View Full Version : China lures... gotta love samples.

16-04-2012, 01:09 PM
The advantage of living in Hong Kong with china over the mountain....... can't wait to be back in Hervey Bay on Thursday..... lets see how they go!



16-04-2012, 01:18 PM
looks like some good stuff there to have a fool around with. I got a big diving minnow sort of thing at one of those crazy prices bargain stores, it looked OK, cost a whole $2, first time out, it sort of zigged and zagged, then flipped upside down and dragged along the surface on it's back!!!, tried to fix it, but in the end I just tossed in the garage,

16-04-2012, 01:23 PM
haha, yeah to be honest, the proof is in the pudding I guess, but I'll see if any of the fishing gurus up in Hervey Bay want to have a gander at them when I'm there this week, to be honest I'm a total novice at lures, fishing in general, so anything I learn will be new and an advantage!
I've got a whole month off so I should in theory catch SOMETHING!!!!
