View Full Version : Mud Island Tomrrow

Captain Loops
28-12-2011, 06:53 PM
What's everyone reckon about heading to mud tomorrow early? Too much wind and chop?

28-12-2011, 07:02 PM
Predicting anything from 10 to 25kts southerlies.
Unless you've got something 5m and above, i wouldnt stick my nose out there.

28-12-2011, 07:51 PM
Predicting anything from 10 to 25kts southerlies.
Unless you've got something 5m and above, i wouldnt stick my nose out there.

Very sound advice!


Captain Loops
28-12-2011, 07:53 PM
Yep. Saw the prediction. I am hoping for some miracle weather change. The good days are few and far between at the moment, and my 4.4 metre Stessl Striker give my arse a good pounding in the chop.

28-12-2011, 07:59 PM
I was out in it today, on duty. It was very ordinary. Who needs a feed of fish that bad???????????????????????

Captain Loops
28-12-2011, 08:06 PM
I know mike. Thing is I haven't dropped in for about a month, and I am over fishing the rivers in Brisbane. Plus there is a shit load of weed at Donnybrook at the moment. I missed a good opportunity on Tuesday just gone. Looks like the wind is here to stay into the new year. Acid.

wave dancer
28-12-2011, 08:17 PM
I couldnt agree more Marlin_Mike, i was out late this afternoon in my cat only because we were waiting for some sloppy weather to test a few things. I couldn't believe some of the boats that were heading out as we were heading in, not to mention with kids on board.

Captain Loops
28-12-2011, 08:27 PM
Agree Dancer,

Last time I was out there, I was there from about 0400 - 1200. At lunchtime it started to pick up, and was get pretty lumpy and there was a tinnie (probably about 3.9 metre) with 4 pax and one of them was a kid about 6. Unbelievable.