View Full Version : Braid is hairy

28-01-2012, 06:02 PM
Just got Brand New Power pro Braid. It is 8lb and red from the united states for $25. Only used it a couple of times and wondering whether it is because of a recent trip fishing of rocks, did not seem to hit any. Maybe something wrong with my reel, it is a pflueger supreme. The guides look fine on my trion just wondering whether it is something i can fix by doing something or that the braid has a very bad deterioration rate?? when i strip say 10meters off it stops so i don't know whats going on-where the braid is full colour again. I just dont want to waste it. Worse case, could some please recommend a braid......

Cheers Fishinwahbee

28-01-2012, 06:33 PM
Hi fishingwahbee,
I just bought a baitcaster with pink braid, using it for first time, don't like it.............. mono is more forgiving....
When the fresh settles, come down for a fish at Kawana lake for some monster trev jack, and test some gear.....


28-01-2012, 06:42 PM
Check your bail roller for operation first of all, if it is not spinning fast enough it will chafe your line especially the first ten to 2o metres of it that gets cast and retrieved endlessly. Some braids do fluff up without any problems, the old Remington braid does from new ant it is still a good braid even when fluffy.
PowerPro has a teflon or waxy coating, possibly it did not get a decent dose of it in manufacture, but that brand is still a good braid.

I have lust loaded up some of Paulus's Tasline and it is really really nice braid, super fine and knots very very well. Can only buy it from Paulus through his website. He has it custom made in NZ. What would you expect coming from the world's most critical line tester and critic???

28-01-2012, 06:47 PM
Braid doesn't go too well around the rocks fwb, best to use some rugged mono that handles the abrasion better. Keep your braid for the estuary/river, it will last way longer.
Don't worry too much about the colour fading either. I've found power-pro to be pretty good stuff, but it won't last 5 seconds around the rocks.

28-01-2012, 07:00 PM
I have been using power pro 10lb moss green for a bit of time now and have had no problems? but I haven't been fishing rocks bit I would think any braid would just get shredded and would think about a longer leader. Have you maybe shredded a few meters on the rocks? I would try and not get caught up too much in the types of lines and all the technical line and tackle branding mess. If you shredded 10 meters just cut it off or just go back to using mono or a composite if it gets too expensive. Don't blame the braid that you use or yourself. People have been catching loads of great fish for a long time before it all got technical. You could almost say to yourself chose one type of braid and learn how to use it as in learn the way it works and its' limitations against your expectations? Hope that makes sense for you. Enjoy your fishing because really the technical tools for the sport are really just a way to get more money out of your pocket after a certain point. Plastics are good, lures are good, the various types of line available is good, the rods and reels available for the prices is good. But thinking that a different brand of all the good gear available is going to make you catch more fish is BAD .

I am sure know that the colouring of braid is only for your visibility and not really for any other function.

28-01-2012, 07:00 PM
Check your bail roller for operation first of all, if it is not spinning fast enough it will chafe your line especially the first ten to 2o metres of it that gets cast and retrieved endlessly. Some braids do fluff up without any problems, the old Remington braid does from new ant it is still a good braid even when fluffy.
PowerPro has a teflon or waxy coating, possibly it did not get a decent dose of it in manufacture, but that brand is still a good braid.

I have lust loaded up some of Paulus's Tasline and it is really really nice braid, super fine and knots very very well. Can only buy it from Paulus through his website. He has it custom made in NZ. What would you expect coming from the world's most critical line tester and critic???

who in NZ makes quality braid ?: ........ hell we only have Australian Monofil here doing the likes of platypus & Bionic braids.


28-01-2012, 07:01 PM
How hairy? Some braids fluff up quite quickly but still retain their strength.

28-01-2012, 07:37 PM
Hey buddy. Next time you should try Super PE by Sunline. It is a fluro/lime green colour. Good value for money (about $33 for 150m) and don't be afraid to use a light pound - it fishes way above its class.

Let us know how you go.


28-01-2012, 07:52 PM
Hey buddy. Next time you should try Super PE by Sunline. It is a fluro/lime green colour. Good value for money (about $33 for 150m) and don't be afraid to use a light pound - it fishes way above its class.

Let us know how you go.


That is not good value at all. 25 bucks for 330 yards is good value and probably it wouldn't matter what BRAND of braid he used as he shredded it on the rocks. I don't want to appear rude but there appears to be this constant cycle being taught to the young blokes that if they try this brand or they try that brand it is going to be better for them to catch fish?But it is just people talking from their own personal experience from what they use which is fine. But the fact is that there is market that has been flooded with different brands that pretty much do the same thing as what they have forked out the dollars for and it can lead to young blokes thinking that another brand is going to catch them more fish than another brand.

28-01-2012, 08:00 PM
I apologize if I am out of line and sorry for kind off hijacking your thread OP. But I guess know the limitations of what you use and learn how to use what you have. Once a standard has been set it is up to you how you go about using that standard of product. A different brand of the same product isn't going to help you as long as the products are of the same standard and you learn how to use them and what to expect from them.

28-01-2012, 08:16 PM
Gotta agree with Chop on the whole "people been catching for years before it got all fancy". Having said that, I got all fancy and use power pro moss green braid also on my bait caster (25 lb), Accurist (10lb) and Pfluger (6lb) and have not had any probs. I do however run about 3 metre leader so no braid really has any contact with anything except water. I use double uni knot to join, make sure i test my knots before i go out and pay particular attention to trimming tag ens (this helps with reducing birds nest, wind knots and tangles)

28-01-2012, 08:54 PM
i have over 10 reels spooled with sunline super pe as braders83 stated. no fade no fluff just superior braid to alot else on the market and really its not that expensive. the only other braid i run is daiwa accu depth hyper pe. that gets expensive. i have tried bionic power pro spiderwire and others and the sunline has out performed and out lasted every single one of them. i use my 2500 sized reels atleast twice to 4 times a week so they get plenty of use. just my experience.

chop it also comes down to word of mouth. if somebody can offer an opinion and that opinion helps somebody buy a superior product that is going to outlast ' i wont say outperform ' because i do agree with you, you can catch fish on a peice of string it doesnt matter. but why buy a product for not much less that fades fluffs or causes worry. and keep in mind the young fella asked a recomendation on another type of braid.

28-01-2012, 09:08 PM
The problem is if you look hard enough on the internet you can find someone to tell you that they've been using brand x for years and it's superior to everything else. Where brand x is every type of braid ever made. There is no one brand that everyone agrees is the best/worst.

28-01-2012, 09:13 PM
thanks Guys.

i have always loved super Pe but when i found out that i could get powerpro from the states i was stoked. They do have the Pe but only from 50lb 300m for $33. my pp braid is only the slightest bit hairy. you have look extremely hard to find it. The line roller is in perfect condition as it was just replaced. Thanks again, truly great/interesting information. i love to have the 300m/s just for knots, snags and the like, and the big trevs so i might bight the bullet and pay the 60+. Sorry but i dont agree with the input that all braids do the same things. No way. And mono is not for me when plastic fishing. I love it for live baiting though which i use platypus Platinum. I enjoy the technical stuff. The fact that people have been catching fish on any line in the past is true. But. I think this is because there was way more fish back than which were not scared to touch a bit of yellow 30lb aimed for bream. Take my grandpa for instance. Bream fishing with yellow mainline for leader. Not a touch and i said here try some of this leader (vanish) and instant success. Telling me story's 20 years ago we caught 20 bream here all 40cm+. So just another thing..... Anyhow No offence to anyone.

Cheers Fishinwahbee

28-01-2012, 09:23 PM
Do you find the vanish twists allot? I think I have some in 8lb and it annoys me when it comes to tying knots and off the spool where as my other trilene leaders I prefer? Curious...But vanish has been my leader for a few trips lately and only because of the size but it pisses me off. Also what do you like more about PP over PE?

28-01-2012, 09:38 PM
hey fishwah,
Sometimes you cant see the hair line crack in your guide insert, it is so fine and small. get the rod out in sun when it decides to come out and have a real good look. to test properly for cracks in your inserts is to use cotton wool and drag it through and around the guide. if there is a crack, some loose fibres will get caught and it will be your tell tale. ive replaced a few rod tips with crack guide inserts. braid shouldnt do that unless it is really really cheap ass or nanofil.


28-01-2012, 10:21 PM
Nothing but the price chop. I would much rather PE. With Vanish i have not found a single problem. What knots are you using and are you fishing plastics or bait.

28-01-2012, 10:22 PM
Thanks SI i will try that it sure does make sense

29-01-2012, 12:31 AM
Use something metal (gently) like car keys to check for cracks in your guides - it'll catch in a hairline crack that you'll hardly be able to see. I once found my tip guide was cracked, and then the next 3 or 4 down too (my 1st rod, a cheapy)
Hal Harvey once wrote that there's a lot more brands than there are makers of braid - there's no magic brand that'll catch more than the others. Which is pretty much what chop said already...
I'm using both spin and baitcasters and had good value from Fireline in the lighter sizes, YGK Nitlon and Tuffline XP in heavier sizes. I find Fireline too flat, like tape in the heavier sizes. They all initially shed colour from casting/retrieving, but it doesn't affect the strength as far as I can tell.

29-01-2012, 04:47 AM
That is not good value at all. 25 bucks for 330 yards is good value and probably it wouldn't matter what BRAND of braid he used as he shredded it on the rocks. I don't want to appear rude but there appears to be this constant cycle being taught to the young blokes that if they try this brand or they try that brand it is going to be better for them to catch fish?But it is just people talking from their own personal experience from what they use which is fine. But the fact is that there is market that has been flooded with different brands that pretty much do the same thing as what they have forked out the dollars for and it can lead to young blokes thinking that another brand is going to catch them more fish than another brand.

Hi Chop - you're not out of line - good debate! I was just coming from the 'good value' part with my own experience where I spooled up some other braid (fireline and spiderwire) before I was told to try Super PE. Haven't had to respool super PE at all. So, in my view, I blew my money on the other two and this stuff has stood the test of time so far. Seems as though a couple of others have had the same experience. I'm not sure what PowerPro is like - I haven't used it, all I was saying was if he wanted to try something new - give it a go.

Mind you, this young fella seems to love his fishing and no doubt could tell me a thing or two about braid! What a legend!

29-01-2012, 07:05 AM
Hey fwb, any weed, kelp on those rocks? Weed can definitely tend to scuff up your braid. I use 30lb braid in the surf and loose kelp will cause a bit of fluffing if it gets tangled in the braid.
The fact that only the last 10 mtrs of your braid is getting scuffed suggests to me it isn't your runners/tip, or all the braid you use in a cast would be scuffed.
Good luck with it anyhow champ.

29-01-2012, 07:45 AM
I have the power pro yellow 8lb, I have to say it has been ok so far, I still use Fireline myself.
Personally I don't find there is much in the rivers that would bother braid, you should be looking more at your leader strength, weight and jig weight and selection.

Cut off the 10 meters, re-spool (if you have to) and give it another go.
See what happens.

29-01-2012, 08:27 AM
Don't expect the world from Powerpro ....... it's a pretty average type of braid available at a reasonable price - I just had a look at the only reel that I have that is spooled with the stuff & it is a little hairy too - but certainly of no concern .
Just like fireline , spiderwire , fins , stren , tufline , Sufix & Millennium ...... you get what you pay for . Generally , these cheaper braids are fused & once the coating / fusing breaks down the line becomes hairy


29-01-2012, 11:57 AM
Ok ive heard that the cheap braids will do the trick but are not that good. What would be a expensive braid and can i expect the world of it. Thanks for continuing this thread.

29-01-2012, 12:26 PM
you will also find different reels handle braids differently aswell, for instance i have 10lbs hi seas braid on my shimano symetre and i love it, my mate hade it on one of his reels and he cant stand it, worst braid he has ever used he says, so i think there is a element there we should be aware of aswell

29-01-2012, 01:31 PM
i have over 10 reels spooled with sunline super pe as braders83 stated. no fade no fluff just superior braid to alot else on the market and really its not that expensive. the only other braid i run is daiwa accu depth hyper pe. that gets expensive. i have tried bionic power pro spiderwire and others and the sunline has out performed and out lasted every single one of them. i use my 2500 sized reels atleast twice to 4 times a week so they get plenty of use. just my experience.

chop it also comes down to word of mouth. if somebody can offer an opinion and that opinion helps somebody buy a superior product that is going to outlast ' i wont say outperform ' because i do agree with you, you can catch fish on a peice of string it doesnt matter. but why buy a product for not much less that fades fluffs or causes worry. and keep in mind the young fella asked a recomendation on another type of braid.

Love the Sunline PE, its all about preference I can't stand nano-fil but don't mind fireline for the price. When it comes to casting and knots I love the Sunline PE. It is pretty much the same with anything really we are provided with so much information sometimes we think too much about what we are wanting out of the product and is it unreasonable to expect a certain level. Go with what your happy with spending your money on and what you feel your getting your bang for your buck. Personally I would say I prefer the sunline PE over all of the braids I have tried. A couple extra bucks for something I feel is a better product I can justify. If you can't justify it then don't spend it. Like they say you can still catch fish without all the expensive gear, just don't expect tournament quality from something that isn't up to the job.

29-01-2012, 01:54 PM
Ok ive heard that the cheap braids will do the trick but are not that good. What would be a expensive braid and can i expect the world of it. Thanks for continuing this thread.

Expensive PE braids can be disappointing as well ........ & many dont tick all the box's
I like Nitlon ........ but it is relatively thick when compared to others - on a baitcaster though it's great. .... price $90 / 300m .
I just spooled 1 reel with Daiwa 8 Braid Tournament & another with Suffix 832 - both 30lb ....... the daiwa is 0.16mm & the Suffix is 0.29mm that's nearly double the thickness ......... now compare this with 10lb Nitlon @ 0.21mm
You would think that the Daiwa is the winner but $110 / 300m Vs $90 for both Suffix 832 & Nitlon PE ............ but no , all have their place

1) ......... Nitlon for my barra baitcasters ( good abrasion resistance because of the diameter) I dont need capacity because I'm fishing fish (jacks & barra in the snags)
2)..........Daiwa 8 Tournament .... I can fish it where capacity is an issue or where current plays havoc against a thicker braid or if I want to put heavier line on a smaller reel . nice for fishing placcies
3)..........Suffix 832 Great on my barra spin reel (thicker , less susceptible to windnots) or on a baitrunner where I want a fraction thicker line if stripping down a cube trail .

So I've bought all 3 and all for different applications.
One line I would feel comfortable with on both spin and baitcast in the 10-30lb size is the Suffix 832 ...... it's strong , reliable , reasonably thin and readily available from my preferred US tackle store at a very good price - $40 approx 300 yds ( so I usually chuck in a spool or two if I buy some lures or reels)


29-01-2012, 03:53 PM
Can of worms has been opened yet again..

30-01-2012, 06:52 AM
Please Explain Dan?????

30-01-2012, 09:19 AM
Please Explain Dan?????
Braid thread, so many braids people will recommend.

Though with the former few posts I think you got about 4 good ones to choose from.


30-01-2012, 10:16 AM
Can of worms has been opened yet again..

To be honest ........ Braids are a can of worms
a billion different opinions ...... but in a lot of cases the opinions are based on their experience with only a few products or even less.
i've got mates that use ... say FINS for everything - It does a job & they swear blind by the stuff .......... me I wont buy the stuff again ..... it was ok in its day ......... but now there are better products for around the same coin!
I actually do not believe there is the silver bullet when it comes to superlines - I've had ones that were fantastic on a baitcaster at a certain diameter ...... but rubbish on spin.
Harros Bionic is the best fly line backing you can get (IMO) - but I found it piss poor on a baitcaster.
The most expensive line I have ever bought was Toray Bawo braid ($70 for 75M .... its only sold as a top shot ) - the line feels like silk , thin as & casts like no other ........ but it has poor shock resistence ....... any little backlash would see the line snap - I've had jacks snap the line on the strike - so you had to match it with a softer actioned rod - what a pain!

So yes - braid can be a big can of worms - horses for courses ......... whatever - but find the right one for your outfit & style ........ and it's magic stuff.
In most cases - you do get what you pay for .......... then again , my light spin gear (4,6 & 8lb) are all spooled with 3 of the cheapest (Fireline , Exceed & Nanofil)


30-01-2012, 10:59 AM
Toray Super PE comes at about $45.00, pretty good all-rounder.

Toray actually design produce their own product.

I use Fireline a lot, better the devil you know.

30-01-2012, 12:14 PM
ive gone away from the "name " brands...been using melaluka braid (search on fleabay for melaluka braid) been paying 7 to 10$(10$ postage or less for more then one item) for 500m of 10 to 25 pound ...casts 10 to 15m further than spiderwire and finns ....doesnt feather like most ive tried...breaks way above its marked class(chasing jacks been using 25 pound melaluka with 30 pound black magic leader and always break the leader on snags)...definaty worth a try