View Full Version : Where to buy a *decent* cast net

09-02-2012, 09:21 AM
ive got a cast net from bcf but everytime i look at it funny it gets a hole in it. it is so weak its not funny. its a .30 dia 12 foot

Captain Seaweed
09-02-2012, 09:22 AM
ask net maker on here he makes a mean net

09-02-2012, 09:25 AM
ask net maker on here he makes a mean net

yes I hear he is a master craftsman :D

09-02-2012, 09:35 AM
Yep see netmaker he's the go to man for nets..


09-02-2012, 09:58 AM
Hope you got some coin though buddy wont be cheap as a Bcf net, takes a few man hours and materials but you get what you pay for. Shoot him a pm and see, he is nice enough and won't feed you BS.. straight up and honest.

09-02-2012, 10:19 AM
ive got a cast net from bcf but everytime i look at it funny it gets a hole in it. it is so weak its not funny. its a .30 dia 12 foot
Sambino, also try "PERO" on this site, makes great nets and is a great bloke, can highly recomend him, nets are not cheap ,but are of good quaulity, give him a try, cheers royslaven.

09-02-2012, 10:38 AM
dave is out of the net making game, he is going to teach me to make them though. might just stick with my piece of crap for now and it does the trick and where i fish theres no way im throwing $300 landbased

09-02-2012, 10:41 AM
dave is out of the net making game, he is going to teach me to make them though. might just stick with my piece of crap for now and it does the trick and where i fish theres no way im throwing $300 landbased

Did he tell you it takes 15 hours to make a net :-X

11-02-2012, 01:32 PM
yea thats what he told me 15 hours, thats for him though.

12-02-2012, 07:42 AM
My neighbour makes prawning nets to a requested size. If your interested i can pass on your details

12-02-2012, 08:00 AM
Did he tell you it takes 15 hours to make a net :-X

cheers tim. yep, 15 hours was my best for a full size net. about $120 in materials as well = about $10 an hour. (i was sellling them for $280 3 years ago). much prefer to spend my time fishing - even if i catch zip;D. i refer enquiries to pero. i am happy to show anyone willing to learn how to mend and make (mandatory beer fee attached;)) and will quote on repairs for those not interested. happy to mend, cant be stuffed to make.

15-02-2012, 04:36 AM
Why can'y you be stuffed making nets? Netmaker. You get $10 an hour for it, a princely sum. Stitch after stitch, 2200 of them .then the guy rips it and asks you to replace the entire bottom and chain . Another 10 hours work. A week later he calls and says he's ripped it again.;D;D.
And you have your real job to go to during the day.;D And when the prawns come on thick, your in a tin shed stitching a net while everyones out catching prawns;D;D;D.

15-02-2012, 04:40 AM
Hey Sambino, ask netmaker about the Haverford line 4 (.33mm)If he puts a line 4 skirt on the bottom of your net, it will take quadruple the punishment your net takes now.

15-02-2012, 05:07 AM
Why can'y you be stuffed making nets? Netmaker. You get $10 an hour for it, a princely sum. Stitch after stitch, 2200 of them .then the guy rips it and asks you to replace the entire bottom and chain . Another 10 hours work. A week later he calls and says he's ripped it again.;D;D.
And you have your real job to go to during the day.;D And when the prawns come on thick, your in a tin shed stitching a net while everyones out catching prawns;D;D;D.

What are doing surfing the "net" Pero? Shouldn't you be in the shed making my net? :D;);D::)

15-02-2012, 06:22 AM
Hey Sambino, ask netmaker about the Haverford line 4 (.33mm)If he puts a line 4 skirt on the bottom of your net, it will take quadruple the punishment your net takes now.

yep, showed him what line 4 looks like. put a good sized patch in his net for him on monday. told him it will be the longest lasting part of his net;D.

15-02-2012, 06:44 AM
What are doing surfing the "net" Pero? Shouldn't you be in the shed making my net? :D;);D::)

I allow myself a 5 minute break every hour

15-02-2012, 08:54 AM
patch is bloody good davo me mates are very impressed with your work and iv'e even put a patch in for my mate allready. just stitching up some small holes in mine now. I wil probably put some line 4 on for the skirt when its a bit worse for wear.
Thanks again dave for your time and knowledge.

15-02-2012, 09:07 AM
yea thats what he told me 15 hours, thats for him though.

I believe Pero can break that record of 15 hours a net. :o. I retired after making three nets and swore to buy the next net. 7 kg of chain and a 12 foot net.

15-02-2012, 09:50 AM
7kg is too much weight for my needs my net is 4.5kg and i dont think i would go over 5kg but ill throw all night sometime while im fishing just for the hell of it i found 4.5 to be sufficient when dave took me out on monday too it made it to the bottom fine. anyway thats just me for now

15-02-2012, 12:16 PM
Pero, you heard the man. 5 minutes is up. Back in that shed of yours and start making me my drag net !!

15-02-2012, 12:52 PM
I believe Pero can break that record of 15 hours a net. :o. I retired after making three nets and swore to buy the next net. 7 kg of chain and a 12 foot net.

all depends on the net pattern tim. my nets have quite a few more knots in them than pero's. on average i was tying 500 knots per hour when i was up to speed.

sam, good work mate. good to see you have picked it up so well already.