View Full Version : Digging for Gold Nuggets Brisbane

28-11-2011, 01:34 PM
Had an Day off on friday so i decided to find some gold nuggets

Arrived at 7 am whyte island ramp with only a few trailers and showers. SHit. Looks like a bad day to go fishing.

Arrived at my fishing spot and in a matter of 5 minutes, landed this little guy. 4 Hours later and i only landed a few rat jews to 70cm.


Spot X does the job again, I might try spot Y next::)

These threadies taste much better then snappers::);D

28-11-2011, 06:31 PM
Not bad timbo, not quite as big as the one i got the other week though :P

You still using live rats for bait ??

cheers tim :)