View Full Version : Abu Revo STX combo

27-02-2012, 08:54 PM
I'd like to get a new baitcasting reel for the dual purpose of marrying it up with a light rod (ie 3-5kg) for the boat and perhaps a longer soft action rod for flicking lures etc from piers, etc.

I've pretty much always had Abu reels and for that reason, I'm looking at the likes of the Revo STX reel; the reviews suggest this is a damned good reel and I haven't read a bad one yet.

Do you consider this reel a bit too big for my intended purpose? I haven't decided which rod to combine it with for the boat but it will be graphite, 7' or (preferably) 8' length, 2 piece and 3-5kg. Any suggestions for that or indeed a suitable combination for my intended purpose?


27-02-2012, 09:41 PM
The ABU is a nice reel i have used a few.........just be carefull doing up the drag star as a few have stripped the threads as they are only aluminium.

I have used the older Premier a fair bit and even though it is the cheaper version it's a pretty bloody good reel.

Don't read to much into the drag stats on them either as we tested the drag on a Revo toro and it fell well short of it's stated drag pressure.

Have you seen the ###### Elite with the titainium finish ?.........best looking baitcaster around IMO.


27-02-2012, 09:43 PM
###### Elite..........?????........dunno why ###### gets blocked????

27-02-2012, 09:52 PM
can you pm me or try putting a space or underscore in the middle of the word?

This may seem a stupid question but....

Are left hand wind reels for left handers and right hand wind reels for right handers?

28-02-2012, 08:03 PM
A-U-R-O-R-A.............he he see if we can trick it!

09-03-2012, 07:01 PM
can you pm me or try putting a space or underscore in the middle of the word?

This may seem a stupid question but....

Are left hand wind reels for left handers and right hand wind reels for right handers?

Any takers for answering my stupid question? :P