View Full Version : Rain

grant H
24-11-2011, 11:04 PM
hey guys im just wondering it rained 24mm today in my fishing spot but as it is a salt water lake will this have any effect on fishing as it is enclosed. I have been under the impression as soon as freshwater mixes with the salt the fish flee to a different area but i was thinking where else do the fish have to go? The main question of this post is. Is it worth a shot trying tomorrow to get a few fish for dinner?
cheers grant

25-11-2011, 12:10 AM
Long as you have a line in the water you are always a chance of catching a feed.
I dont know how much of a catchment area your lake is but as long it wasnt like january id still be given it a shot..

25-11-2011, 07:36 AM
the lake is closed, where can they go?? if there is a lot of rain, the "fresh" will sit on the top layer for a while before it mixes, so the salt will be on the bottom (with the fish) try the deeper spots and see how you go. (in my opinion)