View Full Version : Brighton area

07-01-2012, 05:50 PM
Well I tried to walk to Bald Hills creek mouth from Brighton at low tide and I guess I could have if I wanted to lose my flip flops in probably shin deep mud. I had a few flicks at various spots off the bank as I walked back and finally in one spot I caught a 45cm flathead followed by a 30cm on the next cast and then nothing. The one in the pic is dinner. 8lb vanish leader on 10lb powerpro 1/6th 1/0 jighead and a 4" Minnow in Punk Prawn. Quite a few people fishing up on the flats near the old bridge. The SES were doing some exercise when I was heading along the bank. It was a bit windy so I only lasted an hour or so.

Second time I have used my new setup and the first time from land. Mexican fire raider 2 762 and fj 3000. I am loving the setup. Initially I was unsure of the rod as it is so long and whippy but not anymore. I am practicing casting one handed but the wind wasn't helping.

07-01-2012, 05:53 PM
mexican rods are the ducks nuts in my opinion - great value for money,good job on the flatty,try a 1/4-3/0 hook,or a 3/8 -3-0 hook weight if the tides pushin,you should catch a few more.

07-01-2012, 06:56 PM
I have caught plenty of lizards up that stretch when I was boatless. Seems back then, I caught more fish than I do now...

07-01-2012, 08:24 PM
I am keen to hit it up at dawn sometime. Mosquito repellant is now in the fishing backpack :) And I will try a heavier jig head as recommended here and by the bloke that took me out in his tinny the other week.

Oh yeah there was a crab pot that looked like the rope had been freshly cut and it was dumped on the bank. I couldn't see anything wrong with it and unless someone else took it than it should be there still. It looked pretty new with no tags.

07-01-2012, 09:03 PM
I used to fish light up there, 3" drop shot minnow with a 1/8oz jig head, 1/0 or bigger hook. 10lb flurocarbon leader. Does not really matter what colour you use with flathead, put a lure in front of them of any description and they will take it. Flathead a pretty lazy during daylight hours. Always cast foward in the direction you are walking, cause the flathead spook pretty easy.

07-01-2012, 09:29 PM
I am still not sure about this heavy leader business. I have 12, 8, and 4lb. Fishing 8lb this arvo and I got a snag and there was no way anything was going to give until eventually I dragged the 4 foot stick out from the bottom. (I was about to go wading)Experience will teach me I guess but so many posts say to fish as light as you can and maybe today I could have fished a heavier jighead to cast further but the fish took the plastic a few meters from the bank and as I mentioned the leader was more than heavier enough to make me think to go lighter. I will probably go out again tomorrow arvo. I would go at dawn but I am sure I will still have a small BAC. But yeah I guess they are flathead and will gobble whatever off of whatever.