15-11-2011, 01:59 PM
FG'day everyone,
Had a couple of days fishing up at rainbow beach 2 weeks ago, weather was perfect, and fish were accommodating. Pics are from our last morning session fishing along the mangroves near carlo caravan park before heading back to Brisbane. Biggest whiting went about 37cm and tasted bloody good !
Made it over to Fraser Island one of the days, and fished right in close to the mangroves for some nice bream and whiting. Dad hooked something very large that swirled and then busted him off. We got a good look at it, and my thoughts were a bloody bloody big cod or similar ? – it was seriously close to a metre long and very wide, and definitely a fish. Any ideas?
On fish identification, can anyone tell me what the black striped fish is? We caught heaps iin close to the mangroves at Fraser island, mostly 15-20 cm, but a couple went 30cm. Threw them back not knowing what they were, but from a quick look in Grants maybe a member of the grunter family? – they grunted like grunter.
Also, the aeroplane looking fish, was caught while fishing for whiting, and we caught heaps. They tasted good, someone mentioned they are pig fish, but I couldn’t find that in grants, and thought it looked more like a leatherjacket?
Crabs wearnt playing, but we pipcked up a couple of sandies and a coral crab, and had a visit from 3 – 4 dolphins while unbaiting which was a very unique experience. I initially thought they were sharks from the colour and promptly crapped myself before realising it was dolphins searching for some whiting.
All in all a very enjoyable couple of days.
Had a couple of days fishing up at rainbow beach 2 weeks ago, weather was perfect, and fish were accommodating. Pics are from our last morning session fishing along the mangroves near carlo caravan park before heading back to Brisbane. Biggest whiting went about 37cm and tasted bloody good !
Made it over to Fraser Island one of the days, and fished right in close to the mangroves for some nice bream and whiting. Dad hooked something very large that swirled and then busted him off. We got a good look at it, and my thoughts were a bloody bloody big cod or similar ? – it was seriously close to a metre long and very wide, and definitely a fish. Any ideas?
On fish identification, can anyone tell me what the black striped fish is? We caught heaps iin close to the mangroves at Fraser island, mostly 15-20 cm, but a couple went 30cm. Threw them back not knowing what they were, but from a quick look in Grants maybe a member of the grunter family? – they grunted like grunter.
Also, the aeroplane looking fish, was caught while fishing for whiting, and we caught heaps. They tasted good, someone mentioned they are pig fish, but I couldn’t find that in grants, and thought it looked more like a leatherjacket?
Crabs wearnt playing, but we pipcked up a couple of sandies and a coral crab, and had a visit from 3 – 4 dolphins while unbaiting which was a very unique experience. I initially thought they were sharks from the colour and promptly crapped myself before realising it was dolphins searching for some whiting.
All in all a very enjoyable couple of days.