View Full Version : Mud Island Morning

09-10-2011, 06:09 PM
Dropped the tub in a little later than usual and headed over to mud, had a quick chin wag with chief who was squeezing in a quick fish. Was going over to meet a mate but he was rained out overnight off mud so came along abit after me. Est-0700
Have been using new jigs of late scoring the big eye jigs off Barry Day (Ausfish - Dayoo) with a much stronger hook, polished finish are the goods and have replaced the TT jigs in my tackle box. "Dayoo will be appearing at the Boaties Market - So drop in a check them out" ;D
Headed out to mud off the Western side having a drift around with a plastic on the dead stick and another in my hand and another rod using up the last of my woolies prawns.
Few drifts and a few small squire.
Went back over the drift and bang the plastic dead stick takes off, runs hard with plenty of shakes it crosses my bait line I am panic mode trying to put some brakes on the reel as it was screaming off... snap. >:(>:( Idiot mossy stay calm. Oh well that's fishing.
Few more drifts, plenty of small squire a flat head in the mix. All in all a great day on the water. No Keepers but hey great day. Home to the boat ramp by 11:00.
Tight Lines - Mossy

09-10-2011, 06:23 PM
Good going Mossy,

I spent Friday crawling around Mud ( last of holidays) and out of all the areas I tried, western side seemed to go the best for me too. I hooked onto a russian sub there, but unfortunately dropped it, it was a good adrenalin rush while it lasted.;) I only had a couple of Barrys' walley and lost them to snags, fishing too heavy obviously, with little to no current or wind. Will have to get some more soon. Total for my day was 58cm flatty, 38 and 48cm snaps and plenty of unders.


09-10-2011, 08:04 PM
Its always a gamble off mud on the light gear just had too much on the go at once::). LoL That is a nice catch though, I haven't managed my own legal squire in a while. I love those jig heads though, I was fishing a 1/8 and a 1/4 in bright pink?? I think, don't remember as Barry keeps making it hard by getting more colours LoL
tight lines

09-10-2011, 08:42 PM
couldnt get past the small tailor on the western side this morning, wouldve been snaps there but too many rats

09-10-2011, 09:52 PM
Its always a gamble off mud on the light gear just had too much on the go at once::). LoL That is a nice catch though, I haven't managed my own legal squire in a while. I love those jig heads though, I was fishing a 1/8 and a 1/4 in bright pink?? I think, don't remember as Barry keeps making it hard by getting more colours LoL
tight lines

I was getting most of my hits on 5" gulp pink shine jerk shads, which meant I was using Barrys' 4/0 Gammakatsu hooks in walley jigheads. Unfortunately for me, that meant weights around 3/8 which were getting to the bottom. Anything smaller than the 3/0 HW Gammas is dicing with danger. Got sharked once too, poor squire came up missing vital bits to help him swim. My favourite colours are glow pink and glow white, silver for the bay. Dragonfly and root beer flake are nice colours, but I am less confident with those.


10-10-2011, 06:57 AM
bball - yeah that was half my problem getting past the smaller squire. Was plenty around and always fun on light gear might have to step up the main line I think and have a setup for mud to avoid losing another.:'(

Scalem - I have had the best results in the river on the rootbeer flake and it only because I was out of rootbeer in 1/4 I used the pink. LoL But you learn what works by trying new ones. And your spot on about the heavy wire hooks, they are much better than the TT ones I was using at the same price plus you can't beat the big eye's and powder coating. Great operation Dayoo has going, little production line and all.

10-10-2011, 04:06 PM
Best weather i have ever seen flat as. Busy day and pity about the lost fish (thats what keeps us from coming back) Well done DD.....

11-10-2011, 12:12 PM
Sure do DD, I will be back their as soon as I can. Its the second time I have been done over mud, I need to rethink my game plan and try another attack method. Maybe take it easy ont eh drag and beef up my main line to 10lb??? Cheers Mossy
tight Lines