View Full Version : Victoria boaties hit!!

07-12-2011, 08:29 PM
Some steep increases....how do they compare to other States? I imagine poor!!



07-12-2011, 08:32 PM
The cost of obtaining a boating licence is also set to surge from $54.40 to $643

Why such an increase? Would this be likely to happen in QLD?

07-12-2011, 08:56 PM
Why such an increase? Would this be likely to happen in QLD?

If Anna gets back in it will be highly likely.

Mike Delisser
07-12-2011, 09:22 PM
If Anna gets back in it will be highly likely.

Except the Lib-Nat Coalition gained power in Victoria about 12 months ago, WA boaties and anglers also received the largest fee increases in their history around 12 months after they elected the Barnett Lib-Nat Coalition Government over there. In both cases prior to the state elections the Lib-Nat Coalition went after the fishermans vote and promised to look after them if they got in........sound familiar?
Katter is looking better and better every day to me.

07-12-2011, 09:46 PM
Apparently Fisho's will never be worse off under conservative governments.

Oh well better get ready for Nick Griener's puppet bumbling Barry to follow suit down here in NSW.

Given a QLD state election is loomimg it may pay to ask Mark MP for some sort of clarification on his party's position on such fees.

08-12-2011, 07:25 AM
Any increase in penalties help to get rid of the ratbag element off the water and will make us all more safety conscious and can only help save lives.
The present licensing system in QLD is a joke pay your money and dont go to sleep during the lectures and you are practically guaranteed a license.
Wonder if anyone has ever been knocked back on a license?

08-12-2011, 07:50 AM
I love this bit.....

The department said the higher fees were needed to curb a surge in boating injuries.
While the department's analysis found boating deaths had declined in the past decade, injuries had surged.
The BIAV dismissed the department's injury analysis, citing a 2009-10 Monash University Injury Research Institute (http://www.monash.edu.au/miri/research/research-areas/transport-safety/) report that found boating injury rates were lower than injury rates for dancing and golf.
Country Alliance spokesman Neil Jenkins said the Government's argument was flawed.
"It seems to be the case of an expensive solution looking for a problem," Mr Jenkins said.
A BIAV analysis found the department had included many cases of non-boating injuries in its safety analysis, including one case of a body-boarder being swept out to sea.
One of the key reports cited by the department to back its case stated: "Activities covered by this report include recreational boating, water skiing, PWC (or jet ski) riding, rowing, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, rafting and kite surfing.
Scuba diving and snorkelling were included as it is not known whether boats were involved in the activity."

What a crock of crap. The study has been done and boating is safer then been a pedestrian.

It's a money making racket. Nothing else.
If they're fairdinkum about peoples safety why don't they fix the bloody roads, Police the road rules (read the statistics in that report) and put a curb on crime.
I saw on telly just last night....a girl blowing over 0.8 getting a $700 fine and disqualified for 12 months.
What's the penalty a person would get if they've been convicted of drink driving 3 times??
Compare that to someone setting up a camp without authority and copping a $122 fine or the violet offender who left a vehicle standing (boating rules??) who copped a $122 fine as well

In that second link there is a list of offences and penalties. Isn't the 6kt rule for 30 metres (not 50m) from a moored vessel or shore or person in the water??
leave or failure to store fishing equipment.....what does that mean??? What ever it is it'll cop $122 fine

08-12-2011, 08:30 AM
Thats the beauty of statistics in the hands of public servants with an agenda...why bother using them as intended when its far more convenient to decide what you want first, then massage them so they support it.

08-12-2011, 08:53 AM
The present licensing system in QLD is a joke pay your money and dont go to sleep during the lectures and you are practically guaranteed a license.
Wonder if anyone has ever been knocked back on a license?

gotta disagree with ya ray. reckon you could fall asleep and still pass. i remember when i did mine that you get to mark your own test. wtf???? my mates wife figured she might as well get one too. knew next to nothing about boating and passed with flying colours. its a bad joke and the govt should be dragged over the coals every time a novice gets into trouble. look at the extra requirements for a drivers licence these days. at least in a road accident you have a likely chance of speedy assistance and a very unlikely chance of drowning. and as for bigger fines - bring em on. do the right thing and it dont matter how big it is. and if the increased licencing fees are due to increased hands on tuition during the process, so much the better.
my 2 cents.

08-12-2011, 09:19 AM
I'm betting NSW is in for a shake up soon, they've just combined the RTA with the MSB.
On the upside if they get photo boat licenses then most of the hairybacked jetskiers will disappear.

Jarrah Jack
08-12-2011, 09:42 AM
The Victorian increases are absurd. The liberals brought this in without saying anything in the run up to the election. They do it because they think they can get away with it and probably will.

Its just a straight out tax grab and as already suggested other states treasury departments will be taking note.

08-12-2011, 09:45 AM
"an annual $30.60 renewal fee"

Can I operate a boat in Victoria with my Queensland boat licence? It is my understanding that I can..... with no annual renewal fee.....

Victorian boaties are copping it up the @$%^ already from local councils are their "ramp fees"

08-12-2011, 10:19 AM
Australia’s current crop of crap…ops I mean politicians both state and federal have lost sight of the very people they are meant to, sworn to serve. Yet they lie through their teeth while in secret dark places where they do deals with the communist party i.e. greens. These very low life’s will do and say anything to win government then screw the very people they asked to vote for them, seems nuts to me but it happens every election. Yet come the next election they will do it all again and the sheeple will forget the last election when we all got screwed/lied to. Newman will do the same I have no doubt about it. Anna Bligh will crap on and screw us as she has done for years then retire on the very money she robbed from us. I was under the impression/ delusion that leaders are to inspire and lead but as I said I was delusional. These vipers will stop at nothing to stay or win power even at the total expense of the nation or state. State and federal have utterly deflated Australians outlook on there own futures and caused much distress just so they can stay in power due to the back room deal done with there green masters. I have had enough of having my lifestyle taken away because some green politician who has never even visited the very areas they want close to all forms of fishing. Most all of these green nuts are from city electorates but they all have the answers to the worlds problems, crazy. Its going to get to a point where filling the boat up with fuel will be a thing of the past. Boat rego keeps going up and what do we see in return for that, bugger all.

Jarrah Jack
08-12-2011, 11:26 AM
I just did a check and it seems that license fees are only going up in line with the CPI. Fines don't matter as much because if you don't break the law you don't have to pay them. Time will tell I suppose.

08-12-2011, 11:39 AM
I love this bit.....

The department said the higher fees were needed to curb a surge in boating injuries.
While the department's analysis found boating deaths had declined in the past decade, injuries had surged.
The BIAV dismissed the department's injury analysis, citing a 2009-10 Monash University Injury Research Institute (http://www.monash.edu.au/miri/research/research-areas/transport-safety/) report that found boating injury rates were lower than injury rates for dancing and golf.
Country Alliance spokesman Neil Jenkins said the Government's argument was flawed.
"It seems to be the case of an expensive solution looking for a problem," Mr Jenkins said.
A BIAV analysis found the department had included many cases of non-boating injuries in its safety analysis, including one case of a body-boarder being swept out to sea.
One of the key reports cited by the department to back its case stated: "Activities covered by this report include recreational boating, water skiing, PWC (or jet ski) riding, rowing, canoeing, kayaking, sailing, rafting and kite surfing.
Scuba diving and snorkelling were included as it is not known whether boats were involved in the activity."

What a crock of crap. The study has been done and boating is safer then been a pedestrian.

It's a money making racket. Nothing else.
If they're fairdinkum about peoples safety why don't they fix the bloody roads, Police the road rules (read the statistics in that report) and put a curb on crime.
I saw on telly just last night....a girl blowing over 0.8 getting a $700 fine and disqualified for 12 months.
What's the penalty a person would get if they've been convicted of drink driving 3 times??
Compare that to someone setting up a camp without authority and copping a $122 fine or the violet offender who left a vehicle standing (boating rules??) who copped a $122 fine as well

In that second link there is a list of offences and penalties. Isn't the 6kt rule for 30 metres (not 50m) from a moored vessel or shore or person in the water??
leave or failure to store fishing equipment.....what does that mean??? What ever it is it'll cop $122 fine

Had a quick look... the study is from 2009 - 2003 however not published until 2005
Something has to pay for this complete waste of time management in the gov so why not hit the boaties etc. in essence is this report not meant to help us be safe... absolute load of crap.

I dont really care how big the fines are as i try to make sure that my boat has the required safety gear etc on board but putting up the prices of rego etc is nothing more than a cash grab... so much for being Australian when a bbq and ski down the local dam is now going to cost $1181.00 a year just to register your boat. (this is before insurance, fuel, and all other associated costs.) boating really is only for the rich.... It wont be long before all other states think its a great idea and get onboard...

ON-the-spot fines will rise by up to 316 per cent. So for all the business owners out there which one of you would survive if you inflated your prices by this much??

Rant over


08-12-2011, 12:00 PM
I just did a check and it seems that license fees are only going up in line with the CPI. Fines don't matter as much because if you don't break the law you don't have to pay them. Time will tell I suppose.
I think the biggest gripe people have is the reasoning behind the increases in fines.
If they just came out and said....we're broke so we're going to slug those who break the laws of the land.....and slug them hard probably wouldn't raise an eyebrow from the majority of people.

08-12-2011, 12:05 PM
Had a quick look... the study is from 2009 - 2003 however not published until 2005
Something has to pay for this complete waste of time management in the gov so why not hit the boaties etc. in essence is this report not meant to help us be safe... absolute load of crap.

I dont really care how big the fines are as i try to make sure that my boat has the required safety gear etc on board but putting up the prices of rego etc is nothing more than a cash grab... so much for being Australian when a bbq and ski down the local dam is now going to cost $1181.00 a year just to register your boat. (this is before insurance, fuel, and all other associated costs.) boating really is only for the rich.... It wont be long before all other states think its a great idea and get onboard...

ON-the-spot fines will rise by up to 316 per cent. So for all the business owners out there which one of you would survive if you inflated your prices by this much??

Rant over

Would suggest you have another read The price you quoted is the estimated cost of obtaining a boat plus ski license.
If additional hours knowledge will in future be required to obtain a license surely this will be better as a better class of driver will evolve as all the unskilled people are gradually weeded out.
These costs are miniscule compared to the costs of obtaining a motor vechicle lisence.
If the penalty costs of non compliance are sufficiently high this will make people think twice before breaking the regulations.
Pity they didnt increase the fine for speeding close to other craft to $600 odd bucks.

08-12-2011, 12:42 PM
Would suggest you have another read The price you quoted is the estimated cost of obtaining a boat plus ski license.
If additional hours knowledge will in future be required to obtain a license surely this will be better as a better class of driver will evolve as all the unskilled people are gradually weeded out.
These costs are miniscule compared to the costs of obtaining a motor vechicle lisence.
If the penalty costs of non compliance are sufficiently high this will make people think twice before breaking the regulations.
Pity they didnt increase the fine for speeding close to other craft to $600 odd bucks.

My mistake it is actually for just the licensing which still doesnt make it justifiable.
How much is the regos going up? And they will be going up.. Is the monies collected soley going into boating based training, new ramps etc. i also agree that speeding close to other craft should have a higher fine as well as no lights at night should incur a suspension of licence as this puts everyone on the water in danger. Especially the surfers that decide to swim across a bar during the early mornings before the sun is up in black swim suits. my biggest grip along with no lights on at night...


08-12-2011, 01:48 PM
Im not sure what its like in other states but here in nsw the licence is just a card with your name and numbers on it. and should be made to be a photo id or like in qld added onto the drivers licence. and since combining the two organisations here in nsw the fees should lower IF they combine the two one one licence.

Untill they tighten the licencing laws here in nsw, not much will change as i KNOW there are people that share a licence. and as far as getting the licence goes... well its not that hard. im proof of that :D

captain rednut
08-12-2011, 08:32 PM
That it the biggest load of s---t i have ever seen. you can kiss good bye to the boating industry with strict unfair unwarranted rules like that.
cheers cr

08-12-2011, 08:55 PM
That it the biggest load of s---t i have ever seen,TYPICAL LABOUR GOVERMENT. you can kiss good bye to the boating industry with strict unfair unwarranted rules like that.

cheers cr

Its a coalition govt in Vic

captain rednut
08-12-2011, 09:29 PM
maybe i should have said it reminds me of the labour goverment decisions?????

Jarrah Jack
08-12-2011, 09:32 PM
That it the biggest load of s---t i have ever seen. you can kiss good bye to the boating industry with strict unfair unwarranted rules like that.
cheers cr

As Steeler said Capt'n it is typical labor but its the coalition doing it this time. There's little difference when it come to money grabbing. Hikes everywhere with this new govt. Never mentioned at the election either.

08-12-2011, 10:03 PM
well weren't they going for the rec vote before their election, ....sort of a broken record again State or Federal,... fast forward to QLD and raises the question of no policy till elected etc....shifting sands

wouldnt it be nice to have less politicians who actually do what they say for a change,

08-12-2011, 10:13 PM
Just a shame pissing in ya pocket is not a criminal offence.

We would have a lot of pollies in the nick

08-12-2011, 10:40 PM
That bottomless pit of triple taxation on boaties.
Just to get to the ramp you need...3 registrations, 3 licences, 2 insurance, plus pay assorted fuel taxes, national park levies, gst on everything etc etc.
Of course...it only makes sense to triple the cost coz its just not sufficient.

08-12-2011, 11:10 PM
Well if every one down in the deep south blocked a port for awhile and showed there anger on this money grab then they might take notice.

09-12-2011, 04:59 AM
It's all a media beat up guys and nothing more. Yes there are new regs on the way with lots of changes and lots of things being addressed for the better.

Forget Government blaming as this began under another Government. The team at TSV that are undertaking these changes dont care which flag they are flying under. They aren't politicians, simply new policy generators.


Jarrah Jack
09-12-2011, 07:10 AM
Just a shame pissing in ya pocket is not a criminal offence.

We would have a lot of pollies in the nick

And very wet pockets.

09-12-2011, 05:00 PM
It's all a media beat up guys and nothing more. Yes there are new regs on the way with lots of changes and lots of things being addressed for the better.

Forget Government blaming as this began under another Government. The team at TSV that are undertaking these changes dont care which flag they are flying under. They aren't politicians, simply new policy generators.


Maybe it is a media beat-up but perhaps with good reason....the increases in fines is one thing (and I don't disagree with the safety related ones) but it is another matter entirely to see those steep increases in the licence fees. A more expensive licence won't bring about better boatmanship unless there is training as part of the fee. If anything, it means less cash in peoples pockets to pay for any necessary training.

Also, for those people who want training prior to being given a licence, it probably should be mandatory for those not having undertaken training as part of their current licence to have it as part of their license renewal. There is no way of knowing if they are competent irrespective of if they have been boating 1, 10 or 20 years. Its easy to shout for something when there isn't a price tag to be personally paid!!

09-12-2011, 05:28 PM
Go here and have a read:



09-12-2011, 07:35 PM
Go here and have a read:


I can't access the page of the link....but as I can get most other sites, I can only assume either the link is incorrect or the website is down temporarily. Maybe there is something more sinister afoot....lol I'll try it again later!!

09-12-2011, 07:54 PM
This is the text from the website link I posted. The site does seem busy or offline currently. Probably over-run with fishos reading it!


7th December 2011

A report in today's Weekly Times contains a number of inaccuracies and
misleading statements.

The Victorian Coalition Government is not making any changes to the cost of recreational boating licences, nor are we altering the testing procedures for obtaining a licence.

The report is based upon allegations first made in early September and they are just as false today as they were three months ago.

In August, the Department of Transport released an options paper canvassing a range of different scenarios that may be considered for future boat licence testing procedures including retaining the current system. The newspaper report has selectively focused on one particular proposal despite a previous statement clearly stating "there is no secret plan to change licencing requirements or fees..." (Statement from the Minister for Ports, 5 September 2011)

At the same time the department released a new set of draft Marine Safety regulations which were a requirement under the previous government's revised Marine Safety Act (2010).

The article has inaccurately stated there are 174 new regulations and 81 new offences. This is not true; the majority of regulations continue current laws. While there are a small number of new rules within the draft, there is also a small number of existing rules that will not continue - in fact, the overall number of offences is set to fall from 70 to 50.

Despite the best efforts of successive governments to educate boaters on the importance of wearing lifejackets, a percentage of boaters still flout these laws. Since wearing lifejackets became mandatory by law in 2005, drowning deaths have halved. The Coalition Government would like to see this trend continue, and to do so, persistent levels of non-compliance needs to be addressed.

Lifejackets save lives and we make no apology for increasing the penalties for failing to comply with this regulation and other important safety requirements.

These regulations are part of the Coalition Government's wide-ranging strategy to further improve marine safety. In recent weeks we have warded 65 separate grants to upgrade boating facilities across the state and provide important training and equipment for marine rescue rganisations. I also launched Transport Safety Victoria's summer boating afety campaign on Monday and the Coalition Government will continue to promote, encourage and support safe recreational boating.

It is deeply disappointing the Weekly Times has recycled these inaccuracies.