View Full Version : PEtackle request to Ausfish members:

17-03-2012, 10:46 AM
I just got wind of a good friend / relative that is trying to make a quick buck on some PEtackle gear which is rebranded and slightly modified. He was offering it to some Ausfish members from about January this year and I dont know how many fisherman/woman he has contacted. What I would like is for anyone that has received flys from this "Lenny" fellar to send them back to me and I will replace them for PEtackle flys for no cost to you. I will refund any cost which you incurr in getting the stock back to me.
I may need these flys to mount a case against this person and any flys sent back to me will be much appreciated.

Thanks again

17-03-2012, 04:48 PM
Mate that is sickening. Sincere best of luck with getting some justice!

No Fear
17-03-2012, 05:23 PM
Mate that is sickening. Sincere best of luck with getting some justice!

I agree....that is an ordinary effort on "Lenny's" part.

Maybe a 12/o deep V hook in the pee hole might be justice!!! I'd probably try a red zebra first.....they're might favorite!!!!!