View Full Version : My new ride
06-06-2012, 04:33 PM
Viking temp Fisherman with 28lb minn kota
Heaps of room.................battery for sounder and room enough for a swag
105 amp hr battery so fit for long days. Haven't trialled it yet with all that weight behind me
Plenty of room, even with the battery
Motor up, raised by a cable secured within reach to enable lowering and lifting
Cable for raising.............the shackle lower down with one on the other side also is for fixing the tiller cables to so that I can steer the motor with my feet
motor cable secured
Anchor to stern through O ring to lanyard alongside seat...........means no reaching back for anchor...................just pull on lanyards and anchor warp comes to hand
Pedal steer for the tiller when not taking the engine, and it's rigged for steering the motor too
Pliers/disgorger, scissors on elastic to stretch to sitting position.............shorter than a lanyard and not as messy
I'm pretty sure I'll find some more pimping to do later. ;D
06-06-2012, 05:44 PM
If you fit a anchor trolley it will allow you to change the angle when anchoring and get rid off all that rope waiting to tangle you up. I have to ask what the batttery and motor weigh and what you are going to do when the kayak flips over as they are wont to do?
06-06-2012, 05:54 PM
Never been tangled up yet mate with that anchor warp setup in the fresh. I'll be rigging a trolley prior to going salt. The warp is tucked straight behind the seat as it comes in......................I'm a KISS man.......................keep it simple. The battery is strapped down, the engine is clamped on, and you have to do something extremely stupid to roll a Tempo..........the main reason I bought it was the stability it offers...............Yakking is no different than a sport such as rock climbing..................the risk is always there, you just try to minimise it.
06-06-2012, 05:54 PM
Yeah if the yak flips, how are you going to flip it back over? Will be extremely difficult. This is the main reason I havnt fit an electric to my viking tempo fisherman. Where are you going to put the fish that you are trying to catch? Trying to reach the very front of a tempo is quite hard...The whole thing just doesn't look usable :S I also dont see a point of tethering every to the yak, If it does flip once again it will be hard to right and you might get caught in all the lines. Ofcourse you will lose a pair of pliers or 3 in my case, But if it flips I know I can right it with no stress of getting caught up.
Looks nice though!
wags on the water
06-06-2012, 06:07 PM
Any room left for you in there Kev?
Floating Rib
06-06-2012, 06:47 PM
nice setup, should be able to circle moreton with a 105 battery, hope you get lots of use out of it.
06-06-2012, 07:14 PM
good setup Kev..I lloked at the Viking range before slecting my new yak. The thing that turned me away from handles in the do you lift it onto the car?
06-06-2012, 07:19 PM
Yeah if the yak flips, how are you going to flip it back over? Will be extremely difficult. This is the main reason I havnt fit an electric to my viking tempo fisherman. Where are you going to put the fish that you are trying to catch? Trying to reach the very front of a tempo is quite hard...The whole thing just doesn't look usable :S I also dont see a point of tethering every to the yak, If it does flip once again it will be hard to right and you might get caught in all the lines. Ofcourse you will lose a pair of pliers or 3 in my case, But if it flips I know I can right it with no stress of getting caught up.
Looks nice though!
Horses for courses mate. If everyone thought like you, no bugger would have an engine on a canoe or yak and wouldn't secure their expedition gear for fear of not being able to right her. The engine weighs bugger all and that's why I have scissors/knife secured............nothing of a job to duck underneath and cut the battery strap if I can't roll the yak back.
Don't know about it being hard to get to the front. I can stand up in it without flipping. It's rigged for dams not Moreton Bay. Don't know what you mean with regards to getting caught up in "all the lines". The only line is the anchor warp and lanyard and they're secured when under way so if, for some unknown reason she does roll, they won't unravel. If, by some strange unforseen act, :o she rolls when at anchor, then the anchor will be taut eh? One of the reasons I use elastic for securing odd items is that there is no slack.........just short bits of elastic...........unless you pull it.
06-06-2012, 07:21 PM
good setup Kev..I lloked at the Viking range before slecting my new yak. The thing that turned me away from handles in the do you lift it onto the car?
I use the rack and roll Greg. I've got two knackered discs and it's no problem. I am going to put a side handle on it though
07-06-2012, 05:44 AM
Good looking rig and obviously plenty of thought has gone into it.
I'm very much anti motor on a yak, more for safety reasons than anything else, most yaks simply just aren't designed for the extra weight of batteries etc and I believe it lulls the users into a false sense of security.
But the viking tempo has been designed and built with trolling motors and batteries in mind. They are very stable and have earned a bit of a reputation as a 'barge' because of their build. To roll one would require some degree of stupidity, at this stage it sounds as though you have taken this into consideration. Provided you stay within the lakes as you are indicating then this should be an ideal craft, salt kills everything in a yak and your motor and battery would be the first to go.
I'm assuming you'll be giving NPD a bashing? I'm sure you'll love it. Beware though NPD can still throw up some nasty chop at times that can be uncomfortable bordering on dangerous in a tinny, let alone a yak. I probably don't need to say this but always be prepared to paddle as far as you can motor in case of any unforseen technical issues/motor failure, it's a long way from the ends of the fishing areas at NPD to Boral landing.....
I agree with FishHunter and think you would be better off with an actual anchor trolley though, they are very easy to manage when set up properly and you can also attach a drogue in lieu of an anchor when drifting. You'll soon notice how annoying any loose rope or chord can be.
07-06-2012, 08:53 AM
Thanks for that Kev and your appreciation of the fact that I have taken things into consideration, being as I am, an ex mountain leadership instructor. As with any outdoor pursuit, there is an element of risk and you weigh the pros and cons and balance one off against the other. I know my limitations and in particular how they are limited by my age and health. Experience is always an asset, but one that can be easily cancelled out by those limitations. The choice of yak was based on those limitations as will be the distances that I travel. I always keep my eye on the weather also and have already been caught in a squall on NPD despite it being like a mirror when I set off an hour earlier.
I've been exploring NPD in this for a few months now:
On the last trip the side bladder with the motor on deflated, but I managed to limp home. Although I enjoy the stability of the sevylor, that experience rather "brought me down to earth". As good as they are, (for me), being stowable with no lifting, I don't think that they're built for the Australian climate. Despite seriously under-inflating each trip to allow for air expansion, I have had 3 deflates on the water (all on the seam) due I believe, to expansion..................after an hour in the sun, you can feel how solid the bladders go even though initially under-inflated.
I'll still use the sevylor "bare boned" for pulling the cray pots, and no doubt I'll learn in a similar manner, the idiosyncaries of the Viking Tempo.
Thanks for your input.
wags on the water
07-06-2012, 09:41 AM
Congratulations on the new ride Kev. It certainly looks very user friendly. The way I see it, you set your kayak up to suit your own needs and wants. It doesn't have to please everyone - just you as you'll be the only one using it. We use our kayaks for the enjoyment and c&r fishing. It gets us out of the house and into rest and relaxation mode for a few hours at least.
Enjoy your days Kev.
07-06-2012, 11:23 AM
Thanks for that Wags. I sometimes think there's a lot of "wine tasters" in the boating/fishing/kayaking fraternity IYKWIM ;)
07-06-2012, 11:27 AM
No worries Kev. The biggest problem is that in this section of the forum there are a few posts from clearly inexperienced persons looking to get into kayak fishing but by taking the lazy route and heading straight for a leccy to get them around. In my opinion this is a recipe for disaster as witnesssed in several unfortunate incidents around the country that sadly have ended with fatalities.
You've been quiet on here for a while and there are plenty of new faces that probably don't recognise your name etc. Rest assured they are really looking out for your best interests. Often the safest an easiest thing to do when offering any advise is to assume that the person your advising has no idea but sometimes this leads offence on their part, usually where none was originally intended. But, lifes too short to take forums seriously so let's get back to fishing.
My last piece of advise from looking at all your pics is to leash your rods mate, you may already do so, but I couldn't see any. It only takes just a split second and all of a sudden it's gone. I leash every rod that is not in my hand, I have got lazy at times and paid the price losing expensive combos and even having to free dive to the bottom of the Noosa river to retrieve a rod that was lifted from a rod holder after latching a bow line on a moored boat that I got too close to.
07-06-2012, 02:09 PM
No worries Kev. The biggest problem is that in this section of the forum there are a few posts from clearly inexperienced persons looking to get into kayak fishing but by taking the lazy route and heading straight for a leccy to get them around. In my opinion this is a recipe for disaster as witnesssed in several unfortunate incidents around the country that sadly have ended with fatalities.
You've been quiet on here for a while and there are plenty of new faces that probably don't recognise your name etc. Rest assured they are really looking out for your best interests. Often the safest an easiest thing to do when offering any advise is to assume that the person your advising has no idea but sometimes this leads offence on their part, usually where none was originally intended. But, lifes too short to take forums seriously so let's get back to fishing.
My last piece of advise from looking at all your pics is to leash your rods mate, you may already do so, but I couldn't see any. It only takes just a split second and all of a sudden it's gone. I leash every rod that is not in my hand, I have got lazy at times and paid the price losing expensive combos and even having to free dive to the bottom of the Noosa river to retrieve a rod that was lifted from a rod holder after latching a bow line on a moored boat that I got too close to.
Understood both ways I guess.................I've been away for a while and so I don't recognise some poster's (intent) either.
I've fitted an anchor trolley this morning and I'll take your advice re the rod leashes
07-06-2012, 07:29 PM
Great to see you out on the water again, Kev. Since you're now a freshie, I'll tell the vermin in the briney that they're safe...for a while. Good stuff, mate. Hope all's well.
08-06-2012, 08:06 AM
Great to see you out on the water again, Kev. Since you're now a freshie, I'll tell the vermin in the briney that they're safe...for a while. Good stuff, mate. Hope all's well.
Thanks cuzza. Still hitting the salt now and again but The Verminator is giving the tilapia a hammering.
wags on the water
08-06-2012, 08:25 AM
Sorry Kev (Kingtin) and Kev (Justchips) for my comments - it just gets up my nose when someone goes to the trouble of sharing their new project with the other members only to get blasted by people who would do it differently or say it has been done wrong. I'm all for these guys doing things differently but don't tell a guy he's doing it wrong.
08-06-2012, 03:37 PM
There's nothing for you to say sorry for Wags.................I know where you're coming from.
08-06-2012, 08:34 PM
Sorry if I offended mate, Thought it was posted up to get ideas and thoughts from people.
I'm just extremely safety conscious. The way I look at it, I'm worth more then a couple grand worth of gear.
Again, Meant nothing by what I said. (also wrongfully thought you used it in the bay)
08-06-2012, 10:41 PM
Sorry if I offended mate, Thought it was posted up to get ideas and thoughts from people.
I'm just extremely safety conscious. The way I look at it, I'm worth more then a couple grand worth of gear.
Again, Meant nothing by what I said. (also wrongfully thought you used it in the bay)
No worries Toddo.
10-06-2012, 11:10 AM
Thanks for that Wags. I sometimes think there's a lot of "wine tasters" in the boating/fishing/kayaking fraternity IYKWIM ;)
what is wrong with a bottle or 2 of wine ?
10-06-2012, 11:13 AM
got my new yak..first thing I am going to do is try and flip it..then see if I can turn it back over and get back on it..could be a giggle.
Then..gunna work out where to put everything.
Kev, are they Scotty rod holders? do they fit in the existing rod holders or bolted on separately?
10-06-2012, 12:56 PM
Not Scotty's mate and put on separately. The holder itself can be removed leaving just the mount base.
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