View Full Version : Help with Bullies at Bribie
07-11-2011, 01:57 PM
Wondering if anyone out there can share a bit of knowledge regarding catching Bull Sharks in the Bribie Passage?
If you want to keep you info between us, a PM will do.
Tides, baits, rigs and even locations, all up to you.
Thanks in advance,
07-11-2011, 06:32 PM
Tim im happy to help you just cause your blessed with a good name! i have never personally caught bullies in the passage nor have i fished for them there. but i do frequently fish for them in the caboolture pine and logan rivers. just about all of the main baits you would think of work for bullies mullet fillets pillies big dirty squid etc however my preference always is big poddy mullet around 200mm with a simple single hook through the nose so the swim around like crazy and obviously dont drown in the current. as for tides on the incomming i will fish further up the river on the outgoing i will look for a prominent place where the bail will gather deep hole ledge etc. ive had one instance where a heap of bullsharks have had a school of mullet pushed up against a bank feeding and you could see all the fins just cutting the water. fish in a barrell. im a sucker for mono leader go figure i know and it always produces more hits however you always lose 2 out of 3 fish. when i run wire i will make my own and keep it as minimal as possible very short with no bulky swivels etc. as far as locations go i will give you a cpl of spots in the cabo river as that would be close for you. just make sure you let us know how go!
cheers Tim
reel scream
09-11-2011, 03:04 AM
What's going on mate? Leaving the reefies for sharks? Must admit.. Used to have a ball with little hammerheads back in SA as a kid waiting for the tide for jewies. Tim , we used to camp at lime pocket a bit prior to the kids and offer saw and heard the bullies smashing the mullet hard up on that deep bank.
09-11-2011, 04:06 AM
Knew a bloke a few years ago that used to fish for bull sharks in Coochin creek a bit. Around big night tides and full moons in summer. Live mullet as stated were the preference for bait. He ended up Using up all of his girlfriends guitar strings for leaders but had alot of fun!!
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