View Full Version : moisture/rot in seaswirl striper2301 WA

22-10-2011, 09:02 AM

I am in the market for a 2301 WA. Is there an easy way to detect whether they have excess moisture or rot in them?

I am only concerned because my mate bought a 22ft glass boat recently and the timber was rotten, it has now cost him $14k to repair. I don't want to be stuck in his position.

Is there much timber is these hulls?

Is there any easy way to check for moisture in the hull?

Are there any problem areas that I should be checking out?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!



22-10-2011, 10:17 AM
Go here:

Jarrah Jack
22-10-2011, 10:42 AM
I read recently that the decks were balsa cored and can give trouble. ( Would be worthwhile checking if thats the case) The transom and stringers have no timber in them. You can carefully walk the floor to check for any soft spots, they are usually around fittings that haven't been sealed. Other than that I don't know. A moisture meter would involve drilling lots of holes which may not go down well.

22-10-2011, 05:25 PM
Have heard many conflicting stories about when Seaswirl changed to composite transoms. Search the Striper forum, plenty of info there, here is a starting point.