View Full Version : Need some Yakkin help

grant H
15-11-2011, 12:14 AM
Hey once again guys. Ive recently been informed from my mum shes buying me a kayak so im so pumped the only thing though is wondering if anyone would be kind enough to point me in the right direction or even find a new yakking buddy. I deeply enjoy trawling lures as i catch fish and get a good workout at the same time to keep my cardio upto parr for kickboxing. I will probably be putting in somewhere down the gold coast if anyone has any information will be greatly appreciated

P.S im particularly going to be targetting bream and flathead and in the future might move upto bigger fish

thanks guys grant H

15-11-2011, 08:19 AM
Hi Grant, KFDU has a group down your way which you should connect with. They are the Gold Coast/Northern Rivers Kayak Fishing Club. Info can be found at:
http://www.kfdu.com.au/forum/viewforum.php?f=83 (http://www.kfdu.com.au/forum/viewforum.php?f=83) Cheers, Pete