View Full Version : Hinchinbrook 26/10/11

28-10-2011, 05:56 PM
72865Normally I’d check the tide charts before I booked holidays, not this time, boy was that a mistake. With 3.5mt tides, Hinchinbrook was almost unfishable. Total score for two days fishing: 1 Barra, 2 small GT’s, 1 Cuda, 1 Cod, 1 Moses perch, and to make the whole trip worthwhile 1 70cm flathead.
Interesting though was the total of fish I lost, either to bust ups or hooks not staying in. 5 Barra(all black, ex farm fish) 2 threadfin, 6 small GT’s and two submarines.
Tackle lost in the Oysters, “5 C lure Barra Pros” all gold, and two destroyed Transams

crab man
28-10-2011, 06:52 PM
Atleast you got out there ! still got a few . What areas did you fish

Silly question but what do the big tides do to the place to make it so hard to fish ?
Cheers Craig

28-10-2011, 08:00 PM
I really hate to put a damper on your fishing trip but the tide times for the Great Barrier Reef should also show you fished during a total closure to take reef fin fish from 20th Oct to 28th Oct 2011 including a no take of Moses Perch cods ect.

If you are from the south fishing this area you need to speak to local bait and tackle shops or locals to find out the local regulations

copy paste from the DPI site
Coral reef fin fish

Coral reef fin fish closure dates for 2011-2013:

24 October to 28 October 2011, and 22 November to 26 November 2011
12 October to 16 October 2012, and 11 November to 15 November 2012
2 October to 6 October 2013, and 31 October to 4 November 2013.
Tidal waters within the following boundary are closed waters for coral reef fin fish:

from the northern tip of Cape York along latitude 10°41´ south
to longitude 145° east
to latitude 13° south, longitude 145° east
to latitude 15° south, longitude 146° east
to latitude 17°30' south, longitude 147° east
to latitude 21° south, longitude 152°55' east
to latitude 24°30' south, longitude 154° east
to latitude 24°50' south, longitude 154° east along latitude 24°50' south to the mainland shore along the shore to the northern tip of Cape York at latitude 10°41' south.
A basic online guide has been developed to help identify fish listed as Coral Reef Fin Fish. This reef fish web guide (http://www.dpi.qld.gov.au/28_8796.htm) groups fish into families. For full details of the legislation visit the Office of the Queensland Parliamentary Counsel (http://www.legislation.qld.gov.au/OQPChome.htm) website.

I am not concerned about it, and really dont care, and also hate to bring it up, but just trying to give a heads up for any one else that wants to fish the reef area that you need to look at this in future.

28-10-2011, 08:23 PM
Basiclly you cannot target bottom fish during these times along the entire extent of the GBR. But of course if you catch them as a 'by catch' while trolling mackerel barra ect, you just have to release them. I know you done this as you mostly fish catch and release and there should be no problems.

Anyone inspected at the boat ramp during this period with fin fish on board would be in a world of hurt. The fisheries inspectors up here are not about warnings or education as they put it.

Sorry, but I had to reply to this. Not trying to pick on anyone but just letting people know that different rules apply up here and you need to do your homework.

28-10-2011, 08:23 PM
thats ok mate still caught some fish, the channel can be hard to figure out at times but once you have its a cracker i plan all my trips up there around the big tides.

28-10-2011, 08:28 PM
Just me again,

I followed you post and would have posted something if it had dawned on me. It was not publicsed very well this year and it caught me also. I had planned a reef trip overnight Tuesday and late afternoon someone told me the reef was closed till midnight tonight.

28-10-2011, 08:44 PM
Good thing I didn't target bottom fish or fish anywhere the reef. Didn't even keep the 68cm flood victem Barra. But I was informed by a local tackle store of the closures and what I could and couldn't target. Thanks for the links, I'll use them next year when I re visit.

28-10-2011, 08:51 PM
Hi Craig'
For me big tides ment rapid style fast runs, muddy water and the fish on the high were feeding in the cain fields. I got all fish and bites on dead low over a period of 3 hours over two days in an area of 15mt. Perhaps a bit more knowlage would have seen me downsizing leader to 16lb and just targeting Threadys.