26-08-2011, 06:54 PM
Materials didn't show up this morning for a job i was doing so a quick look at seabreeze and i was on the water about 9am. I had a gut feeling that the squapper might be in shallow working over the disturbed bottom and the evidence was at the ramp with plenty of mussel shells and a crap load of the dredded snot weed washed up on the shore.
Headed south for a few speculator drifts but no result then down near margate a school of thumping salmon came up and went just as quick right near the boat, chased them trying diff things to no avail so back over to a new drift line and the big blue jellies were there in big numbers, i mentioned in an old post that i have found the snaps slurping at them before and had them cough up legs once in the boat. I started the drift and as i go past the jellies i put the rod tip in the water so the 6lb braid goes under them then give it a whip and realease the legs from the top half creating a instant burley trail, then bugga me about 30meters later i come up tight on a decent headshake and a good first run of about 60meters, after a few tense moments with the net and the 10lb leader a very fat 60cm hits the deck spewing up jellies bits and pieces.
few more drifts produced a few just legals so it was over a few hundred meters to a new line and with more jelly burley deployed a 45cm and a 50cm joined the bigger one in the kill tank before things went quiet. I then headed north for the tide change and was greeted by masses of blue blubbers everywhere, a few diff drifts produced tailor,under squire and a lizard then the wind dropped right out for the change and i hooked into a good fast running fish on the 6lb and the zman 3" natural shrimp, i also had a deadsticker in the rod holder on a heavier rod (30LB)with another newpenny shrimp, i started the boat to regain some line and as i moved off the deadsticker hooked up as well and this thing was going like a train so i clicked the drag up a fraction on it and concentrated on the light tackle first and in a few minutes i landed a healthy 65cm snap dropping him in the net and turned and picked up the other rod and this fish was not anywhere near done yet and i gave chase but after a few changes in direction it wrapped the braid around structure and it popped, arrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh, this was a big fish compared to the one on the floor of the boat maybe a good jew but i suppose i will never know,if only i had a decky;D.
All fish landed on 3-6kg quantum energy rod , quantum accurist 20 reel 6lb viros braid and 10lb rovex FC leader.
cheers swano
Headed south for a few speculator drifts but no result then down near margate a school of thumping salmon came up and went just as quick right near the boat, chased them trying diff things to no avail so back over to a new drift line and the big blue jellies were there in big numbers, i mentioned in an old post that i have found the snaps slurping at them before and had them cough up legs once in the boat. I started the drift and as i go past the jellies i put the rod tip in the water so the 6lb braid goes under them then give it a whip and realease the legs from the top half creating a instant burley trail, then bugga me about 30meters later i come up tight on a decent headshake and a good first run of about 60meters, after a few tense moments with the net and the 10lb leader a very fat 60cm hits the deck spewing up jellies bits and pieces.
few more drifts produced a few just legals so it was over a few hundred meters to a new line and with more jelly burley deployed a 45cm and a 50cm joined the bigger one in the kill tank before things went quiet. I then headed north for the tide change and was greeted by masses of blue blubbers everywhere, a few diff drifts produced tailor,under squire and a lizard then the wind dropped right out for the change and i hooked into a good fast running fish on the 6lb and the zman 3" natural shrimp, i also had a deadsticker in the rod holder on a heavier rod (30LB)with another newpenny shrimp, i started the boat to regain some line and as i moved off the deadsticker hooked up as well and this thing was going like a train so i clicked the drag up a fraction on it and concentrated on the light tackle first and in a few minutes i landed a healthy 65cm snap dropping him in the net and turned and picked up the other rod and this fish was not anywhere near done yet and i gave chase but after a few changes in direction it wrapped the braid around structure and it popped, arrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh, this was a big fish compared to the one on the floor of the boat maybe a good jew but i suppose i will never know,if only i had a decky;D.
All fish landed on 3-6kg quantum energy rod , quantum accurist 20 reel 6lb viros braid and 10lb rovex FC leader.
cheers swano