View Full Version : a accessory shop

03-01-2012, 11:34 AM
Is there a good accessory outlet, north Bris and redcliffe area. BCF have not what I'm looking for, but USA have a lot of good things like fittings. I'm a new body to the game and just what to check some gear by look and touch.
thanks, Laz.


04-01-2012, 10:09 AM
Not really mate, what are you looking at? There hasn't really been a huge amount of dedicated kayak fishing accesories until the last year or which has seen the US market start booming with things that most people just made for themselves in the past. Might pay to head to spots where yakkers are common like Scarby and bail up some of the guys with well set up yaks as they come in to get a good look at different setups.


04-01-2012, 06:49 PM
What sort of things are you thinking of adding to your yak?

05-01-2012, 07:52 PM
yea I'm in talks with yak-attack US right now . and yea Jack just checking things out you know, seen all this on you tube , and can realy go overboard I guess . just from eskies to extra handles to spares. how they attach bits and so on I like those side rigs too. But first have to get used to mine and fishing and loading the bloody thing thats a job on its own.


05-01-2012, 10:19 PM
The KISS principle works best for kayak fishing because you are very limited on room and things can and do get in the way very easily when everything is within reach. I have gone away from the crate idea and settled on a large cooler bag for the fish, and a medium sized soft tackle bag. I can fit ample gear into the tackle bag for any fishing session and not create as much weight as the loaded crate.
90% of the time i take a drogue instead of an anchor as I usually drift my fishing grounds.

06-01-2012, 09:03 AM
See thats good for me to know as I was wanting to keep whiting in a slurry of ice, was going to sort a 21 ltr esky etc, the rest of fish can be let go etc. the drouge yea was wondering about that I thought it would be easier. i'll maily try out in the pine river before expanding to other places. the tackle well was only taken a few selected lures and mainly blood worms. KISS principal is that not to take to much sh** with ya. At present looking for extra handles to lift the kayak not ballanced right for one person. Thanks, Laz

06-01-2012, 03:34 PM

these guys seem to be well stocked

06-01-2012, 04:21 PM
many thanks mookandlumpy,thats the place hey there web site lists all ya want very impressive.wish i had wrote in earlier would have been there december. I will be there Monday morning. Cheers Laz