View Full Version : Brisbane River Session - And some bloke has a crack at the Ramp

21-01-2012, 07:21 PM
Hello Fellow Fisho's - Have not Posted in ages - Dont fish as much any more - Kids and Dirt Bike got in the way of that. Felt compelled to post our session this morning after some bloke had go at me about undersized fish. I will keep it short.

Session this morning
12 Estuary Cod(Black and Gold Spotted rockcod) ranged from 30cm to 45cm
Legal size 38cm min - 120 max
1 GT

Me and my mate kept 3 cod between us I for me and 2 for his family - I have fished the Brisbane river for 25 years - 13 from a boat - I was a pro catch and realease for about 9 of those - Until i had a family - when i decided to keep a few to get some return on investment. which I think is fair.

to have some clown come to my window of my car and start pointing the finger at me and his sizing chart while I was talking on my phone in my car - I was think WTF are you going on about mate - Once i finished my call - in my own way pointed out the fact that he didn't F()*k**% know what he was talking about - it shit me -

Lesson - make sure you know your facts before you walk up to complete stranger and question their integrity.

On my way home I thought to myself what a tool - bet you he didn't catch any fish today.

Regards Stephen

Ps - Just eating My baked 45cm cod with garlic butter and onion right now - mmmm!
Tastes great

21-01-2012, 07:33 PM
heya stephen nice work on fish mate, As for the tool ya always gunna get idiots and ya probably right he didn't catch anything hahahaha..But in all very nice fish wish ya had some pics.


metal magician
21-01-2012, 08:29 PM
sad end to a gr8 trip by the sound off it, maybee not gettn any at home and on the water was just to much for him to bare,

21-01-2012, 08:42 PM
Those Cod would have been fun. I wonder where the other guy was wrong if he had a sizing chart? Obviously he made a mistake but good on him for pointing out what he saw as someone else pulling undersize fish. A lot of people would let that slip by and put it in the too hard basket. Did he have the wrong species or was his chart wrong?

21-01-2012, 09:06 PM
There is quite a few of them in the river. Some anglers use there eyes as rulers.
I just tell these dk to get their eyes checked.

Muddy Toes
21-01-2012, 09:12 PM
Those Cod would have been fun. I wonder where the other guy was wrong if he had a sizing chart? Obviously he made a mistake but good on him for pointing out what he saw as someone else pulling undersize fish. A lot of people would let that slip by and put it in the too hard basket. Did he have the wrong species or was his chart wrong?

Thats actually quite a good comment written from a perspective not a lot of us would have thought of.His execution may have been pretty piss poor but was this guy actually doing the right thing?

21-01-2012, 10:48 PM
Maybe he is used to looking at small things :P :P , and the fish you kept may have looked small to him from a distance. ;D ;D


21-01-2012, 11:19 PM
I agree with some off the posts here - Didn't really get a look at his chart - The bloke was a rude individual with no manners or patience - I motioned to him twice that I was on the phone! He walked away while I was still on the phone sitting in my Air conditioned running car.

The thing that tipped me over the edge was the fact that I proved him wrong with my brand new 2012 QLD Government tide and Species/Bag limit book - He then quizzed me on how many fish I could keep? Thats when I upped him!! His execution was F@%^ed - At the same ramp I have seen a few instances of people unknowingly keeping undersize fish through stupidity or dishonesty. Last time i was there a bloke had two undersized jew - I notice walked over and mentioned they were not legal and if the DPI catch him it would be a expensive lesson. I didn't harass the bloke.

I actually did this bloke a favour by getting up him - he might think twice about making accusations against honest law abiding
fisherman / Women - If he spends $5.50 and buys the latest QLD booklet he might keep him self out of the shit and make his day
fishing and the other people around him more enjoyable - As to what sort of Cod he was talking about there are 5 or 6 that have
a 50cm limit and some that are totally protected - to lazy to type them all out - the two mentioned are in plague proportions in the
River - I mean there is a very health population. A good friend of mine and his mate bagged 48 cod in one 4 session on lures in the
river. There is plenty there - that bloke just cant catch em.

22-01-2012, 05:35 AM
Know your rules and there isn't a problem. They guy could of approached the situation different and not been a rude prick. I fish the river regularly and see those taking the undersized fish with no regard you did well not to loose your sh!t mate as if he had of approached us in that manner I would of not been impressed, though if he was to come over and chat asking me if I got anything, ask the legal size etc I don't mind. Always been a pet hate the undersize takers prob got in a little trouble kicking buckets of jetty's.

22-01-2012, 05:53 AM
Thats my grief - This bloke thought he knew - if you gonna have a crack make sure you know the rules.

22-01-2012, 01:14 PM
We see all sorts at the ramp but that would got me going to and i bet he didnt catch a thing (thinking its all of us thats keeping them all and wrecking it for them) Rules is rules and we abide by them as what we catch is the species we want to keep catching and we all well me agree with the rules as it helps us all keep catching fish in our bay. Cheers DD.....

22-01-2012, 10:16 PM
Good to see you've still got the river sussed Stephen! Run-ins like that certainly wind you up, which is a real shame when the whole point of fising is to relax and chill. I reckon if this guy couldn't broach the subject diplomatically he should have kept his mouth shut - regardless of who was wrong or right.

Have you come across any river squire lately? They seem much harder to find these days. I have had the same issue as you with lack of fishing due to family and study commitments. Managed a trip to the bay last week (first bay trip in 2 years!) and picked up a few good spotties which got the blood pumping again.

Might see you out on the river soon - are you still in same boat?


23-01-2012, 04:36 AM
How did he see you fish anyway? snooping in your esky?

23-01-2012, 03:45 PM
lol it was prob MudRiverDan . . he lends himself to jumping the gun ;) all in fun mate lol

23-01-2012, 08:47 PM
disappointing for getting his facts wrong ........... but - at least he cared enough to worry about it ....... it's just his delivery was piss poor!

everyone should carry a up to date ID chart


23-01-2012, 09:07 PM
lol it was prob MudRiverDan . . he lends himself to jumping the gun ;) all in fun mate lol

lol not me mate, Though I would have been interested in catching a few cod myself more likely :P

Geez havn't been out enough lately.

23-01-2012, 09:44 PM
Feral - The bloke must have seen me cleaning the fish - I was at the ramp for a good half an hour mucking around.

Oliver - The squire are hard to find - I have got back into riding dirt bikes - not dependant on the weather so much and the rush starts as soon as you turn the key. Have a 4.1m Poly with a 40 on the back - Went halves with a mate who also has a young family so it works really well and every time there is a bill you only pay half!

I am surprised that the government don't have signage at boat ramps pointing out the fines or consequences of keeping
undersized fish or crabs - Or they could even have a number to report people for doing the wrong thing!

26-01-2012, 10:05 AM
There are so many positives among a lot of fishos now as far as C & R on smaller fish, keeping a few nice ones for a feed and looking after your catch when you do take a few home. And some guys that just target fish for sport if you're into that.....

Pity there is not a little more comradarie from this peanut........he could have said "Hey mate do you have the latest sizing charts? We gotta make sure we don't get caught out red-faced when the Fisheries guys come and check our catch hey?"

The thing that really winds us up is when we see really undersized fish or dozens of small fish being kept by someone. Share farmers checking or stealing crabpots. Let's focus on this sort of stuff instead.

See you on the water


26-01-2012, 11:16 AM
I am surprised that the government don't have signage at boat ramps pointing out the fines or consequences of keeping
undersized fish or crabs - Or they could even have a number to report people for doing the wrong thing!

Been asked, their response is that rules change to often to make it worthwhile, they used to do it for freshwater fish and I must admit there are a lot of incorrect rusty signs still near freshwater boat ramps.

Was told by a bloke from down south that they actually put up a picture of each fish at legal length (with a scale) on some popular fishing jetties, so the fisho's can literally hold their fish up against the picture of the same sort of fish to check the legal size! I thought that a great idea!

29-01-2012, 08:31 AM
A bit of fresh water in the mix stirs up the E cod. Nice work shame about old mate but as the guys have stated just misinformed. I know that LEE was in the right for sure but I've fronted a number of people over the years and 99% of the time they've sincerely had no idea they were in the wrong and have panicked about having undersized fish, Its the 1% that are aware and couldn't give a stuff that I have no time for. I hope that if enough people took down boat regos and car plates and emailed them to fisheries with a complaint these mongrels would be compiled onto a list to be targeted if seen. I would love to see them copping a financial insult than a verbal that they walk away from with not even giving a s#$t. Sorry to be negative on such a great post Good session LEE. Cheers

29-01-2012, 08:40 AM
Been asked, their response is that rules change to often to make it worthwhile, they used to do it for freshwater fish and I must admit there are a lot of incorrect rusty signs still near freshwater boat ramps.

Was told by a bloke from down south that they actually put up a picture of each fish at legal length (with a scale) on some popular fishing jetties, so the fisho's can literally hold their fish up against the picture of the same sort of fish to check the legal size! I thought that a great idea!

yep,there are some of these down at yamba around popular landbased sposts,mostly targeting undersized jew,They are rouglhy 750mm x 750mm in full high colour/high gloss and made from steel,Great signs,good to see my fishing license money going to good use.