View Full Version : Getting Closer

23-04-2012, 03:01 PM
We put the boat in at Nudgee about 9am sunday morning and after having a chat with a local letting me know "The Prawns are On," we shot across to the sandhills searching for new ground knowing full well it would be a hard task finding fish with all the boat traffic. We headed north to the four beacons and checked out the tripods which showed massive schools of small fish on the sounder so i dropped a bait jig and instantly filled it with baby squire, so we threw them back and headed to Bulwer. We dropped some baits on the ledge drifting for very little result, and headed to curtin for the tide change and the night. Still peppering curtin waiting for the prize cobe.
We picked our spot and dropped some flesh baits and squid and waited. Billy had a few good runs but his 20lb line was no match for the brutes we were hooking. I fought a solid fish with took a couple big runs but ended up rubbing through the 100lb leader after a 15 min fight. We ended up with a couple keeper squire each for a feed, baby cobe at 40cm a79227nd plenty of throw backs. The fish were biting on the run instead of the tide change.
Can anybody id the 2 fish in the photos please.

23-04-2012, 03:41 PM
not sure on the top one but id say goat fish for the bottom one

23-04-2012, 05:19 PM
Surgeon fish top and goatfish below. Bugger about the ones that got away! Ben

23-04-2012, 06:31 PM
Interesting looking fish and thanks for sharing the photos :)