View Full Version : Flathead at Redcliffe

19-11-2011, 11:31 AM
Have been going out every day the past week around redcliffe and decided to try a different spot to usual this morning and had the best luck.

This is the first fish I've ever caught (embarrassing i know) but thought I'd share it.
I was using Squidgy Wriggler 80mm Bloodworms.


Just under 60cm


Searaider 2
19-11-2011, 11:40 AM
Onya Yellowjack,
Nice Flattie .
Also congrats on your first fist fish , but dont worry ,
there will be haps more to come in the future .

19-11-2011, 12:37 PM
Well done! That's a nice fish to start with. You'll find the harder you work at it the 'luckier' you'll become.
If you're keen enough I suggest you start a diary recording all the details of each fishing trip you make. Record where you fished, the date (i.e. the season), the time of day (dawn, dusk etc), the state of the tide (rising, falling , changing at top or bottom, spring tide or neap tide etc), the weather (wind direction and speed, fine or overcast, any recent rain etc), the bait or lures you tried (whether they were succesful or not) and any other feature that might be relevant (e.g. turbidity of the water, amount of boat traffic, activity of bait schools or surface feeding fish etc).
If you do this regularly, eventually you'll have a database that will enable you to predict where you are likely to be successful at any time of the year. It might sound like a bit of a pain but it's worth it in the long term.
Cheers Freeeedom

19-11-2011, 01:17 PM
nothin to be embarressed about mate, that's a cracker!!
give the squidgee fish a go, in 70mm, they love em!

19-11-2011, 01:40 PM
Good stuff, mate. Do what FREEEDOM said, and they'll all come easier now. And yeah, don't be embarrassed, we all have to start somewhere, and that's a great fish to open the account with.


19-11-2011, 02:14 PM
Thanks for all the advice, I just made a diary thing FREEEDOM great idea,
I will definitely give the squidgy fish a go 2-ezy.

19-11-2011, 05:41 PM
bloody good fish to start with. I bet it beats most of everyone elses first, it sure does mine. Congrats and keep it up!

19-11-2011, 10:04 PM
Woooooo hoooooo!!! That is a nice flattie mate.

What a great way to pop ya cherry! So can I ask what line you were using? Did you go light?

Keep persisting and keep learning, there will be plenty more where they came from!;D

21-11-2011, 05:29 PM
Great Catch Jack, I recon if you straightened it out it would be just over 60cm
I'm only new to Redcliffe, I'm not after any secret spots but are you fishing from a boat or off a bank somewhere?

21-11-2011, 06:25 PM
Yeh mate I think it would of aswell, I had it in a bucket on the way home and it got stuck in a curled position haha was a bugger to straighten out..

I was fishing off a bank mate, not really secret but it was a different place to were most people go in the area, Ill swing you a private message mate.

edit: if anyone wants to know the rough area i was fishing give me a pm i'll give you a good idea of where :P

21-11-2011, 06:59 PM
Great fish- 60 cm flattie on a soft plastic- mate your on the board- many to follow I am sure. A learning curve always.Enjoy. Congrats.

02-01-2012, 09:53 AM
Woohoo well done!! buddy can't wait to catch one like that...:)

02-01-2012, 09:55 AM
Ya not wrong there pete with young fullas flattie very nice fish..how bout yourself holding those 2 lovely snapper hahaha not bad at all

02-01-2012, 02:13 PM
First fish or first lizard. Top Catch mate, good on you. I bet your confidence has sky rocketed with the whole plastic saga!

02-01-2012, 05:01 PM
First fish or first lizard. Top Catch mate, good on you. I bet your confidence has sky rocketed with the whole plastic saga!

First fish mate, I know shocking! :P
It sure has haha

02-01-2012, 10:09 PM
That is a great first fish :) My first fish was also a flathead, about 10cm long :) lol