View Full Version : Hammerhead sharks

02-02-2012, 10:04 PM
Hey guys

Found this spot in the broadwater on the gold coast and
Nearly everytime I put a line in within 5 minutes I have a 50cm-1m hammerhead shark just wondering if this is a common thing catching hammer heads in the broad water or if I have found a rare spot.


02-02-2012, 10:30 PM
i used to live on the coomers river, opposite sanctury cove and caught baby hammer heads up that far up.
But as far as a rare spot go, you may have!!!I know the place is in plage proportion with rays and shovel nose sharks.

03-02-2012, 02:13 AM
They move around a lot and hang in very large groups when young. Go right up rivers/estuaries and many mistaken for largish bull sharks due to big dorsal. They can be in plague proportions in places you wouldnt pick...we recently had a heap in jeruselum bay nth of syd that would take every jew bait that went over...regular visitors no idea why. Not uncommon to find big 2.5-3m guys wayyy upriver or in very dirty water during a fresh, possibly chasing stuff that hides in the bottom which they're experts at but who knows, yhey round up mullet and salmon schools around here also.
Have your fun if u want but dont advertise where it is...its not trendy to try to save the endangered large winged cockroach, but even though hammers are v common you might end up with 50 bob browns all desperate to spend the taxpayers money doing "incredibly important work" soaking up a few rays and having a dip on a summers day.
They'll move on when they've eaten their way out of house and home.