View Full Version : One outfit only
10-02-2012, 08:34 PM
If you could only have one outfit what would it be. My old man used to tell me he would have an Alvey and 9ft rod. He never did any offshore though. so I was just curious. What would be your one rod and reel be?
10-02-2012, 09:02 PM
A live fibre m10 with a Shimano 30 Tyrnos.Load that with 65lb braid and you have something for bottom fishing,red hunting but a little over kill for float lining for snapper but
could be used.
Thats my 10cents worth.
I'm sure there will be plenty of suggestions though. ;)
10-02-2012, 09:04 PM
quality graphite 3-6 kg 7ft rod - quality 3000 reel - 12lb braid for me
10-02-2012, 09:21 PM
Those days are gone, now you need one rod per species multiplied by the environment with a degree of difficulty compounded by the lure weight.
Example, for barra I need a hard bodie impoundment casting rod, a hard bodie saltwater casting rod for the creeks, a heavy soft plastic combo, a light to medium soft plastic combo, a trolling rod combo, maybe a surface lure combo and at least one spare if one fails or a mate turns up.
At around say $500 a combo and then at least $2000 worth of lures chuck in some braid, leader,some tackle boxes and some upgrade hooks and rings that you have to have, you are up near ten grand with no boat or anything to tow it with.
Best go to the jetty with a handline and target whatever comes along.
10-02-2012, 09:45 PM
Those days are gone, now you need one rod per species multiplied by the environment with a degree of difficulty compounded by the lure weight.
Example, for barra I need a hard bodie impoundment casting rod, a hard bodie saltwater casting rod for the creeks, a heavy soft plastic combo, a light to medium soft plastic combo, a trolling rod combo, maybe a surface lure combo and at least one spare if one fails or a mate turns up.
At around say $500 a combo and then at least $2000 worth of lures chuck in some braid, leader,some tackle boxes and some upgrade hooks and rings that you have to have, you are up near ten grand with no boat or anything to tow it with.
Best go to the jetty with a handline and target whatever comes along.
i think i need a job like yours,id love to spend $500 per combo and $2000 on lures.
10-02-2012, 09:55 PM
Thats a bit hard but I would say a spin setup in the medium heavy category. I have a Fin-Nor Ahab 30-50lb stick with a Stradic 8000 loaded with 50lb line that weighs nextto nothing and will spin up Spotties to Spaniards as well as pull Pearlies out of 130m
Shawn 66
11-02-2012, 03:36 AM
Those days are gone, now you need one rod per species multiplied by the environment with a degree of difficulty compounded by the lure weight.
Example, for barra I need a hard bodie impoundment casting rod, a hard bodie saltwater casting rod for the creeks, a heavy soft plastic combo, a light to medium soft plastic combo, a trolling rod combo, maybe a surface lure combo and at least one spare if one fails or a mate turns up.
At around say $500 a combo and then at least $2000 worth of lures chuck in some braid, leader,some tackle boxes and some upgrade hooks and rings that you have to have, you are up near ten grand with no boat or anything to tow it with.
Best go to the jetty with a handline and target whatever comes along.
One of my favourite rods , was one that the old man made for me 30 years ago . Nearly cried when I broke the bloody thing .
;Dha ha ...... as if! - one outfit
I guess if you target 1 species in 1 type of environment - you could do it (Blackfish off the rocks , trout in the streams on fly , bream in the estuary on bait , offshore snapper etc ........ once you get technique specific it becomes harder.
My April road trip has been a nightmare to plan (tackle wise) & even keeping things to a minimum & having outfits that will double up - I'm at 8 outfits and a 9th rod ::) I haven't told my mate yet that he can only bring 1 outfit.... as there is no room ;D
There is no way that the 9ft rod and alvey would cut it .......... Thankfully those days are gone ;)
PS - In the spirit of things though ...... a 7ft spin stick 6-8kg and a 2500 sized reel could cover quite a few bases in the fishing that I do
11-02-2012, 05:27 AM
;Dha ha ...... as if! - one outfit
I guess if you target 1 species in 1 type of environment - you could do it (Blackfish off the rocks , trout in the streams on fly , bream in the estuary on bait , offshore snapper etc ........ once you get technique specific it becomes harder.
My April road trip has been a nightmare to plan (tackle wise) & even keeping things to a minimum & having outfits that will double up - I'm at 8 outfits and a 9th rod ::) I haven't told my mate yet that he can only bring 1 outfit.... as there is no room ;D
There is no way that the 9ft rod and alvey would cut it .......... Thankfully those days are gone ;)
PS - In the spirit of things though ...... a 7ft spin stick 6-8kg and a 2500 sized reel could cover quite a few bases in the fishing that I do
Yeah pretty impossible I know but I suppose it comes down to styles of fishing you enjoy the most. I could probably get away with a TLD20 and 8-15kg live fibre with 30lb low stretch mono. But for those odd occasions whiting or squid fishing I dont think it would suit. As for the alvey and 9ft rod you would be surprised at what is possible. My old uncle, god bless him, used to fish for spaniards with an alvey and I think there is a certain lady on this site that recently caught a monster spanish on an alvey! Not to mention some of the jew caught on them. Wouldn't discard that theory quite yet!
11-02-2012, 07:34 AM
As a kid growing up on Lake Macquarie, I had one outfit and use to chase everything from whiting to blackfish, to bream to tailor to mullet to salmon to jews. It was a light beach rod with about a 3500 series reel and about 5 or 6 kg mono on it. Use to catch a heap of fish on that gear from the rocks, beach, boat and jetties.
Now I have lost count of how many rigs I have!
11-02-2012, 08:22 AM
I have to confess,i have about 27 rods and reels.:-?
From heavy tackle marlin gear,light tackle marlin,offshore,spin, estuary gear and the list goes on.
I thought the lump was reffering to an offshore combo.::)
11-02-2012, 09:26 AM
95% of my fishing is done with a 2-4kg loomis and 2500 stella, having said that if I could have only 1 I think that it would be a MSR822 GLX 4-6kg with Stella 4000 and 12lb braid
11-02-2012, 09:45 AM
I think if I had to make a choice, I would use on of my favourite combos I own now. A Pluton 200H sitting on an Egrell Bear B6-L, running 15lb TD sensor braid. Would do me from everything from flathead and whiting through to smaller pelagics, and a handy bottom bouncer.
11-02-2012, 01:29 PM
Very interesting question. A medium spin reel, something like my Catalina 4500h with 40 lb braid and 7 ft carbon rod PE3 could be used from whiting to spanish mackeral just by changing the size (weight) of the leader.
11-02-2012, 03:59 PM
9' rod and an Alvey will do me also thanks. Can have as much fun catching fish with that as being Mr I Have Every Rig For Every Fish.
11-02-2012, 04:20 PM
Strange isn't it, that Aigutso hasn't responded?
He probably read the opening post and had to have a Valium sandwich and a lie down.
Me? I'm with Pinhead.
11-02-2012, 07:19 PM
It would be my Samurai Reaction 302 with the Certate 2500R.. perfect for everything i need but i do need another spool so i can swap between line weight..
11-02-2012, 07:47 PM
The Alvey will still be catching fish long after all the flash gear has siezed and coroded.I do have some of the flash reels as well.
Ringcaster ............... I like the red ones but yellow and white ones catch fish as well.
11-02-2012, 11:55 PM
Those days are gone, now you need one rod per species multiplied by the environment with a degree of difficulty compounded by the lure weight.
I would love someone to explainthis to me (and the misses) 20 years ago i had 3 setups:
Beach rod and Alvey
An ugly stick and abu for out in the bay
and a heavy duty rod and Penn senatator for outside
Now I have no less than 18 rods and at least that many reals to suit.
I can't leave home without 4 or 5 different setups, and I ask my self, how did I ever mange with out the kit for each specific scenario.
But if i think about it, I don't think I catch any more thenI did then.
Why is it so.......
Muddy Toes
12-02-2012, 12:02 AM
I would love someone to explainthis to me (and the misses) 20 years ago i had 3 setups:
Beach rod and Alvey
An ugly stick and abu for out in the bay
and a heavy duty rod and Penn senatator for outside
Now I have no less than 18 rods and at least that many reals to suit.
I can't leave home without 4 or 5 different setups, and I ask my self, how did I ever mange with out the kit for each specific scenario.
But if i think about it, I don't think I catch any more thenI did then.
Why is it so.......
Ahhhh the simple days ......... For me , I reckon it's easily answered!
Techniques / Technology ...... & fishing pressure ............. 20/30 years ago you went snapper fishing with a broom stick with an alvey or overhead and you let a hunk of lead plummet to the sea floor with a hunk of bait on it - Today you can do that still (many do) but you probably wont catch the fish like you did ....... so today we finesse our snapper ......... so you probably have a baitrunner to feed out an unweighted pillie in a cube trail. Then you might fish soft plastics at the same time or a maybe a lucanus jig ........ now depending on the water depth fished you might have a deep water placcy rig (Egrell S10 on a 4000 reel) or one for the bay which might be a 2500 size reel on a Egrell S4 . Do you need them all ? ........probably if you want to catch fish consistently .
times have changed! ....... these days fishoes (particularly sport orientated fishoes) fish for different species using different techniques at different times of the year ......... you probably wouldn't want to be using your bream hardbody rod when chucking plastics for jacks or your jack plastic rod for chasing threadies on vibes = that 9 ft rod with an alvey could probably do it ......... but it would be more than a little awkward .
There is still a place in the sun for the alvey (somewhere) ........ but it's been well and truly superseded in most applications these days........ "long live the dog dish"
12-02-2012, 05:57 AM
Would have to say 2500 Fire-Blood on 7' GL3 2 piece PR842 (6-12lb).
I broke the two piece and now have a once piece IMX PR842 (6-12lb), though it does not feel as robust.
The 2 piece GL3 PR842 is great all rounder; really punches above its weight when need be so for plastics lures and even light baits:
- Flathead, Bream, Trevs, Taylor, Cod, Jacks -
-Shallow bay work-
-Threadfin up to 100cm, Mulloway up to 90cm-
Rod has some serious stopping power.
Reels Just an old Favourite.
Have two spools, one with 10lb Toray PE (Light), other with 8lb Fireline (Heavy).
Will hopefully be buying another GL3 soon if budget hold out as I really miss using that rod.
Small Jewie in avatar was caught with the GL3, but by that stage it had been broken and I was using it for a bait rod, fish that size didn't phase it.
I have turned 4 foot shovel nose on it.
12-02-2012, 07:37 AM
9 foot whiting Rod with alvey for sure....have caught my biggest fish on this set up....being light enables you to hook any size fish where the bigger rods and reels packed with heavy braid limit there usefulness
13-02-2012, 03:19 PM
Only one outfit?
I'd have to say one of my current ones, probably the Egrell S10 and Certate 4000. Followed closely behind by my 4-8kg Dropshot with Heartland 3000.
13-02-2012, 03:35 PM
10 1/2 ft Wilson Live Fibre rod with Alvey with lever drag is my preferred outfit notwithstanding that I have several other outfits in baitrunners. Tyrnos two-speed overhead, conventional spinning reels, etc.
Anything other than an Alvey is just a winch by another name. It is with an Alvey that you can use your sense of feel to heighten your enjoyment of fishing.
17-02-2012, 10:44 PM
Strange isn't it, that Aigutso hasn't responded?
He probably read the opening post and had to have a Valium sandwich and a lie down.
Me? I'm with Pinhead.
It can't be done, one rod? which reel and what line.... i am still struggling to get my pea brain around what that would mean?
surely people can't be serious.. it would be like being forced to eat salads for the rest of your life....
i was only thinking the other day that i don't have any 9' bream rods..
18-02-2012, 06:07 AM
It can't be done, one rod? which reel and what line.... i am still struggling to get my pea brain around what that would mean?
surely people can't be serious.. it would be like being forced to eat salads for the rest of your life....
i was only thinking the other day that i don't have any 9' bream rods..
What?? No 9' bream rods?? I've got 3. You can have one if you like. Pretty sure it's called a Wilson Bream Reaper. More like 10' I think. Put an Alvey 625B shallow spool on that and you've got a deadly weapon.
Hmmm one out fit only?......and to do everything with?...........thats a hard one,
what about a hundred metres of 4'' mesh with an 8' drop?................pretty versitile, good allrounder.
18-02-2012, 09:30 AM
Hmmm one out fit only?......and to do everything with?...........thats a hard one,
what about a hundred metres of 4'' mesh with an 8' drop?................pretty versitile, good allrounder.
Would that be the Shimano or Daiwa net you'd be talking about there Dan ???
I like casting lures so I would choose an eight kg flick stick with a bait caster.
20-02-2012, 07:07 PM
well if you took all the rest away and told me i could only fish with one combo i would choose my 2500r certate and gary howard g force extreme 10-17lb with 20lb...bit boring for flatties and bream but anything else could be fun especially 50m bottom bashing..i'd still give it a go!!!
20-02-2012, 08:31 PM
Im with aigutso impossible for a tackle whore as ive been called elsewhere on this site. 9 ft bream ! interesting i still have a snyder 4 wrap bent tip blank. Looks like it's the go.Alvey thats hard visit the pawn shop.Nah bullshit to much other good stuff to use.
Imo Graham
21-02-2012, 10:36 AM
Team Daiwa REDBACK rod matched with a 2500 stradic CI14 matched with 5 lb braid this is my setup and has done me proud for over 1 year now. A great little outfit for all my fishing just change the leader strength when you chase different fish to match the weight/fight. I have caught many species on this outfit from bream and flathead to bass and tarpon great fun I have landed trevally and queenfish up to 70cm. Geat fun on light gear just have to have that drag set wright.
23-02-2012, 06:33 PM
Because I love my offshore jigging and almost always catch fish on my jigs, I would say the one outfit for me would probably be the valley hill maori special overhead rod married to an alutecnos gorilla 12.
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