View Full Version : Springwood marine problems
shy guys
11-12-2011, 02:48 PM
Just had my suzuki df140 serviced at springwood marine not happy, first thing go pick up boat they lost my warenty book give me a empty one with no details in it then they just stamp they done all the services but dont fill anything else out they told me would only cost $370so get the cash out get there and they say its $420 ok so pay by card aswell, then get home look under the cowl oil level is about 5 cms over full and the fuel water seperator was not changed or even drained even tho i paid for it to be changed and is on the recipt this is only my experience has any one else had any problems. can anyone sugest someone who is authorised suzuki to service my outboard that is good cheers fellow ausfishers
wind rider
11-12-2011, 02:52 PM
talk to spanid king ( g d marine ) very good service mobile came to my house done a great job.
wind rider
11-12-2011, 02:55 PM
Gd Marine services PTY LTD (
Gd Marine services PTY LTD
Mobile Outboard Service and Repair
Spaniard_King (
found link
11-12-2011, 03:14 PM
as above x 3
just keep an eye on him but.... keeps slipping in those honda parts
11-12-2011, 05:09 PM
Next service is a while off and plenty of time to sort out with Gary.
I would be more filthy about the one just done and looking for some sort of satisfactory result outcome.
Never minded paying premium dollar for the right goods or services but by sounds of it you did not get even that.
11-12-2011, 05:17 PM
Whitewater marine (zuke dealer)will come to you as well, extra $60, fixed cost, done my zukes for a few years now, no problems, expensive for 1motor
shy guys
11-12-2011, 05:45 PM
cheers guys like said above i dont mind paying top dollar as long as the job gets done right as for call out of $60 thats not a bad price considering how much time you loose plus fuel towing the boat hooking it up ect.
11-12-2011, 05:58 PM
Speak with your feet, and never go back.
outta line
11-12-2011, 07:50 PM
whitewater marine did my last service on my 200hp suzuki/johnson they showed me all the old parts that had been replaced and changed my ECM under factory recall.I am 5hrs off another service and will be going back to them.
Jarrah Jack
11-12-2011, 08:17 PM
Well done for warning others. I've been looking at a boat for sale there, I won't bother with that one now.
11-12-2011, 08:33 PM
I just cant get over $420 for the service. I do my motors myself (2x F150 Yams) and just did a service and replaced the trim tab anodes. All up for both motors, anodes, oil (engines and gearboxes) and filters (including water separators) cost me much less than that. Took 1 1/2 hrs to do, and I had a stubby in the middle.
I have a tech that checks my motors every 250 hrs, he is yet to touch them with anything more than I do. They have 1000 hrs on them now. No problems at all with either of them. At $420 a motor for a bodgy oil change and no filter change, I must be in the wrong game....... learn to do it yourself
11-12-2011, 08:38 PM
Jon eadie is the guy for suzuki and he is mobile 0407 738 731
11-12-2011, 10:37 PM
A very good friend bought a boat there and had major problems and warned me. I just had my motor serviced by Stones Cnr Marine and they gave a printout of everything done and included a bag containing the changed parts.
12-12-2011, 06:30 AM
For what it is worth, I bought my boat (4 stroke Merc) new at Springwood Marine ten years ago and had it serviced there every year for the first six or seven years without any problems at all. They even did the odd freebie for me - like belting out the ding in a bent prop.
None of this is to infer that I ever thought that their servicing was cheap but since most of my fishing has been alone at night on the Bay and as I swim like a wind tunnel tuned lead sinker, I never worried about the cost because it always seemed to me that the advice and recommendations made to me about servicing were genuinely in my best interests. Who wants a mechanical problem of any sort when out on Moreton Bay in lumpy weather at night?
In recent years, they have come under a corporate umbrella and I guess that they now have to endure all that financial controllers will lean on them for - like meeting stretch revenue targets - so don't expect them to be cheap but I am guessing that their own customer focussed corporate culture would not have changed that much during that time.
I now get my boat serviced at Wondall Road Marine because it is closer to me and the recommendations about that Merc dealer on Ausfish have been very good and the servicing has lived up to the testimonials. However, I never perceive that they are any cheaper than Springwood Marine nor would I expect them to be. Businesses have to pay lots of overheads, including keeping their mechanics trained.
Before you abandon Springwood Marine, perhaps you should give them a chance to redeem themselves. Write them a letter - to the parent company if you like - stating your grievances. I have always found that a polite complaint letter works miracles in most cases.
I have no affiliation with them but was always happy with their servicing when I was a customer of theirs.
12-12-2011, 06:47 AM
hi 20ran, i can understand your pain, but have you taken your issues to their service manager and discussed them before posting this thread on here? they've been around for a long time and you don't get to do that by ripping people off on a daily basis.
shy guys
12-12-2011, 07:13 AM
thanks again guys i will not be going back there on principal id rather be out of pocket then go back there,i will be sending them a letter as stated above, im not saying you should not go to springwood marine just letting people know my experience with them. Im more than happy to service my motor myself but as it is still under warrenty ill let the dealers do it till it runs out
12-12-2011, 07:14 AM
they've been around for a long time and you don't get to do that by ripping people off on a daily basis.
I think that was what I was trying to say but you put it beautifully succinctly, Paddles. :-[
It is a very valid point.
12-12-2011, 07:26 AM
i will be sending them a letter as stated above,
That is very sensible, 20ran. As it stands, no one is winning out of this situation so far.
When you write your letter, try not to be beligerent because you will run the risk of getting them on the wrong foot in their response. Be polite, tell them your grievances and then - and this is very important - tell them what you want them to do that would make you happy with the outcome.
I was taught to write complaint letters in this way at university almost 40 years ago and the practice thereof has nearly always been very satisfactory in its results to me.
Likewise, in various roles in a large corporation, I handled a lot of complaints letters and I often found that the biggest problem was that I was unsure what outcome the complainant was really seeking. Not all complaints matters are the fault of the company but most companies will try hard to resolve issues to the satisfaction of the customer - if only they know what the customer is expecting by way of resolution. You need to tell them what you want.
12-12-2011, 10:13 AM
spot on charlie, good communications skills are the key to everything, go in guns blazing and with unreasonable demands and the shutters will quickly come down.
it's well documented that the written word can either lack tone or even worse, convey the wrong tone. i'd personally be dropping in to see the service manager to talk about your job, i think even do him the courtesy of a phone call to organise an appointment so you know for sure he will be available to talk to you. i'd find it very hard to believe that any reputable business, that's been in existence for many years, would not want to resolve a valid disagreement and keep their reputation intact.
unfortunately coming on here and attacking their reputation before making a serious attempt at trying to resolve things with springwood marine may not do you any favours, i'm actually surprised the moderators have left this thread up here on that basis alone.
12-12-2011, 11:04 AM
I understand where your coming from Charleville and Paddles and agree to a certain point, but why is it that the customer must consistently teach business owners the virtues of customer service? If a customer orders X and Y to be done, and only x is completed, then surely the business owners don't have to be members of Mensa to understand the customer won't be happy. Sure mistakes happen, but i bet a lot more wouldn't happen with a little bit of common sense shown by ALL business owners. In my opinion, a good gesture, and great customer service is as simple as a follow up call a few days after pick-up asking if everything was done to the owners satisfaction. Simple as in my book.
12-12-2011, 11:40 AM
hi paul, i absolutely agree with your comment regarding customer service, it's krap that any business should provide poor service or not live up to a customer's reasonable expectation. and agree, if a business was genuinely chasing some feedback then a call to confirm satisfaction is a great idea. but what we're talking about here is a little different.
i can't speak for charlie, but for me it's more about the "process". personally, i reckon if you have a grievance with a business or a service, then firstly take it up with that business, and if you then get no further satisfaction, by all means let everyone know about it. but don't come onto a forum and publicly attempt to put a business into disrepute without at least taking basic steps to resolve the issue and/or giving the business the opportunity to rectify the issue first.
12-12-2011, 11:59 AM
i can't speak for charlie, but for me it's more about the "process". personally, i reckon if you have a grievance with a business or a service, then firstly take it up with that business, and if you then get no further satisfaction, by all means let everyone know about it. but don't come onto a forum and publicly attempt to put a business into disrepute without at least taking basic steps to resolve the issue and/or giving the business the opportunity to rectify the issue first.
I am not so worried about disappointments being aired in an internet forum. I am just being a bit pragmatic.
In my aggressive youth, I used to go in with guns blazing and it did not get me what I wanted. Then someone taught me the subtleties of making a complaint without offending the other guy's pride.
We all make mistakes and when a business transaction involves multiple people such as say, the person making up the bill not being aware of a quoted price for what might be an entirely harmless reason of which I could think of scores, then it is not that the business is deliberately trying to defraud the customer. It is just a process mistake. Better to take the attitude of wanting to help the business be aware of their process mistakes so that they can improve their processes whilst at the same time claiming what you are rightfully due.
Just pragmatics.
Go in guns blazing and the next step is likely to be in a small claims court which wastes everyone's time.
Remember the adage that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. It took me years to learn that.
12-12-2011, 12:02 PM
You would think they would be more careful and NOT make stupid and lazy mistakes... small mistakes can turn into large problems down the track and don't forget, We all put a lot of trust in a company that does our services and if they make mistakes it can cost a lot more then money out on the water....
If I have problems after a service I take it back and get it fixed ASAP and let them know I am not happy, If I don't get treated right I take my business else where, can't see the point in being loyal if they don't offer a top service every time...
12-12-2011, 12:06 PM
I agree that giving them the right of remedying the situation first, before coming on here, would have been a better way of handling it.
I have used them for years and never had a problem, but acknowledge problems do occur with all businesses, particularly service related businesses. They are probably not the cheapest service guys in town as they have a large work shop with huge overheads unlike the mobile guys, but in my experience they are certainly not the most expensive and are always reliable, know their stuff and do good work - hence i keep going back. I have had issues with a couple of service providers that come highly recommended on Ausfish but gave them the opportunity to sort it out before posting negative comments and it always ended happily for both parties and no need to put it on the forums. You'll likely find that approaching Springwood Marine politely to report your grievances would likely result in them bending over backwards to sort everything out.
Just my 2 cents.
12-12-2011, 12:19 PM
i do tax for a bloke whose boat was stolen on a weekend whilst at an unnamed but apparently quite popular marine dealer. he wasn't real smart and his boat was uninsured (cost him $15000) and the dealer had no insurance against theft either. he is currently head down/bum up in legal action against the dealer for negligence. will cost him and the dealer a pretty penny win or lose. lawyers will be happier than a school of catfish sucking mud. yet a mate of mine is very happy with this dealer. i think you just go with what you want. it may have been simple mistakes rather than an intentional rip off in which case they would probably bend over backwards to make you happy. on top of that your file would probably be marked and you would receive premium service on every visit to ensure there was no repeat problems and they kept your patronage. on the other hand, if you feel it was just a rip off and you didn't like the service or the bloke you dealt with, by all means vote with your feet. i do agree tho that offering them the right of reply would be best. i would be very surprised if at the very least the extra $50 was refunded. gotta be worth a 50c stamp or a free e-mail for $50.
shy guys
12-12-2011, 01:08 PM
Advice taken guys, my only problem is i went back and all they could do about my lost warenty book is give me a new one with nothing filled in now my problen is as my motor is only a year old with remaining warenty left, now i have 30 days to send in my warenty detail to suzuki now i have no record at all from where the motor was purchced previous ownr details, this is why im angry, like stated above how does such a reputable compay make such a mistake then take no time to try to fix the problem, im a easy person to get along with and at no time did i raise my voice or nothing and it was the service manager that i was speaklng to sorry if i affended anybody with this post in no way did i mean to insult anybody just wanted people to know my experience.
12-12-2011, 01:30 PM
Hi There 20ran, i own Springwood Marine and i am also an Ausfish member, it disturbs me that you are not happy with your last service, please contact me so i can sort it out for you, we do try hard to look after our customers however at times someone stuffs up. I am more than happy to offer you your next service at no charge and perhaps we can show you that we do care.
Contact Gary on 07 3297 8200
12-12-2011, 01:34 PM
I uses Wondal Rd marine too for my opti and was very happy with them. I had to find a new place as my new boat has the Yamaha or I would still go there.
12-12-2011, 01:40 PM
and there you have it. well done gary.
12-12-2011, 01:44 PM
That is a fantastic offer from Gary, not many business owners would Publicly come out like that on a forum,
Hats off to you Gary, You must care a lot about your business. More Business owners could learn a lot from you.
Cheers Lee
Jarrah Jack
12-12-2011, 01:53 PM
Hi There 20ran, i own Springwood Marine and i am also an Ausfish member, it disturbs me that you are not happy with your last service, please contact me so i can sort it out for you, we do try hard to look after our customers however at times someone stuffs up. I am more than happy to offer you your next service at no charge and perhaps we can show you that we do care.
Contact Gary on 07 3297 8200
The boat is back on my short list. Thanks Gary for getting on here and clearing things up with 20ran.
PS I visited two dealerships today looking for the next boat. One is the most well established in Melbourne with staff everywhere. None of them bothered to say hi and were more interested in talking amongst themselves except for the lady doing the polishing.
The other newer dealership was the opposite with staff who were happy to acknowledge my presence, unfortunately they didn't have what I was after. I will never buy from the older dealership ever.
12-12-2011, 01:54 PM
Stuffups to occur - its nice if they dont, but its how its handled from there that counts. Well done Gary (whom I dont know) for coming out and addressing the issue.
12-12-2011, 02:03 PM
20ran and Katcaddy good on ya both for posting as people need to see both business and consumer side of things and hope you come up with a sensible agreed solution with a handshake.
Having been in business and dealing with the public it isn't all easy and from the other side of the fence we all see businesses that can do better. We never really comment too much on the customers or businesses that day in and day out provide suitable service or product.
From the family business side an old bloke taught me to make sure I spoke regularly to people who actually use our service and products ( the 90%) not just the ones raving about us or complaining about us ( the other 10%) . The feedback was essential for improving our business. Big step in learning what it was that met these customers expectations and what we could do to ensure we kept their business as there is only a few that ever rave or complain. The complaints were easy as they were either genuine , fake or a incorrect expectation of product or service. Most were resolves amically and swiftly and not allowed to fester or get legal. Like some posts above I have been on both ends of complaints all the way to the courts in a couple of cases that couldn't be resolved with common sense. Gotta say in all but the extreme cases it was rarely a $ issue and was more about principal , reputation when it goes that far. My staff knew I spoke regularly with a crossection of clients and suppliers and they knew that they were representing the company and I would get feedback and they knew for the average client I'd rather keep them long term and have a good reputation but also never a soft touch. It was always hard to keep staff that had great ethic and spirit like me as a business owner and represented that business 100% all the time
Was always happy in the end if a customer contacted me directly about staff, product or service so it could be resolved and to ensure it wasn't repeated but i am stunned as a customer with so many modern businesses that at every stage try to make this pathway hard.
Good on both you blokes - hope to hear all is sorted.
shy guys
12-12-2011, 02:29 PM
Thanks again to every one who replied, that is a very genarous offer from you gary this has restored my faith in humanity. rang springwood marine this avo and they are sending a mechanic out this avo to sort things out. again thanks alot gary
12-12-2011, 02:59 PM
and theres the bending over backwards part. and i reckon you will get exemplary service forever more. good result all round.
Reef Cruiser
12-12-2011, 05:53 PM
well done gary , it is good to see people still give good service ... you dont always see that ..more people should shop there
12-12-2011, 05:59 PM
As was said earlier, Jon Eadie is your man for Suzuki engines.
Fully factory certified, does Suzuki warranty and sales too. He's mobile (no extra charge) and also now has a shed at Cleveland, behind Bob Janes, if you prefer to leave the boat with him to service. Whenever any Suzuki dealers have a problem they cant fix, Haines send Jon over to sort it out. Enuf said!
He does all my servicing and many others on the southside,too
12-12-2011, 06:38 PM
If the main issue is the lost logbook and as genuine as the offer has been made, a free service won't resolve this issue. Stuff ups happen and on this occassion, losing the logbook is the stuff-up though it shouldn't be the end of the world. Its probably not the first nor will it be the last book to be lost at a workshop. The more serious issue of concern is that by stamping a blank warranty card without having witnessed or done the service, this is a deceitful practice at best and trust in the warranty system can quickly become eroded. It is a serious breach of trust; who would trust a logbook stamped by this company?
If they still cannot find the logbook after a decent search in the workshop and office areas, maybe the previous owner can provide the details of where the engine was purchased/serviced. They then could (hopefully) provide a verified copy. Or even better, maybe the details will already be recorded in the engine manufacturers system. Definitely sounds like a tightening up of the workshop processes is in order.
12-12-2011, 08:00 PM
If business owners backed themselves up like Gary has done here noone would be complaining about service.I could go on about another business mentioned here in this thread but what is the point.My business has gone elsewhere and yes i did have a talk to the owner of that business and somehow it was all my fault that the gearbox nuts came loose and the cowl cracked itself on the way home from picking it up.Did i say i wasn't going to go on.AHH WELL. Well done Springwood Marine.Jim
Floating Rib
12-12-2011, 09:41 PM
Sounds like a good resolution has been reached but as some guys mentioned its best to let the dealer know in a reasonable manner as the guy who runs the show may not be aware of the issue, i myself didnt buy my merc at Springwood but couldnt fault the price or communication when they did my first service, being a mechanical numpty i take it on faith that the job is done properley and its worrying that things get missed, we all pay a premium for the donks on our boats so a mechanics stuffup may have very expensive repercussions, good on Springwood for addressing the issue. Cant say the same for my 4x4 mechanic, loose oil filter lost almost half my oil on a trip from bris to sydney, pointed out and stressed the concern that this had happened, gave them another shot, guess what? same filter leaking even after reminding them again, these type of people dont deserve 3rd chances, point is hopefully Gary puts a rocket up his service manager and 20rans unfortunate experience has positive benefits for those like myself who will give them another go.
12-12-2011, 09:52 PM
Jon eadie is the guy for suzuki and he is mobile 0407 738 731
+1 this guy is good
13-12-2011, 09:09 AM
Could have been solved earlier by telling them how unhappy with service you were, rather than jumping straight on here, then if no resolution, slag off on here all day and give it to them
13-12-2011, 09:27 AM
Congratulations to Springwood Marine for this resolution. A good result all round.
13-12-2011, 10:30 AM
Could have been solved earlier by telling them how unhappy with service you were, rather than jumping straight on here, then if no resolution, slag off on here all day and give it to them
With respect he said he contacted the service manager and didn't get a suitable resolution. Fair crack of the whip.
Being in business and also a consumer I see both sides. Only the 2 parties know the truth and so much depends on the tone and intent of how things were discussed. I've had burly blokes come swearing and carrying on trying to throw their weight around and resolved stuff once facts were on the table and other just don't have time or energy to go up the staff chain to get someone to lsten. No one knows if it is a grumpy client or service manager and we are all crap at communicating about what we want or will do at times.
I think it is commendable that the business and the client are resolving this and not out to damage each other. They both short circuited the issue
Customer posted it here has he ran out of simple options.
Business owner responded promptly to teh immediate issue.
They are both talking and I don't think there will be any malice in the future. Both will probably change their behaviour for next time. Business owner will make sure there is a better process in the service dept if there was mistakes and ensure there is a complaint mechinism to let clients talk to him before going to a mothers club or website and bitching about it.
The customer next time will probably see the benefit in persisting and wanting to speak with the principal of the business so it can be resolved on the day and not fester.
The business now has a client who at worst will use him again and won't be the disgruntled guy who tells all his mates for the next 10 years about that "crap marine place" etc etc and his wife who via the mothers club mafia means no one from school or church will use the place again. The old word of mouth is powerful and very hard for a business owner to combat now with the internet and all medium size businesses I know who rely on their reputation should be having a daily search set up like "media monitors" to ensure their business isn't crippled by competitors bad mouthing them etc etc. Business is a different world out there now with the internet and the inability for the public to qualify if something is true or false. Restruants are getting closed from false poor reviews if you get what I mean. It only takes a few bad words and the public won't risk their night out.
13-12-2011, 08:12 PM
Congratulations to Springwood Marine for this resolution. A good result all round.
How is it a good result? Offering a free service only closes part of their very poor service; the OP made it clear that the missing logbook and dodgy stamping was a serious issue and concern on his 1 year old engine. Until the logbook has been found or Springwood have proposed a legitimate workaround which the OP is happy with, the issue is far from resolved.
If he has got it wrong with Springwoods intentions with the warranty card, maybe the OP will let us know or inform us of how it was resolved.
13-12-2011, 09:29 PM
How is it a good result? Offering a free service only closes part of their very poor service; the OP made it clear that the missing logbook and dodgy stamping was a serious issue and concern on his 1 year old engine. Until the logbook has been found or Springwood have proposed a legitimate workaround which the OP is happy with, the issue is far from resolved.
If he has got it wrong with Springwoods intentions with the warranty card, maybe the OP will let us know or inform us of how it was resolved.
I tend to agree with this perspective.
14-12-2011, 04:33 AM
How is it a good result? Offering a free service only closes part of their very poor service;
May I be the first to congratulate you on the obviously faultless, annual reviews that you receive from your boss each year for never making a mistake in your job and never yielding in any way to the vagaries of variability in human performance that the rest of us are so plagued by.
The fact of life is that, apart from you, we all make mistakes in our jobs. Some are little - like getting to work a few minutes late because the bus was stuck in traffic - and some are big - like some boofhead's deciding that invading Iraq would be a good idea. We all make mistakes. Except you, of course.
So, if someone does make a mistake in carrying out a service to a customer, what should we expect in compensation? At law, the best that you can hope for is a remedy that will put things back as they should have been. Nothing more that that. Talk to any lawyer about the law of torts and that is what he will tell you.
I reiterate that the complainant would not get any more from a court ruling than restitution - and that would take a long time to achieve and the complainant's stress levels would be on an uphill slope all the time leading up to, and during, the court hearing.
Accordingly, in my humble view as someone who is not so personally insecure that I cannot admit making the odd mistake at work over the years, that the guy from Springwood Marine has acted so quickly and resolutely in not only making good on the original transaction but also offering what is tantamount to a 100% compensation in kind above and beyond what he legally would be required to do, makes the behaviour by Springwood Marine in attempting to correct their own fault and appeasing an obviously angry, aggrieved customer to the extent that he is now saying "this has restored my faith in humanity", a very good company to deal with and one that deserves accolades for their response to this issue at a management level.
However you, as the legitimate wearer of the king's new set of clothes, might have other views.
Once again, congratulations on your perfect score in your annual performance review.
14-12-2011, 07:14 AM
i think i need someone to enlighten me as to the hoo-ha over log books. if the motor is only a year old i would expect that proof of purchase would be easy to obtain. i cant imagine a motor of that size would be purchased with cash. so, if a receipt or bank statement can be produced and a dealership stamp a year later shows proof of service - where is the problem??????
business class
14-12-2011, 09:02 AM
May I be the first to congratulate you on the obviously, faultless, annual reviews that you receive from your boss each year for never making a mistake in your job and never yielding in any way to the vagaries of variability in human performance that the rest of us are so plagued by.
The fact of life is that, apart from you, we all make mistakes in our jobs. Some are little - like getting to work a few minutes late because the bus was stuck in traffic - and some are big - like some boofhead's deciding that invading Iraq would be a good idea. We all make mistakes. Except you, of course.
So, if someone does make a mistake in carrying out a service to a customer, what should we expect in compensation? At law, the best that you can hope for is a remedy that will put things back as they should have been. Nothing more that that. Talk to any lawyer about the law of torts and that is what he will tell you.
I reiterate that the complainant would not get any more from a court ruling than restitution - and that would take a long time to achieve and the complainant's stress levels would be on an uphill slope all the time leading up to, and during, the court hearing.
Accordingly, in my humble view as someone who is not so personally insecure that I cannot admit making the odd mistake at work over the years, that the guy from Springwood Marine has acted so quickly and resolutely in not only making good on the original transaction but also offering what is tantamount to a 100% compensation in kind above and beyond what he legally would be required to do, makes the behaviour by Springwood Marine in attempting to correct their own fault and appeasing an obviously angry, aggrieved customer to the extent that he is now saying "this has restored my faith in humanity", a very good company to deal with and one that deserves accolades for their response to this issue at a management level.
However you, as the legitimate wearer of the king's new set of clothes, might have other views.
Once again, congratulations on your perfect score in your annual performance review.
Couldnt agree more well said mate.
business class
14-12-2011, 10:02 AM
At the end of the Day GARRY has done alot more then what anyone else would of done. It is also a MISTAKE or a stuff up and who doesnt make em. They can just write on the book then stamp it as of that date and that would make me as a buyer happy, and to be honest who cares about a warranty booklet as you have an ECU so plug it into a laptop and you can see exactly what the engine has done through every rev range. IMO springwood marine has done a great job to fix there mistake.
14-12-2011, 10:31 AM
they told me would only cost $370so get the cash out get there and they say its $420 ok so pay by card aswell,
get home look under the cowl oil level is about 5 cms over full
the fuel water seperator was not changed or even drained even tho i paid for it to be changed and is on the recipt
I would be more concerned about these issues than a missing log book.
What was the reasoning with the price increase? Did they find other work required during the service? Did they inform you before it was carried out? Or just a communication error with the service guys?
How much extra oil is in there to make it 5cm over? A small amount is no worry but overfilling some engines can cause more drama than underfilling.
What else wasn't done that they charged you for? (sounds like Toyota advantage services ;))
Good to see the owner on here trying to rectify it but put yourself in Op's shoes.. I wouldn't be happy either. Yes, we all make mistakes but 3 in one service?
20ran - Did the service guy come and sort it all out? Are you a satisfied customer?
I would be more concerned about these issues than a missing log book.
Good to see the owner on here trying to rectify it but put yourself in Op's shoes.. I wouldn't be happy either. Yes, we all make mistakes but 3 in one service?
Completely Agree with all you said. I love how people just casually write off poor workmanship or service to 'yeah sorry made a mistake'.
lost warrenty book
over filling cowl
charged for fuel/water seperator that was not replaced.
I would regard that as poor service. Its only when it went public that rectification was offered. Lets not get carried away and lose sight of what was supposed to done in the first place.
14-12-2011, 04:24 PM
May I be the first to congratulate you on the obviously faultless, annual reviews that you receive from your boss each year for never making a mistake in your job and never yielding in any way to the vagaries of variability in human performance that the rest of us are so plagued by.
The fact of life is that, apart from you, we all make mistakes in our jobs. Some are little - like getting to work a few minutes late because the bus was stuck in traffic - and some are big - like some boofhead's deciding that invading Iraq would be a good idea. We all make mistakes. Except you, of course.
So, if someone does make a mistake in carrying out a service to a customer, what should we expect in compensation? At law, the best that you can hope for is a remedy that will put things back as they should have been. Nothing more that that. Talk to any lawyer about the law of torts and that is what he will tell you.
I reiterate that the complainant would not get any more from a court ruling than restitution - and that would take a long time to achieve and the complainant's stress levels would be on an uphill slope all the time leading up to, and during, the court hearing.
Accordingly, in my humble view as someone who is not so personally insecure that I cannot admit making the odd mistake at work over the years, that the guy from Springwood Marine has acted so quickly and resolutely in not only making good on the original transaction but also offering what is tantamount to a 100% compensation in kind above and beyond what he legally would be required to do, makes the behaviour by Springwood Marine in attempting to correct their own fault and appeasing an obviously angry, aggrieved customer to the extent that he is now saying "this has restored my faith in humanity", a very good company to deal with and one that deserves accolades for their response to this issue at a management level.
However you, as the legitimate wearer of the king's new set of clothes, might have other views.
Once again, congratulations on your perfect score in your annual performance review.
I won't respond to your personal comments towards me; suffice to say they are well wide of the mark and unjustified.
I was going to go into some other aspects of that diatribe but I won't put myself out further. Its sufficient to say that I expected better of an authorised main dealer than to send out a half arsed job and then to cover up the poor organisation by stamping the warranty book when not having witnessed, conducted or having supporting documentation to show the work has been done.
14-12-2011, 05:59 PM
I`m not Familiar with Costs and Replacements of parts but I went to springwood marine for a fuel filter to be taken out and a new fuel line to be put in. $135 Then I got a service which was $180 Inc Parts. Come up to about $400. Is that a Good price?
14-12-2011, 09:56 PM
Numbers don't sound stupid silly depending on what boat but unless you have a breakdown of parts and labour and size of motor , what service it is a "how long is a piece of string". Sorry not to be too much help. The key question is that the job was done professionally , completely and with parts as described.
If you need work done always ask for a quote on parts and labor and to be called if something else is needed they didn't quote for. Ask the labour rate and any extra rates like oil disposals etc etc. If you understand nothing ask them to run through it so you feel comfortable. When the job is done spend 2 minutes with the bag of parts and run through what was done. Good dealers will have no problem with these questions and you learn a bit as time goes on. The 2 minutes with eth service guys will probably point you to other thing that will need attention in teh near future be it your trailer , steering etc etc. You can price most parts approximately off the net to get a rough idea .
14-12-2011, 10:32 PM
Common sense is the winner here and I can not believe how many posts have been done after it was all sorted.Obvoiusly this is a forum but come on guys go and retie some leaders,respool some reels,fix that rod guide that has been giving you the s**ts instead of adding to the forum.Oops i must be a hypocrite by posting this but I am pleased that all parties have come to a resolution.
14-12-2011, 10:55 PM
hey guys,
i stopped reading after a while, this is wrong, we are dealing with humans here and you are telling me that no one has ever made a mistake give me break, let me know what every bodies business is and over a period of time I bet we all stuffed up at once. I think it is a fantastic offer from Gary to do your next service FOC. I understand these things happen and is not great, but hey i dont see people saying we are looked after by the banks HA HA. It wasnt good but I respect a man that tries to rectify the problem.
Thats my say any way
Thanks again to every one who replied, that is a very genarous offer from you gary this has restored my faith in humanity. rang springwood marine this avo and they are sending a mechanic out this avo to sort things out. again thanks alot gary
So what happened 20ran or Springwood?
thats the pot calling the kettle black .
tell us how you would of handled it ,as all your un happy customers seem to end up with you in court.
I am astonished David at the slanderous and libelous way in which you conduct yourself. I have never been anywhere near a court with any of my customers. You really need to stop your lies. You are a foolish man to publicly attack another with lies.
15-12-2011, 09:37 AM
thats the pot calling the kettle black .
tell us how you would of handled it ,as all your un happy customers seem to end up with you in court.
( Could please advise me , via pm , of the names or specific instances of the court details you refer to ? 2 days to reply. LP )
15-12-2011, 10:05 AM
i just would like to know did springwood marine found the book ??
24-04-2012, 10:36 PM
Hi There 20ran, i own Springwood Marine and i am also an Ausfish member, it disturbs me that you are not happy with your last service, please contact me so i can sort it out for you, we do try hard to look after our customers however at times someone stuffs up. I am more than happy to offer you your next service at no charge and perhaps we can show you that we do care.
Contact Gary on 07 3297 8200
There you go, I knew I didnt imagine seeing this offer in writing.
25-04-2012, 08:06 AM
Sometimes I wonder whether there are grown adults on this forum or is it just kids & politicians playing games? :-?
25-04-2012, 08:11 AM
Yep little skipper that's why a number of people i know don't use or take notice of opinions/information given on the forum as much as they used to, some of the content is just plain childish.
25-04-2012, 08:13 AM
Yep little skipper that's why a number of people i know don't use or take notice of opinions/information given on the forum as much as they used to, some of the content is just plain childish.
Agree Paddles....Agree!
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