View Full Version : Offshore Bottom Bouncing Reel
28-11-2011, 07:27 PM
Fishing 30 to 100m depth I have been using overhead but find the level winding of braid at the end of a day has been pretty tough on hands - thumb mainly.
I have been using fingerless gloves with pretty good success.
I tried several different braids and now have gone to a level wind reel.
Last outing a mate brought along an Okuma Level Wind - nice size and robust looking outfit.
I looked for a while at suitable reels and have a Daiwa Saltist (not level wind) and there is a level wind model but seeing as the reel I bought on the forum was flogged out and I replaced all bearings and pinion gear with great difficulty (holing the housing at one bearing) after one use I am not so keen to get same model - you've put me off the Saltist Tim.
I would have liked to have gotten a Daiwa level wind Saltiga - but they don't make them.
So the set up now is Okuma TG 15L with Okuma V system VS501 JOHN 37kg rod filled with power pro braid - super fine smooth stuff. Set-up should be pretty good I recon.
It is a pretty hard to find reel but is about 230USD on fleabay and 350AUD in OZ if you can find it
Just wondering what you guys use for bottom bouncing for reef fish in the 50 to 100m deep stuff?
I have a few big eggbeater outfits but they are not suited to this depth and snapper leads etc. I can jig to this depth but bait fishing you get up to a couple of hundred metres of line out.
A mate uses the Daiwa electric and just laughs at me winding :)
28-11-2011, 07:47 PM
i have a tekota 700. very smooth and priced well from the states. not bad at all..
28-11-2011, 07:58 PM
Another vote from me for the Tekota, I have 2 x 800's. They are bullet-proof, very strong internals. Have just upgraded the already good std drags to carbontex, they will handle 50-80 lb braid easily.
28-11-2011, 08:08 PM
yeah mine have 80lb braid on them and used them at swains scull dragging descent fish up. really are great bang for buck.
Muddy Toes
28-11-2011, 08:11 PM
I'll also jump on the Tekota band wagon......i've got the 700 and it's become my go to trolling reel.But for bottom bashing i use a tyrnos 16.
28-11-2011, 09:22 PM
I think the braid you have been using is not up to scratch . You dont have this problem with high quality braids. A braid with an 8 ply weave is rounder and smoother to use.Daiwa sensor braid is my personal favourite for bottom bashing also Avani, Frog is cheaper and almost as good. I use these on accurate 870 2 speed ,torsa 30 .torsa 16.
Imo graham
28-11-2011, 10:08 PM
I'll also jump on the Tekota band wagon......i've got the 700 and it's become my go to trolling reel.But for bottom bashing i use a tyrnos 16.
i have 2 tyrnos aswell but i use them for trolling. there are alot of good overhead reels on the market these days. shimano have some great reels atm for value for dosh...
wave dancer
29-11-2011, 07:34 AM
I use a shimano tekota 700 on a shimano t-curve. Its spooled up with 50pld braid and i find it works a treat and havent had any problems with the reel so far. My new tyrnos 30 two speed arrived yesterday, cant wait to do some trolling and test it out. Most of my gear is shimano and i think their gear is a good price for the quality of there products. Some of their top end stuff is a bit out of the average workin mans range but their lower end scale i find good value. If you dont already, check out mo tackle, they are a online stores in coffs harbour. Great prices and top friendly service with well packaged deliveries.
Tim Hutchison
29-11-2011, 09:13 AM
I looked for a while at suitable reels and have a Daiwa Saltist (not level wind) and there is a level wind model but seeing as the reel I bought on the forum was flogged out and I replaced all bearings and pinion gear with great difficulty (holing the housing at one bearing) after one use I am not so keen to get same model - you've put me off the Saltist Tim.
I don't think the reel was flogged out you had a good look at it before you brought it, i told you it needed a drag upgrade and you have had it for over a year now you should have said something straight away and i would have taken it back if you thought that, do you think as you have replaced parts and still no good, that it is just one of the cheapest jigging reels you can buy.
29-11-2011, 09:59 AM
why exactly is an "eggbeater" not suitable for Snapper leads?? not trying to start a shit fight or refute what you said, just interested.
29-11-2011, 11:40 AM
Have a look at the PENN Fathom if you need a levelwind. Just another option.74098
29-11-2011, 11:58 AM
I use tha shimano "Charter Special" loaded with 50lb braid and find it suitable for all bottom bouncing applications. It is relatively cheap and has worked well for the past 3 years. Not sure if you need overly expensive reels for this type of fishing.
29-11-2011, 12:08 PM
I looked for a while at suitable reels and have a Daiwa Saltist (not level wind) and there is a level wind model but seeing as the reel I bought on the forum was flogged out and I replaced all bearings and pinion gear with great difficulty (holing the housing at one bearing) after one use I am not so keen to get same model - you've put me off the Saltist Tim.
I don't think the reel was flogged out you had a good look at it before you brought it, i told you it needed a drag upgrade and you have had it for over a year now you should have said something straight away and i would have taken it back if you thought that, do you think as you have replaced parts and still no good, that it is just one of the cheapest jigging reels you can buy.
Tim I have been fishing for 37 years I know flogged out - it works okay now with new bearings and a new pinion gear - but is a very difficult bearing replace.
I flogged out many a seascape in the dark old days spinning them to death - this reel had all the hallmarks of flogged out - the bearings were dry and worn and the pinion gear the same.
As i say it works okay for now with all new bearings and replaced pinion gear unlike the grating sound and stiff action it had after one outing.
I did not expect the bearings to be so difficult to replace and after damaging the reel to remove main bearing behind crank gear i could hardly ask for it to be taken back and I had already spent $100 on the bearing set.
As you say it is cheap and yes okay for the money.
I will get another year from it then most likely chuck it.
No hard feelings Tim - Yes it was flogged out.
The rod seems good.
I would have liked to have bought a Saltiga level wind but they don't make them.
29-11-2011, 12:14 PM
why exactly is an "eggbeater" not suitable for Snapper leads?? not trying to start a shit fight or refute what you said, just interested.
Hi Noel,
I use an eggbeater when there is little to no current and get to the bottom fine with out putting out too much line.
When drifting and trying to keep in contact with the bottom I can have up to 250m of 50lb braid off the reel as I did several times last trip out to Deep Tempest - hence i want a reel with capacity to maintain reel diameter when I start the retrieve to get reasonable retrieve rate.
jason p
29-11-2011, 01:36 PM
hey trev, i saw the tittle and thought u beuty trevs been on8-), but not this time::).
im using a tyrnos 30 running 30lb bionic braid and think its a fantastic real, smooth, reliable, cheap compared to others, has never let me down or have i ever thought that i needed an upgrade whilst using it. its not a leval wind and to be honest i wouldnt want one (more unnecessary moving parts). i fish deep water when i can and i only have to give the line a tap in the direction i want it to go. in saying that most of the time i dont realy worry about having it that leval until im finished for the day, and even then:-?. in the future i may get my self the smaller of the tyrnos reals and keep the 30 for trolling, it does get heavy when using 24oz of lead in 80m of water on the drift.
cheers jp
29-11-2011, 02:27 PM
hey trev, i saw the tittle and thought u beuty trevs been on8-), but not this time::).
im using a tyrnos 30 running 30lb bionic braid and think its a fantastic real, smooth, reliable, cheap compared to others, has never let me down or have i ever thought that i needed an upgrade whilst using it. its not a leval wind and to be honest i wouldnt want one (more unnecessary moving parts). i fish deep water when i can and i only have to give the line a tap in the direction i want it to go. in saying that most of the time i dont realy worry about having it that leval until im finished for the day, and even then:-?. in the future i may get my self the smaller of the tyrnos reals and keep the 30 for trolling, it does get heavy when using 24lb of lead in 80m of water on the drift.
cheers jp
You use 24lb of lead??!! Or do you mean 24 oz? Christ 11kg of lead in 80 meters of water would be no fun at all!
29-11-2011, 02:43 PM
aahhh, yup, 24lb of lead would be no fun at all, unless you had a winch! we drop line in very deep water (like 300M) nd dont use that much lead, so i would be thinking it is a misprint/typo.
jason p
29-11-2011, 02:50 PM
lol sorry fellas yep that would be oz not lb::). no wonder my arms are sore just thinking about it.:)
post has been edited
29-11-2011, 03:30 PM
Hi Jason, thanks for the light humour - welcome.
I started with 30lb line and lost too many fish to the bottom then went 40lb and got same result so now i am a 50 to 80lb convert - I just don't like losing that bigger fish I have been waiting all day for all the time.
I don't get out enough to be able to afford to lose them.
I am not against eggbeaters or centrepins wither if people believe they work for them - i would like to hear their thoughts. But for me personally I want greater than 50lb braid.
I have decades of experience fishing rock, beach and estuary but not much offshore experience for reef fish - so appreciate feedback and what works for others.
jason p
29-11-2011, 03:49 PM
forgot to mention i use 60lb on my egg beater and this is for floating baits down or livies
29-11-2011, 04:00 PM
Have a look at the 2 speed reels. Then you have the power for the bigger fish and a faster retrieve gear to wind up the 200m plus of line to re-bait.
The only reel I have with a level wind is a charter special that I give to the people I take out who don't do much fishing, very simple to use and punches above its price tag when it comes to getting the fish to the boat.
The only problems with the reel is the worm gear has to be cleaned and kept lubed or you get problems with it jamming and the retrieve gearing is rather low.
29-11-2011, 07:27 PM
I started the offshore bottom bouncing in traditional way by doing up some timber alvey centre pins - the 30lb outfit is great but not heavy enough, the 50lb outfit a pain the nylon is too stiff and I get loose loops flying off a spinning spool trying to kill me.
I went to braid and have a charter reel filled with 40lb braid which is okay but after a few trips started looking just a little bit tired - it is good for visitors. Just a bit small for deeper water too.
I have used the Saltist and it is okay and getting me by for now but as mentioned wear and tear after a day on hands I can do without. Yes better braid would help, but I recon this reel is past that and needs replacement.
The tyrnos seem very popular and 2 speed a definite plus.
The tekotas look to be great value for money especially if they last.
The Penn fathom - thanks for that - I have had several one piece graphite reels (and still have) but compared to a one piece alloy reel for heavier use I think alloy is the go.
The accurates don't have level wind but they look fantastic - so with good quality braid . . .may be top shelf fishing.
I understand level winds can become a hassle if not maintained but I am happy to maintain something if it works well and serves the purpose.
When out last trip alongside Jon with his electric reel showing we had 250m of line out in minutes to keep the bottom even if we had 24kg of lead - oh yeah that's right ounces - I need a reel with plenty of 50-80lb braid capacity so I have still something like 150m of line left on spool when 250m is in the deep blue.
I did get off LBGAddict on the ausfish forum sales three - Daiwa Sealine Tournament 20 two speed lever drag reels - absolutely fantastic trolling/live baiting reels but too heavy for bottom bouncing IMO.
I have found it okay recently drifting the deep blue as bites have been slow so not a ridiculous amount of retrieving and hardly any with a fish, but when it improves and the baits are up and down a heap I know I will appreciate a reel suited for it and I am not so soft (or rich) as to get a $1050 Daiwa electric - he does laugh at me winding my socks off for a re-bait from down deep, but when a fish is hooked the conventional reel seems to have it over the electric - he can manually wind but electric is just too convenient.
29-11-2011, 08:17 PM
The Penn fathom - thanks for that - I have had several one piece graphite reels (and still have) but compared to a one piece alloy reel for heavier use I think alloy is the go.
The PENN Fathoms are all alloy frame and sideplates.
I think the reel you highlighted would be perfect. If not you could go the Okuma Solterra Overhead SLR-50L, 18KG 0.80MM/360M. The tekotas would be a good choice too.
29-11-2011, 10:24 PM
I've completely gone away from overheads for this type of fishing, although we fish shallower than this. An overhead with the line on top of the rod wants to roll over due to the twisting forces involved which is especially noticeable the heavier the drag you apply. Jigging reels have narrower spools to counteract this plus you can spiral wrap the guides but I went spin for my 80lb set up and glad I did. I get no such twisting and notice it when I grab a rod in the boat that's an overhead.
You can get a large enough spinning reel that will hold enough PE 5 or 6 line to do the job you're after. Saragosa 18000 as an example. Most bottom fish will be lucky to take more than 20 metres of line with the amount of drag you can apply with that size line.
Anyway I happen to have a Tekota 700 that has had bugger all use if you want it.
30-11-2011, 05:08 AM
I have gone away from big heavy reels even when bottom bouncing in 120m or so. My go to outfit is a little Torium 16 with 65lb braid running over a T Curve 200. It feels like a baitcaster but punches well above its weight. Due to the narrow spool and the fact that it is light and does not twist in your hand I seldom have to guide the line. One of the Saltists would be fine in that role as well. If you are not jigging it would take a lot to kill one of them.
The Tekota would be a fine choice especially if fishing 80lb and wanting to keep your fingers away from the line as would a Penn Fathom. Either a Saragosa 18000 or a Fin-Nor Offshore in the larger sizes would not be concerned with 24oz of lead
30-11-2011, 05:16 AM
The Penn fathom - thanks for that - I have had several one piece graphite reels (and still have) but compared to a one piece alloy reel for heavier use I think alloy is the go.
The PENN Fathoms are all alloy frame and sideplates.
So it is - I just looked at the picture and did not read the text74124
Floating Rib
30-11-2011, 05:58 PM
Trevally, ive always used a Penn 6/0 High speed spooled with 50lb to rip stuff off the bottom i bought it new in 79 for $80 and still going strong with maintenance of course, recently added 2 Okuma Titus gold 15s(40lb braid) one high speed the other normal and they are fine for bottom bashing as well, personally dont mind spreading the line as it becomes automatic after a while. Fish a Penn 850ss in shallower water with 30lb braid, obviously not one of the new wonder reels but have also had this real for 21 years and is a solid bit of gear (just ordered a couple of Okuma Salinas so will be interested to try them in several roles) Im sure the newer level wind reels are fine compared to the first attempts many years ago, there was always a bit of a stigma with them ( daiwa sealines the culprit perhaps) when tangling with fast fish.
Floating Rib
02-12-2011, 08:30 AM
Hey Tevally, Horse mentioned the Fin Nor Offshore, have just done a bit of reading and the reviews seem pretty good for them, huge capacity up to 600m of 100lb braid(400m 25lb mono equivalent) and drag to match, a few reviews mentioned a little play in the drive but other than that all good apparently, in the states have them for a reasonable price($140-$180) or there are a few going on Ebay at the moment here in Aus, might even get one myself.
02-12-2011, 03:51 PM
I can vouch for the Tekotas durability, I've had mine for many years, got em when they first came out. Serviced for the first time the other day and the insides still were in great condition. I see an offer earlier from one of the guys for a 700, you should grab it!
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