View Full Version : Who's got the new BIAS catalogue?
20-11-2011, 09:15 PM
I was flicking though the new Bias book that came in the mail, get to page 71 and blow me down there's a picture of my boat! I'm buggered if I know who took the pic or how it came about. I was happy nonetheless.
Thought I'd share that's all ;)
21-11-2011, 04:55 AM
Sounds like someones got a stalker;D;D;D
21-11-2011, 06:45 AM
go hit them up for some advertising products lol
well spotted
I have never noticed before but there are pics of boats all through the catalogue
should be a prize for spotting your boat I recon :)
cheers Murf
21-11-2011, 07:32 AM
Yep I see the pic. Also got me wondering how easy it would be to get those rocket launch frames fitted to my Yalta, to have it professionally fit will cost me 1K.... I'll have to crawl over her with a tape measure, got cheesed off on the weekend with rods clutterring up my deck so I need to do something.
21-11-2011, 06:50 PM
Nice boat mate, They could get in a lot of ship for that. Only if you took action. Good store though.
21-11-2011, 09:03 PM
if you have posted a pic on a public forum or anywhere on a website without a photo's owned by on them then they can use them legally but least you get it in 1000's of catalogue :)
21-11-2011, 09:07 PM
you wouldnt put them in the "ship" for it but you would def try hitting them up for a few freebies tho, after all they think the boat is good enough to use for advirtising :D
you wouldnt put them in the "ship" for it but you would def try hitting them up for a few freebies tho, after all they think the boat is good enough to use for advirtising :D
good idea, that HDS 7 on the wall looks good. I'll have that thanks.
22-11-2011, 12:40 AM
if you have posted a pic on a public forum or anywhere on a website without a photo's owned by on them then they can use them legally but least you get it in 1000's of catalogue :)
This is a hard one but using a photo of someone elses to make money???? Would depend a lot on what agreement / terms and agreement you argee to when you post on a website. The website may have the claim to the image and it's rights not the poster? If that was the case then a offensive photo would also be their responsibility ? Taking pictures of private property and making money from them ?? Makes you wonder why there is such a huge business on "images" if once it is on a website it is free? Getty images would not be happy.
Ethically it would always be nice to be asked whether it is a copy from a website or from the manufacturers original install.
22-11-2011, 05:34 AM
Thanks for the comments guys, I just want to make sure it's clear that I am not upset in any way that it is in there, though I can see that some might be upset. It's Definately not a picture I have taken and posted on a forum somewhere (I am driving the boat), and I am pretty sure it was taken in cabbage tree creek, going by who's in the boat. I am flattered that someone thought it was interesting enough to take a photo of!
22-11-2011, 10:06 AM
Nah I know where you are coming from. Just odd that a professional group would use a image that may have issues especially if the people in the photo are reognisable as they have used it for comercial purposes. Most brochure folk use image banks or special photo shoots to guarantee license/ rights of picturs- . Perhaps someone has a whole lot of pictures of you boat and family on image bank site and is sellng them without you knowing- which wouldn't be good. Prices for images can range from a few bucks or thousands in royalties - ya might be rich!!!!! Ha ha Australias new boat supermodel!!!
Always nice to know where it came from.
22-11-2011, 11:12 AM
Boat supermodel, I like it haha.
22-11-2011, 09:03 PM
You think your puzzled check out page 50. They have a pic of my future boat ! (lol)
22-11-2011, 11:19 PM
The people who made the boat before I have now let me spend a fortune to outfit it with all the goodies then promoted it as a special deal. Included photos of my boat!! I kind of felt special and abused at the same time......
23-11-2011, 05:31 AM
Hey Matt,
Will you be doing signed copies of the catalogue for your fans? ;D
Plan B is an impressive looking boat and it is an absolute credit to you.
I am not surprised they took a pic of it.
23-11-2011, 09:52 AM
If you are happy having a photo of your boat in the catalog then all is good.
Personally I would frame it and put it on the wall.
If you were not happy then they could have opened themselves up to a whole lot of head ache.
Using a photo for commercial purpose, catalog etc opens up legal requirements.
If the boat was just a small part of the photo then it is normally OK as long as there are no recognizable faces. If the boat is the main image in the photo then it becomes property rights. A photographer can take a photo with the boat as only a part of the photo and then the advertising company can enlarge and crop the photo to use just the boat and it changes the rights of the photo.
Normally the rights of the photo belong to the photographer, the rights of any visible brand belongs to the brand owner. Any photo with recognizable faces in them needs to have a model release for each person, this is not required when it is Editorial (catalog is not editorial). They are now making it harder for property with the requirements of property releases. It use to be OK to take photos of cruise ships and just photoshop out the names, now it is not because cruise ships look different and can be recognized.
Taking photos of people and things in public areas is alright, as long as the photos are not used for commercial purposes or published. What is the definition of published is a grey area, they are now saying that posting images on the internet is classified as being published.
I am not a lawyer, the information above is gained from years of supplying to photo stock libraries and their legal requirements.
23-11-2011, 01:09 PM
Hey Matt,
Will you be doing signed copies of the catalogue for your fans? ;D
Plan B is an impressive looking boat and it is an absolute credit to you.
I am not surprised they took a pic of it.
Thanks mate, you should have put some of your advertising on it somewhere, although that would just get you more work to try and get done haha.
23-11-2011, 01:10 PM
You think your puzzled check out page 50. They have a pic of my future boat ! (lol)
Now THAT is tricky haha
23-11-2011, 04:54 PM
Thanks Defore for taking the time to write that up ( I was being lazy) and don't know exactly what laws n each state are. There is a problem with the definition of recognisable and it doesn't have to be a face shot and new laws in regards to children. The other one is if the image was taken from public property such as at a council beach if you are not registered and paid location fees to the council they will chase the magazine and then the photographer. Last one is photos taken facing into private property. There is real privacy concerns and new laws relating to this as well. Google street scape is in the courts in many countries and since they use a camera 8 odd foot off the ground looking over fences there is issues. A photo into a cabin area could also ave issues All of these issues relate to commercial photos and some relate to photos for your private use. It is a can of worms in some cases.
I have to check out the page now and see if NSW has the same catalog
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