View Full Version : Boat Checker Warana/ Caloundra Area

Jarrah Jack
27-11-2011, 05:14 PM
I'm looking at a glass boat in Warana and need a recommendation on someone to do a check for me. Mainly interested in the condition of the hull as the motor seems good.

Any ideas?

27-11-2011, 07:01 PM
Does Pete go up that far??
Valet Boat Services.
0419 263 264

I'll store it at my place for awhile if you like ::)

Jarrah Jack
27-11-2011, 08:20 PM
Does Pete go up that far??
Valet Boat Services.
0419 263 264

I'll store it at my place for awhile if you like ::)

I sent Pete a pm yesterday but its a long way and I think he may have a bit of work on......

Leaving it at your place......Do you need another dog kennel, vegie garden, flower pot?

27-11-2011, 08:26 PM
Hey JJ. Not sure if you know but Caloundra is not a suburb of Newcastle. :D

(An "in" joke for the rest of you. 8-) )


Jarrah Jack
28-11-2011, 02:32 AM
What are you doing up at this time anyway Bruce..I'm about to go fishing.

28-11-2011, 05:56 AM
What are you doing up at this time anyway Bruce..I'm about to go fishing.

I was hosing the garden. :) 'Twas a beautiful night to be under the stars hosing the garden. 8-)


28-11-2011, 07:47 AM
Leaving it at your place......Do you need another dog kennel, vegie garden, flower pot?
Oh, come on now.....The dogs have the best kennel in the street. The dining room. Vegie garden is bordered by railway sleepers and concrete edger tiles and we have flower pots....concrete flower pots.
I just thought I was helping a bloke out and get hammered. :-?
But if the truth be known........Na. Not telling you. Oh yes I will. I could have hired it to Wammy dude for Christmas. And possession is 9/10ths of the law isn't it?? ;D;D;D;D

I was hosing the garden. :) 'Twas a beautiful night to be under the stars hosing the garden. 8-)
Bladder problems?? :(

28-11-2011, 07:58 AM
I sent you a PM, I have a good mate (I know that's hard to believe) at Caloundra that would go and have a good look for you and see if it is worth going any further, just let me know.

28-11-2011, 10:42 AM
I was hosing the garden. :) 'Twas a beautiful night to be under the stars hosing the garden. 8-)


You must have won Lotto Bruce. I don't think I could afford to, after Bligh's stuff ups.


28-11-2011, 02:39 PM
You must have won Lotto Bruce. I don't think I could afford to, after Bligh's stuff ups.

Ah - I am sure that everything will be half price under the LNP.

If they can stop squabbling and tripping over themselves, that is.


Jarrah Jack
28-11-2011, 06:23 PM
I was hosing the garden. :) 'Twas a beautiful night to be under the stars hosing the garden. 8-)

Sometimes I wonder what you're growing in that garden Bruce.


I could have hired it to Wammy dude for Christmas. And possession is 9/10ths of the law isn't it?? ;D;D;D;D

Bladder problems?? :(


You must have won Lotto Bruce. I don't think I could afford to, after Bligh's stuff ups.


What has she done to your bladder TOL?

Thanks Noelm PM sent. Smithy is going to have a look I think. Gotta love the way the forum works. Steeler was going to help out on a boat I was looking at near Newcastle as well.

29-11-2011, 10:59 AM
https://img.skitch.com/20111129-j2k2iftd53xi25jg9wuta7i3jw.preview.jpg (https://skitch.com/charleville2/gcbf9/boat-checker-warana-caloundra-area)Click for large view (https://skitch.com/charleville2/gcbf9/boat-checker-warana-caloundra-area) - Uploaded with Skitch (http://skitch.com)

I grow lots of things.

For example, I currently have some sweet corn underway ...

https://img.skitch.com/20111129-ec4psqey2jp85sc2qthyrfxqr9.preview.jpg (https://skitch.com/charleville2/gcbnt/skitched-20111129-103917)Click for large view (https://skitch.com/charleville2/gcbnt/skitched-20111129-103917) - Uploaded with Skitch (http://skitch.com)

... and a few tomato bushes ...

https://img.skitch.com/20111129-mbqr11rbrqfsb6q7jheg6whce8.preview.jpg (https://skitch.com/charleville2/gcbdy/skitched-20111129-104044)Click for large view (https://skitch.com/charleville2/gcbdy/skitched-20111129-104044) - Uploaded with Skitch (http://skitch.com)

... and the lychees are starting to fruit ...

https://img.skitch.com/20111129-fgyyrhgximjk5ine3pei1cmjsn.preview.jpg (https://skitch.com/charleville2/gcbde/skitched-20111129-104138)Click for large view (https://skitch.com/charleville2/gcbde/skitched-20111129-104138) - Uploaded with Skitch (http://skitch.com)

....as are the macadamias ...

https://img.skitch.com/20111129-r35p2rrpkeh8ufyrp2qsn6s69x.preview.jpg (https://skitch.com/charleville2/gcbdw/skitched-20111129-104322)Click for large view (https://skitch.com/charleville2/gcbdw/skitched-20111129-104322) - Uploaded with Skitch (http://skitch.com)

However, what I grow mostly at night time are...

https://img.skitch.com/20111129-q9pkrq53bs38ufkferdpc74pgn.preview.jpg (https://skitch.com/charleville2/gcb8j/skitched-1397-1)Click for large view (https://skitch.com/charleville2/gcb8j/skitched-1397-1) - Uploaded with Skitch (http://skitch.com)



29-11-2011, 04:48 PM
ahhhhhh..... the ol' "tomato plant" trick aye? I remember telling my mum that same story when I was a young fella.