View Full Version : converting whiting follows into hookups on poppers.

14-01-2012, 02:32 PM
Worked over a substantial area this morning with a bubble pop 35 for whiting, heaps of action with slashes, bust ups and follows by very big whiting but only three connected with the hooks properly. One other inhaled the popper cup end first the trebles dangling outside its mouth and couldn't spit it out!!

Anyways, I tried all retrieves i could think of for similar results so now im thinking what other lures are good for the whiting? What speed retrieves do you get best results from?

I tried a Sub Dog in a clear prawn colour for zero interest which surprised me.

Might try the slum dog next time too being floating.

In open water like the passage i tend not to have much problems but today was frustrating seeing large numbers of big whiting following to my feet but not attacking the lure and finding the trebles.

14-01-2012, 03:11 PM
Try winding a little quicker?

15-01-2012, 06:28 AM
Continious rolling wind, no stopping or pauses , the lure must continue to be on the move for whiting to hit it.
Regards BeastMaster

15-01-2012, 09:22 PM
I find the bubble pop 35 just a wee bit small to get decent splashing, compared to the larger 45, or stiffy. I must say that I am not a whiting specialist and my experience is limited to a couple of good sessions on the Nerang river, but I noticed that a more aggressive retrieve without pausing (kinda similar to chasing trevs) brought the strikes. I also switch to ultra-fine mono (6lbs platypus) when chasing whiting instead of fluoro, the lure action just seems better and they're not dirty fighters like breams.

Finally, my current top water goto lure is the Atomic K9. Last session I caught a few pikes, three nice breams, one whiting, and one small trev all on the same lure! ;D

20-01-2012, 10:40 PM
Sometimes when they are there you need to try different lures to find the one for the day.
Sammy 65 in the clear colour, sugarpen in the prawn colour, stiffy in FRP, and the origional pop R all have worked well for me and I prefer walk the dog lures for the bigger whiting.