View Full Version : Shimano v's Daiwa for surf casting.

02-01-2012, 02:24 PM
OK, well as the title says, I am looking to purchase a new surf casting rod.

I already have a cheap JW 12ft surf rod I use with my 6500 spin reel but at that lenght and the associated weight, it's just too much after 1/2 an hour of throwing slugs to be bothered carrying on.

I have checked out the Shimano Starlo Classix, 1062. It's a 10'6", 2piece 6-10kg rod, capable of casting up to 90gr weights. Cost here is $119.

The Daiwa is a Sea Jigger, T300, 10'6", 35-100gr casting and 12-20lb. Cost on thgis one is $270.

At over double the cost, would the Daiwa be worth the extra cost? I won't be fishing every weekend though.
Both rods are very similar in construction, the Daiwa had Fuji guides, the Shimano has Pacific Bay.
They are both very nice and light rods, much more suited to the job than the JW rod I have now.

Welcome your views and advice.

Prowl n Wolf
02-01-2012, 02:52 PM
just spent the week down at hat head nsw and took my wilson live fibre 12ft 2pce champion trophy i purchased from all round angler for $120. was a great to cast with matched with an alvey 6000bc. pretty much fished every morning for 3 or so hours. another surf rod brand to look at is the gary howard range. regards, tony.

02-01-2012, 04:51 PM
The Daiwa is in a totally different class. The smaller Shimano standard Starlo Stix are a pretty ordinary in quality. If the Daiwa is out of the question look at a Silstar Crystal Blue. I use a FSU 4120G for that sort of stuff and it works fine for me. The Gary Howard Phantom is another option as are the LiveFibres

04-01-2012, 01:30 AM
Thanks fellas.
I am after the style of rod the Daiwa/Shimano are as I find the longer 12ft surf style rods too much for me in long casting sessions. The 2 rods mentioned have the blank through the butt and are thinner blanks than the standard surf rod, which the JW I have is. whicdh is why I am looking at the shorter rods. Both actually feel great in the hand with a reel and are relativly light by comparison.

Although more expensive the Daiwa is my first choice and has been in my sights for a few weeks now. Start work next week so I will put some $$ for it as one online dealer have it for a good price. Better than any local price and that is including delivery.{sorry:(}

04-01-2012, 05:58 AM
I'd second the 10' GH phantom, well worth a look IMHO and shouldn't be too hard to find an example to check out.