View Full Version : Woodgate Boy's Weekend - Year 3

09-05-2012, 04:13 PM
The May Day weekend has become a bit of a boy's weekend tradition for me and a few mates. This year there were 12 of us which include 5 kids (although some of them are now adults) with 3 boats. This was the first time my 14 year old son has came along and I was a bit worried as he doesn't like fishing that much.

The setup there is great. A house one block back from the water and a tractor to perform the traditional beach launches and retrieves. Lots of beers and everyone does their share of cooking and chores - kids included. Only rule for the kids is what happens at Woodgate stays at Woodgate, particularly as far as their mothers are concerned.

Weather was great, but the fish didn't play the game with very few fish boated. There was a lot of excitement because there was bait everywhere and constant boils on the surface by tuna and other toothy predators, but even when the schools were next to the boat we couldn't tempt a hook-up. Sometimes I felt like I could have thrown a cast net at them they were that close.

Hitting the artificial reefs was unfruitful, although one of the kids did drop a good sized cod next to the boat, and even the winter 'tings were too small to get a feed and relegated to live bait status with nothing over about 15cm.

On the last morning I did manage a decent mac tuna which gave a good fight so I decided to end on a high and call it quits.


Despite the challenging fishing, we all had a great time and with cricket on the road, watching football, playing poker (not for $), kangaroos and kookaburra's in the yard, waves crashing over the bow on the beach launches, turtle, dolphin and shark sightings, tuna boils and a fairly free run, I'm pretty confident my son will put up his hand to come along next year.

Let's hope the fish are there in 2013,


09-05-2012, 07:20 PM
Thanks for the post. I am heading there for a lazy one this weekend, so hopefully the fishing improves.

clone trooper
09-05-2012, 07:21 PM
looks like you got yourself a great annual trip that can only get bigger and better.