader unless the tailor show up. I will also have a 80mm paddle tailed plastic on a 1/0 jighead for teasing flathead with.

Tides for the day are
05:10 EST 0.10m. Low Tide
10:52 EST 1.74m. High Tide
17:00 EST 0.10m. Low Tide
23:12 EST 2.09m. High Tide

05:34 EST Twilight begins
06:26 EST Sunrise
17:20 EST Sunset
18:13 EST Twilight ends

07:23 EST Moonset
19:30 EST Moonrise

This will give a peak bite period at 7am and from mid day to 2pm.
With the tide coming in I will be working over the upstream areas with the rise and come back in on the run out. Less paddling and more fishing. This is also dependent on rainfall between now and the event.

There is a lot of other structure i have not mentioned that produces XOS flatties on a regular basis for me but I will let you find them yourselves ;D;D;D

Seriously Tony? This is all you could come up with? Oh well I guess we run with it. Everyone else ok with this?

29-06-2012, 06:34 PM
Seriously Tony? This is all you could come up with? Oh well I guess we run with it. Everyone else ok with this?
Yeah I'm a bit off colour tonight with only two beers under my belt so far........might edit it later on tonight when the brain cells get liquidated.

04-07-2012, 05:10 PM
4th Ausgust 7am..Ningi ramp or wherever Tunaticer said...I am in.

05-07-2012, 11:14 AM
Smashing Pumpkins - ZERO

05-07-2012, 11:15 AM
whoops wrong thread..... I really shouldn't have 10 tabs open at once

13-07-2012, 08:37 PM
just noticed thread.... will have to check calandar but will try to make it

13-07-2012, 09:38 PM
Now it is all locked into the 4th I find out i will be interstate from the 4th to almost mid sept........thems just aint fair rooles!

14-07-2012, 04:31 AM
Have we got some definites..I will be going..just have to find the place.

14-07-2012, 08:23 AM
Don't you ever sleep Pinny?.... You work way to hard mate...slow down and enjoy where you are...We want you with us for a long time!

14-07-2012, 10:18 AM

I am a 50/50 chance at this stage. Might come down and fish in the big yak with my daughter. Will know in the week prior.


14-07-2012, 03:10 PM
Have we got some definites..I will be going..just have to find the place.

I am a definite. Meet you you here at 6:30am. (Happy for you to suggest elsewhere mate)

I have never fished this area but hey, it will be a bit of fun.

Any others in for sure?

14-07-2012, 08:15 PM
[QUOTE=gruntahunta;1402105]Don't you ever sleep Pinny?.... You work way to hard mate...slow down and enjoy where you are...We want you with us for a long time![/QUSleep...i am in gladstone now and back home tomorrow. No time for sleeping

15-07-2012, 03:33 AM
[QUOTE=gruntahunta;1402105]Don't you ever sleep Pinny?.... You work way to hard mate...slow down and enjoy where you are...We want you with us for a long time![/QUSleep...i am in gladstone now and back home tomorrow. No time for sleeping

So, have you taken the yak for a test paddle yet mate or should I bring a bottle of champers along on the 4th?

15-07-2012, 08:11 AM
Haha pipifin you can come down and borrow it if you like I dont have rook racks (i just walk it to the water) otherwise id be attending.
Your more then welcome to come pick up the yak mate.

15-07-2012, 02:44 PM

So, have you taken the yak for a test paddle yet mate or should I bring a bottle of champers along on the 4th?

I will have it wet before then . Just gotta make some more lanyards and sort out some storage and all will be good.

wags on the water
20-07-2012, 07:15 PM
Sorry Greg - going to bail out on this one. Family comes first.

Maybe next time.


20-07-2012, 10:38 PM
Sorry Greg - going to bail out on this one. Family comes first.

Maybe next time.


geeze mate..only just got married and Paula has you under the thumb already..LOL

wags on the water
22-07-2012, 07:04 PM
We'll see how the week goes Greg, might be able to make it if all my ducks line up...

28-07-2012, 10:51 AM
there's 3 less flatties to catch sorry guys,,,,, ChopJr and his dad visited the normal spot this morning,,,

30-07-2012, 10:39 AM
Haha pipifin you can come down and borrow it if you like I dont have rook racks (i just walk it to the water) otherwise id be attending.
Your more then welcome to come pick up the yak mate.

Thanks for the offer mate, but I fear I may not be able to hand the ol' girl back. Oh how I miss her.... lol.
Hope you have been catching a few.

30-07-2012, 02:02 PM
Haha :P
Yeah mate but hasn't touched the water since winter, Too bloody cold and windy.
Cant wait for a nice day and will go for a paddle :P

30-07-2012, 04:13 PM
Given lack of numbers and no Greg for a while i think it is postponed. (Was only Greg and I anyway) :(

wags on the water
30-07-2012, 06:39 PM
Given lack of numbers and no Greg for a while i think it is postponed. (Was only Greg and I anyway) :(

Mate, I'll have a chat to Greg later this week, but at this stage my ducks are lining up.


30-07-2012, 08:49 PM
if they had a motor on em I'd be in,,,, without a motor i'd certainly be in,,, the water that is,,,,

what date is it set for,,,,,

wags on the water
30-07-2012, 09:26 PM
4th August Chop

30-07-2012, 09:50 PM
i'll call into PH's during the next day or two,,, chase up what he's doing,,, see if his Yak is a double or single,,,,lol

30-07-2012, 10:50 PM

the above map is for those of you not familiar with Ningi Creek

in between the 2 "yellow" is generally where you will pick up a feed,,, a few oyster beds to explore around etc

the semi circular "white" is mud flat at low tide,, i have fished this area more landbased,,, generally pickers,, but an occasional feed passes through,, once more in yaks on the rise you can explore

the "red" is where I'll be if not floating on the water,, this point always catches a fish or two, and is next to the prawn farm

where i have placed the "blue",, the western is Bestman Rd Roundabout where the new fuel shop is,,, the eastern one is the slight right hand bend as your entering Ningi,, at this one there is a dirt track on your left that leads into where the "Red" is,,, accessable by car,, just watch the first puddle at the entrance,,, there is a dirt/sand ramp next to the area i normally fish

I have about 30kg of burley, (wheat soaked in Tuna Oil),,, if you guys are definitely on for this Sat morn,,, I'll go for a run in the wee hours,,, so any fish with a gut full of wheat is mine

02-08-2012, 07:05 PM
you guys still on for Saturday morn???????????????????????????????????

02-08-2012, 07:52 PM
you guys still on for Saturday morn???????????????????????????????????

Sorry fellas. I am a no go for Sat. Any word from Greg?

02-08-2012, 08:00 PM
called past but no car in driveway,,, will def call in tomorrow morn on my way to brissie

02-08-2012, 10:21 PM
Bugger its on saturday... I'll be at work. Might shoot up there tomorrow though and see how I go.

wags on the water
03-08-2012, 07:54 AM
It's a big possibillity I have a better offer..... ;) fishing without the hard work of extra excercise....