View Full Version : Deal of the T & T Show

24-03-2012, 01:44 PM
Hi Guys,

I recon I picked up one of the deals of the Show yesterday

Scored a Shimano Sustain 4000FE for $149, still boxed with extra spool and reel cover

Was in the Allround Angler section and at the end of the display case was half a dozen reals (only one sustain) on throw out specials.

Should have paid attention to what else was there as you don't get bargin's like this everyday


24-03-2012, 06:31 PM
I like going on sunday to check out whos' got what then as the arvo go's on the price drops...they dont want to be taking stock back to the shop so to save that they cut the price or are happy do some deal to clear the stock/