View Full Version : Barron River Barra's Landbased

13-03-2012, 08:18 PM
Got onto a few the other night. Old mate next to me landed one about 80cm. Had a total of 8 hook ups and one landed. A couple were lost at the edge of the pontoon and the others lost around the pylons of the bridge but plenty of nice jumps before loosing them. Went down the next night with heavier gear but they were off the chew. All hooked on live or dead herring.

14-03-2012, 09:14 AM
That sounds like you had fun at that spot. Catching my first barra is the next species on my hit list. I don't know when it will come, but I'm a patient man. Thanks for the report.;)

14-03-2012, 10:49 PM
Goos stuff, mate. Have had some cracker sessions on the Barron of a night time. Some great 'mundi's to be had, as well as a good population of Jacks. If you can't get onto any livies, try dead sardine fished hard against the mangroves on the first of the ebb - good recipe for jacks.
