View Full Version : snapper

06-10-2011, 10:42 AM
hi guys and gals,

anyone have some techiniques they can share for catching snapper?. also i have a really dumb question for you all i was going to use a normal rod flip it upside down and attach my over head reel to it as i snapped my over head rod last weekend dragging a big ass shark towards the boat have any of you used a normal 8- 10 kg boat rod with an overhead reel before? love to get get some advice as i dont have time to pick up a new one before i go fishing.


Macks forever
06-10-2011, 11:10 AM
Hi Mav

Not a good snapper catching expert so I will leave that to others.

But re the rod:- don't do it! ;-/ The average rod does not have enough runners so using it as an overhead rod you will end up having the line run on the rod with any weight: = lost fish and possibly damaged rod if you are using braid. If you want to try it, just load up your rod and see if the line rubs. Some "normal" rods have enough runners but not many.


06-10-2011, 11:15 AM
thanks macks appreciate it

10-10-2011, 08:01 PM
Maverik,rods are also built on a "Backbone"and loading it up on the flipside will turn it into a pig of a rod as it will want to naturally spin over once loaded.Jim

Macks forever
11-10-2011, 07:49 AM
Actually good rods are built on their backbone. But most of the average and poor quality mass produced rods are built randomly - some are on the backbone, some are opposite and everything in between.

But Bigjimg is right. If you role over a "normal" rod and it is off the backbone it really will be a dog. "Normal" rods are not as bad if off the backbone because the runners tend to pull it down in the right curve but in an overhead situation the runners exacerbate imperfections.

I often annoy the sales people because I go through all the mass produced rods in hte particular design I want to find the one closest to being built on the backbone. ;-)