View Full Version : Deep Drop Fishing Tackle

09-06-2012, 07:50 PM
I know a few guys are interested in fishing for deep sea ooglies - blue eye trevs and harpuka and was wondering about having a thread with gear and rigs for ready reference.

I know someone even said they will make deepsea rigs for a price.

So wondering about having in this thread rig and tackle ideas and what is good or not good about them.

I did go into tackle store after 13/0 circle hooks - not readily available

To kick it off:-

I did see in current June QFM Queensland Fishing Monthly this advert and there were two deep drop jigs:-

750mm = 2.2kg = $59
350mm = 0.74kg = $29


Muddy Toes
09-06-2012, 08:27 PM
I've got my 1000yrds of braid, 500lb leader, 400lb swivels sorted........just need good weather when I'm back next.

I was going to start making all sorts of jokes about using a 175 Zuke for a sinker but that's just damn cruel and I'd hate to get on your bad side with your new found photo shop editing skills.

09-06-2012, 09:15 PM
See them sooks in the ad with the electric reel. come on now i got me hand line and deckie ready... cause im a nice guy and supply and handline.
Not Muddy he just give his deckie 1000yrds of braid and some well wishes...

09-06-2012, 09:19 PM
I really have nothing organised except the fuel tank getting on steroids.... oh and a big alvey and lead. can put the alvey on a broomstick and hope for the best need to get braid, and leader. For swivels im using an old trick i once seen my mum use and using D shackles. (actually does work)

Muddy Toes
09-06-2012, 09:24 PM
See them sooks in the ad with the electric reel. come on now i got me hand line and deckie ready... cause im a nice guy and supply and handline.
Not Muddy he just give his deckie 1000yrds of braid and some well wishes...

I'm still yet to decide on the well wishes.

09-06-2012, 09:38 PM

I got my Mustad 16/0 39960D circles from Jones Tackle. You can also get them from wellsys up the coast.

I made mine up with stuff I had gathered off the net.
100lb braid
ball bearring swivel on top
Duralite Diamonds - off the top swivel (water activated, and OK with depth. I had read the lumo sticks sometimes crush at great depths because they have a little air in them). Great lights - water activated and very bright strobe.
400lb main leader
Crimp swivels - available at Jones and Tackle wharehouse - place about 4-6 feet apart
200lb droppers (maybe not thick enough as I have had them wear through) - lumo tube and lumo bead on dropper
cheap swivel on bottom
light 40-60lb nylon to dropper weight
Use 2-4kg

I think beyond 300m, lights and lumo is very important, as there is essentially no light.

Dunno If id be keen on using $60 jigs as a dropper weight, sometimes the dropper weights are on a one way trip. When the fish are on, they shake the my weights off (but I am using light nylon so I dont snag up.)


09-06-2012, 09:43 PM
I've got my 1000yrds of braid, 500lb leader, 400lb swivels sorted........just need good weather when I'm back next.

I was going to start making all sorts of jokes about using a 175 Zuke for a sinker but that's just damn cruel and I'd hate to get on your bad side with your new found photo shop editing skills.

Yep, I am investigating better computer skills and software programs as well so I can put people into more compromising and convincing situations :D - will keep G rated of course ::)

I just bought some line (1500yds of 150lb line) this evening - all good till missus does the bank stuff again ;D - the price you pay for an accountant wife :)

The plan is to put it onto a Penn International 80TW - so yep doing it tough to start with and see how we go.

The 2.2kg jigs look interesting - but I would be real peeved snagging one and losing it. Happier to lose a can of concrete or something like that - maybe something agricultural would suffice - tube filled with lead and wire trace inside?

Yes yes all a bit horse before the cart for me as I need a boat. But it is nice to be thinking of fishing anyway. I bought some fishing mags a week ago and can't get interested in looking in them.

Muddy Toes
09-06-2012, 09:52 PM
As for weight I've got it on good authority to think about the weight/drag coefficient and have settled on 32mm reo bar.

Don't worry about the cart mate.....mine still works.

09-06-2012, 09:53 PM
good pick, trev.

Power pro is one of the thinnest lines at that breaking strain.


09-06-2012, 10:19 PM
Go for bright line(yellow) rather than green. Helps the driver keep the line vertical when he can see it from his seat.

10-06-2012, 03:08 PM
As for weight I've got it on good authority to think about the weight/drag coefficient and have settled on 32mm reo bar.

Don't worry about the cart mate.....mine still works.

What length are you going to cut the reo Anthony?


10-06-2012, 03:14 PM
What length are you going to cut the reo Anthony?


2kg would be about 300mm long

easy enough to grind one end thin and drill a hole through - one 2kg snapper-ooglie lead whallah ;)

Wonder how they would go if you heated them then dunked them in that lumo powder :)

10-06-2012, 04:51 PM
I suppose green is the popular colour.

Wonder if purple would be a hit?


10-06-2012, 05:21 PM
Don't waste your money on the lights. Run lumo tube on ur 200lb leaders off the mainline..

10-06-2012, 05:22 PM

Can get them cheaper than that.
12 for $99 at miyaepoch.com.au, or 5 for $60 on fleabay. Cheaper than getting them from the states. They are run by the solas guys up the coast.

Green or White is what I use.


10-06-2012, 05:28 PM
Don't waste your money on the lights. Run lumo tube on ur 200lb leaders off the mainline..

Thanks HNP - reckon I will run both lights and lumo - probably Saturday Night Fever @ 450m

Catch a Blue Eye Trevolta ;D

Muddy Toes
10-06-2012, 07:39 PM
What length are you going to cut the reo Anthony?


I think Trev's nailed it mate.

10-06-2012, 07:45 PM
I think Trev's nailed it mate.

So pretty much you had no idea until Trev posted hahhahah.... sounds a bit like me....

Floating Rib
10-06-2012, 09:10 PM
You guys have any money left for the Chiropractor(non electric reel guys) after all your purchases/ im all for the guy who suggested using the anchor ball to pull em up, wonder what size braid ill need for that? I wont be on the water for a month so im eagerley awaiting news of your forays to the depths.

10-06-2012, 10:56 PM
You don't need lights to fish for ooglies,especially when your only sending down 3-6 hooks.
Lights are ok when commercial fishing as you are setting up to 100 hooks vertically and the lights draw the fish up the line but 3-6 hooks set on the bottom right amongst the fish you do not need them at all.
Rope traces are just as good as nylon as well.
I only ever used 4-5mm rope traces and they catch equally as good as nylon traces.
Traces made from VB cord work exceptionally well.

11-06-2012, 09:04 AM
I was reading something recently on the weights and it was suggested longer lengths of thinner round bar or reo worked better than short thicker stuff or cans of concrete etc as they don't spin as much on the way down

Muddy Toes
11-06-2012, 09:09 AM
I was reading something recently on the weights and it was suggested longer lengths of thinner round bar or reo worked better than short thicker stuff or cans of concrete etc as they don't spin as much on the way down

Less drag in the water acting against the weight too.

11-06-2012, 10:06 AM
I only ever used 4-5mm rope traces and they catch equally as good as nylon traces.
Traces made from VB cord work exceptionally well.

What is VB Chord? - google reckons it is either a guitar string or an accelerator cable for a VB car

I will look up the crimp swivels as I am not sure droppers from a solid ring will not twist as per rig in my sketch below.

So from what people are saying is this generally the rig:-


11-06-2012, 10:43 AM
venetian blind cord.


11-06-2012, 11:03 AM
don't uses solid rings, use these
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcThEIuv1zj2K8_r_wg7d692mA8jnBRTJ bXuIlOFe2tWmEMQXbh1mg
you want your rig to look something like this
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQM8Xv3JF8T4tBkgU13TsLriVjj5_oKc CTFGWdBl-n-6ta4nqJQSQ
(thought your skipper might have passed this on.......:-X)

Muddy Toes
11-06-2012, 11:11 AM
don't uses solid rings, use these
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcThEIuv1zj2K8_r_wg7d692mA8jnBRTJ bXuIlOFe2tWmEMQXbh1mg
you want your rig to look something like this
http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQM8Xv3JF8T4tBkgU13TsLriVjj5_oKc CTFGWdBl-n-6ta4nqJQSQ
(thought your skipper might have passed this on.......:-X)

I don't think the skipper would have much idea except for a few very well written pms that make him sound like he knows what he's doing.we all know who the real genius here is.

Boat Hog
11-06-2012, 11:38 AM
You guys have any money left for the Chiropractor(non electric reel guys) after all your purchases/ im all for the guy who suggested using the anchor ball to pull em up, wonder what size braid ill need for that? I wont be on the water for a month so im eagerley awaiting news of your forays to the depths.

Okay, here's a crazy suggestion from left field.

Get a bladder from a manual activated PFD, bundle it up in some light string or tape to make a long skinny sausage shape. Attach it above the trace. Attach a seperate line to the deployment cord.

When the fish or fishes are hooked on, activate the PFD, the PFD busts off the tape, pops open and the fish come to surface. Decky winds in slack line and collects fish! 8-) ;D

Yes, I know ... it defeats the purpose of going fishing to do it so easy!

Yep, PFD would most likely be crushed at those depths!

But .... had you thinking about it!! ;)


11-06-2012, 11:40 AM
I don't think the skipper would have much idea except for a few very well written pms that make him sound like he knows what he's doing.we all know who the real genius here is.

Pick me pick me......

A question wouldn't a swivel to a 5 gang paternoster rig work? onto a looped sinker like you would snapper fishing except bigger... im giving it a go in August.....

11-06-2012, 01:55 PM
Just my two Bob's worth:
Lights_ Yes . Flashing, water activated, at the top.
Heavy three way swivels are fine ( got mine frpm Wellsys - see catalogue)
Lumo tube on all droppers. Its dark down there so load up on daylight FIRST)
Weights- old tubular cutoffs ( like pool cleaner handle) filled with something heavy and set a BIG swivel in the top.
Crimp leader to swivels etc.
Re number of hooks, dont bite off more than you can chew, You'll be chewing for a long long time!

13-06-2012, 12:50 PM
I kind of think you guys are making something simple rather complicated, forget all the light sticks and swivels and shit, keep it nice and easy, some 100-200Lb cheap mono for droppers, a simple knot to some bigish hooks, a simple dropper loop on the bottom for the sinker (maybe get real tricky and use light line for the sinker) and some method to wind/pull/lift the thing from the bottom, but don't over think the whole thing.

13-06-2012, 01:05 PM
Noelm I think you have hit it on the head I am using an alvey with 100lb-120lb braid a swivel onto leader 150lb if I can get or closest to it made up on a 5 hook twisted paternoster rig.
Swivel al the bottom instead of lead then onto some light line with weight and this will be left at the bottom.
May chuck a glow stick or something onto 1 of the 2 rigs getting dropped.
But there is no way I'm spending $60 on a flashing light with no real advantage or guarantee that it's coming back up.
Drop 1 with no light drift over structure will be using squid, whole mullet, prawn, soft plastic on both rigs.
Drop 2 with glow stick drift over structure Same set up as drop 1 also may paint sinker with glow paint not sure but have some in shed.
some will say it won't work some will say it will report either way.

13-06-2012, 01:47 PM
just one other kind of "interesting" thought, have you guys ever seen a light stick that comes back from the "deep" most I have seen are squished to nothing and all the "light" is gone. I have used that lumo tube stuff, can't say as I have noticed any greater success (or any worse either) but by all means, try anything, it is a long way out there, and a long way down, so make the most of it, one thing for sure is, first time you get a snag with $200 worth of braid out, and $75 worth of terminal tackle will make you very nervous! OH, and dont forget how braid will slice off half a finger in a jiffy if it gets a chance.

13-06-2012, 01:56 PM
How far would you say the 350-400 mt mark is from tweed bar i have read on a few threads about 35km. i am wrong in thinking this...
Also with Muddy heading out first it gives me something to laugh at.... Not sure where he has decided to leave from i chose Tweed purely for on water travel distance.

13-06-2012, 01:59 PM
would going lighter work.... example:
50Lb braid onto say 80Lb leader say 5m long attached to a 2 dropper style rig with a chunk of steel on the end, on light line so it snaps off in a fight or if snagged...
Would make it a lot easier to wind in and faster to hit the bottom, 50Lb line has managed to get a few good sharks to the boat so I can't see why it wouldn't work.

13-06-2012, 02:06 PM
would going lighter work.... example:
50Lb braid onto say 80Lb leader say 5m long attached to a 2 dropper style rig with a chunk of steel on the end, on light line so it snaps off in a fight or if snagged...
Would make it a lot easier to wind in and faster to hit the bottom, 50Lb line has managed to get a few good sharks to the boat so I can't see why it wouldn't work.

My secret weapon... if i can get enough 30/50lb braid on the Shimano Charter special i was dropping it aswell. buying the braid in a week or so from amazon... Daiwa braid normally comes in cheap from there

13-06-2012, 05:14 PM
Swivels and mustad circle hooks arrived today. :) - tick


1500yds of 150lb power pro braid in transit to put onto the Penn Inter 80T :) - tick

I am not sure about trace 3mm VB sounds interesting but how do you fix these swivels in place - crimp VB?

Will use Moimoi 400lb trace if VB no good.

The lights are $100 for 12 so that isn't expensive $8 each

I reckon about $15 to 20 a rig but to save the braid I will put 50lb mono to the sinker and 50m of 100lb Braid above the rig - should help secure retrieval of 150lb stuff when a snag happens. And 100lb braid doesn't break easy either.

13-06-2012, 05:31 PM
When are you heading out trev?

Muddy Toes
13-06-2012, 05:43 PM
When are you heading out trev?

7 th even if his boat isn't fixed by then.

13-06-2012, 05:46 PM
Going with you is he.

13-06-2012, 05:48 PM
I got the paperwork sorted today all should be done by next week leave end of July so I may follow but wont make the decision till the 4-5 where are you heading from?

Muddy Toes
13-06-2012, 05:50 PM
Nar........I just want to see how his boat will go hahahahaha.Seriously, I can't let the man gear up like this and not go.

Muddy Toes
13-06-2012, 05:52 PM
Not sure yet mate.....depends If I can get a bit of a precise mark between now and then for somewhere on the shelf.

13-06-2012, 07:16 PM
Me when? - I don't know.

I am hoping to have quotes for boat repair next day or two then I have to start chasing for it, then with one week of notice min. in for repair then no boat for two to three weeks so - when am I going ????

I am getting everything ready so I am good to go when I am ready also spreading the cost over weeks to minimise SWMBO scrutiny.

I have two weeks off end of this month but first week will be spent pampering the missus on sunshine coast followed by the next week in lignum and cutting timber out-west with a mate, then it's the missus's birthday - so when am I going?

Just want to be ready for when the stars align :)

13-06-2012, 07:25 PM
Me when? - I don't know.

I am hoping to have quotes for boat repair next day or two then I have to start chasing for it, then with one week of notice min. in for repair then no boat for two to three weeks so - when am I going ????

I am getting everything ready so I am good to go when I am ready also spreading the cost over weeks to minimise SWMBO scrutiny.

I have two weeks off end of this month but first week will be spent pampering the missus on sunshine coast followed by the next week in lignum and cutting timber out-west with a mate, then it's the missus's birthday - so when am I going?

Just want to be ready for when the stars align :)

The stars are aligning week commencing 13 AUGUST. Capitals in case your read as good as Anthony.

13-06-2012, 07:43 PM
Hi Guys, I have been following this thread with great interest & would love to tag along in my boat if anyone wants company for a trip out there , I have a good sounder ( Furano) with a 1 kw tranny with it & am in the process of hunting up some start up GPS marks for this area.I am no fishing guru but am very keen to get in & have a go at this type of fishing.
Regards ,Pat.

13-06-2012, 08:07 PM
Welcome Pat. :)

Muddy will bring the Turkey or be the . . . ;)

Muddy Toes
13-06-2012, 08:15 PM
Very well played Trev.....

Yeah I'll be the...........:chinese:

13-06-2012, 09:11 PM
I hope after reading these threads you don't think that we are professionals more than welcome to tag along I'm heading out August with the shy guys at this time may even rope trev into another trip. Have no marks but east is the general direction I plan on traveling. will get a couple of marks before August.

14-06-2012, 04:54 PM
I hope after reading these threads you don't think that we are professionals more than welcome to tag along I'm heading out August with the shy guys at this time may even rope trev into another trip. Have no marks but east is the general direction I plan on traveling. will get a couple of marks before August.

We are a little better off than that - I would be happy to go prospecting with this:-

Very Rough marks for the following taken off Navionics to give people the general idea of where to look.

Tweed Canyons: 28 14 538 153 54 514

Riv Grounds: 27 46 356 153 57 561

Cape Moreton Canyons: 26 49 173 153 44 280 and 26 57 583 153 48 803

Noosa Canyons: 26 15 860 153 51 947

Also when you are sounding deep water turn your ping speed down (5 or 6 instead of 10) as this will give you better reedings as well as run your chart speed at 1:2 instead of 1:1.

And one thing further, surely no one is dumb enough to read the stupid ideas we come up with here and think we are professional for goodness sake! :D

14-06-2012, 04:57 PM
I may have something on the books. Are you coming August trev?

14-06-2012, 05:00 PM
I may have something on the books. Are you coming August trev?

If my boat is fixed and the weather is good then I am good. :)

Not going to the Tweed though.

14-06-2012, 05:35 PM
Me either. Got a couple of other options. Plus the ones you have. Maybe the pin. Or seaway? Or north coast. Have to do a lot more prep first. Im west bris so not keen heading to far down the coast.

Muddy Toes
14-06-2012, 07:17 PM
And one thing further, surely no one is dumb enough to read the stupid ideas we come up with here and think we are professional for goodness sake! :D

Speak for yourself mate......

15-06-2012, 06:38 AM
Speak for yourself mate......

General comment Muddy but doesn't preclude you ;) - ZUK 175 for a sinker - shame shame >:( :)

We've had bricks for sinkers, anchor retrievers for lifting the fish, scuba bladders to lift the fish, reo for sinkers, glow sticks that will crush for lights.

Just one thing on the snagging of a sinker - if you drop a length of reo to the sea floor you are asking for a snag. It will tend to lay flat and reo is not smooth (so it grips concrete) - it will nicely wedge and grip reef too. Longer reo might be faster to sink but it will also be faster to snag.

Best idea I have read here so far for a sinker is to pour lead into an aluminium tube and flatten the end - this will allow the sinker to be kept upright when at the bottom hence reducing chance of a snag. Snapper leads are tapered and designed to minimise snags.

If you want to drop some reo into the aluminium tube with the lead to make up the weight it has merit too.

I am not trying to put down left field ideas - I encourage them, they are great (some even farside :)) - but doesn't mean we shouldn't think them through as well.

Some say we are thinking too much just get out there and do it. Well, when you only get a few chances to try and when it takes money, effort and time to get there why not do it right too.

I have read about a guy going out to Brown Mountain off Sydney and with an electric only landed 15% of fish hooked where the manual reel landed 80% - it was said the hook must be a single circle hook - other hooks were tearing out of the mouth on the way up - will gangs work? Are they strong enough for these type of fish? Well I will use the proven method of a single very heavy circle hook.

I explored the idea of using oiled fillets etc for bait and was told - stick with the proven method of a pilly. I think fillets helicopter on descent.

15-06-2012, 06:53 AM
Oops I think Muddy was really using reo.... I can get a heap of 300 gal bar.
Also I think he planned to leave the reo at the bottom. I am making lead sinkers for the adventure. Have a heap of roofing lead and lead burner thingy. The idea of putting a few snapper leads on has won me over. I will plan to leave them at the bottom.

15-06-2012, 07:19 AM
When it hits the bottom wind it up 5-10 meters.. Don't leave it on the bottom waiting to get snagged..

15-06-2012, 09:23 AM
Reo Bar sounds cheap and I thought it would stay more vertical like a jig, just wind up or let out so it touched the bottom every now and then.
Besides I am crossing the fingers for a one drop for one fish, then drink beer and film and photograph the fun and games of Muddy trying to and wind in his... should be a laugh

Muddy Toes
15-06-2012, 09:47 AM
I'm not winding in shit mate.......I'm just driving the boat for the punters.

15-06-2012, 09:52 AM
Not fishing, yeah right that's like paying a lady of pleasure for a chat !!

15-06-2012, 11:36 AM
Not fishing, yeah right that's like paying a lady of pleasure for a chat !!

No no - he wants to watch . . . . . :)

15-06-2012, 11:39 AM
Been reading thru this post and remembered i have some of these style hooks i bought a while back
I have no use for them and would rather see them goto a good fish :) then the bin.
I think they are the type you lot are using here.
If ya want them pm me to arrange to pick em up i have at least 16 of em here
and have atached a pic of one next to a ruler for size as packet has no size on it
they are mustad ones n they are free!! ;D
All i ask is ya keep me in mind if ya ever need a deckie 8-)
Cheers The Angry Angler


15-06-2012, 11:48 AM
For blue eye we reckon it was better bumping the bottom. They will not chase a bait so you nearly have to drop it down their throat or past their nose. The best weight we used was a stainless bomb with a couple of links which dinged like a dinner bell on hard ground.

15-06-2012, 04:18 PM
Been reading thru this post and remembered i have some of these style hooks i bought a while back
I have no use for them and would rather see them goto a good fish :) then the bin.
I think they are the type you lot are using here.
If ya want them pm me to arrange to pick em up i have at least 16 of em here
and have atached a pic of one next to a ruler for size as packet has no size on it
they are mustad ones n they are free!! ;D
All i ask is ya keep me in mind if ya ever need a deckie 8-)
Cheers The Angry Angler


If you want to go out as a deckie you will need some of those hooks to make a few rigs for yourself ;)

Diabol - you are 100% correct I do recall the jingling sound of an anchor chain when scuba diving - sound travels very well in water. So you have the weight then some chain dangling underneath?

Back In Black
15-06-2012, 05:06 PM
Thanks for the marks for the Noosa Canyons. I"ve been struggling to find any mark for the area. I punched it into the Garmin & it is only about 5nm from my most north easterly mark for the Hards. Quick drop, from 300ft to 1200+ in a short distance. Going out with Frenzy charters July 7 & hope to learn about deep, deep fishing, as I've been told the Canyons will hold blue eye & bar cod!!
Thanks again,

15-06-2012, 06:32 PM
just a couple of links welded to the top of the bomb to tie line but the stainless made a nice dink noise. They are inquisitive and are attracted rather than repelled ...gotta love the big dumb bastards.

19-06-2012, 04:17 PM
IMHO anyone that is willing to handline this depth of water is nuts!!!!!

I have deep dropped before, manually via a tyrnos 50 2 speed with 100lb braid, I did find it easy with the harness, easier than a blue marlin going nuts.

I even found once I had the head pointed up I clicked it back into high gear, on the sinker front you will want atleast 1kg of weight, when there is current you will need up to 6kg. Reo is awesome and no need to drill holes, just cable tie a loop and cable tie that on and thats where you loop your break away.

I would not go to crazy on too many hooks guys, good size fish are being caught atm, wellsys is the place to buy them too.

On the rod use a similar harness to a black magic and it will be easy.

Hope this bit of info helps.


14-06-2016, 01:21 PM
So how did you. Boys go?