View Full Version : Beach Traps

03-08-2011, 08:23 PM
Hi all,
Katrina and I went down to Angels Beach at Ballina this afternoon for a spot of fishing and hoping to get a pippi or two for bait.
Got 2 surprises;

Not a pippi to be found. (probably not that big of a surprise)

The beach when I last visited a few months back was in a fairly pristine state but as we found out today has turned into a doggy toilet.

These little land mines were everywhere along with lots of unleashed dogs.
Fair enough you took your pup for a walk but geez, would you mind taking a doggy bag and picking up your recycled Pal.

If I was a tourist or taking my family for look,swim,picnic or whatever, it just would not seem to be the same ,happy experience with a steaming hot dog turd stuck to my foot.

Look after your own backyards people. it shows visitors our pride in this beautiful part of the world.

03-08-2011, 10:10 PM
Wasnt that long ago i was at sth ballina beach and a couple of horses trotted past... one dropped a big pile of steaming recycled grass onto the beach....just lovely..need a chaff bag to pick that lot up. Rider just kept going

jason p
03-08-2011, 10:23 PM
Wasnt that long ago i was at sth ballina beach and a couple of horses trotted past... one dropped a big pile of steaming recycled grass onto the beach....just lovely..need a chaff bag to pick that lot up. Rider just kept going

lol i understand that it could be unsightly even on the nose a bit, but sht you would need a trailer to follow you if you were to pick all that a horse left behind, and after all it is only recycled grass, n maybe some pellets. turds aint turds and a dog turd is pure rotten.:)


03-08-2011, 11:27 PM
JP Im a farm boy, I did say theyd need a chaff bag ,,, your right, turds aint turds, it may only be recycled grass, I still dont like the thought of swimming in it, even though I know for a fact that there are lots worse things already in th water. Point is it was controllable. There were 3-4 families on the beach enjoying the morning and next thing they had to deal with a steaming pile of recycled grass that was being washed around by the incoming tide. Needless to say they all packed up and left not long after.
It all pales into insignificance against the disposable nappies (yes there were more than 1) full of baby turds left on flat rock by some thoughfull parents a while back...that was some serious sh#t. Absolute filth

04-08-2011, 07:46 AM
Sometimes a letter to the editor of the local papers can highlight the problem and maybe spur the local Council into an anti turd campaign. I think from memory there are two local papers available at Iluka, so it could be the same around Ballina.

It's bad enough to step on a fresh turd, but it's even worse when it squelches up between the big toe and the next toe and there's no turd removing tool handy to get it out.


04-08-2011, 05:28 PM
Katrina makes a beaut pippi soup and even if I could find a pippi on Angels beach no doubt it would smell and taste like wet dog:P

Might be a market there? A Turd removing Tool!! Unlike the bloke on the beach yesterday, a tool removing turd:o;D;D:-[
Wont mention names.

06-08-2011, 01:19 PM
Saddly, U.S. the only way to change this problem is to complain,

I would start with the ranger & the land-care people.


06-08-2011, 01:48 PM
At least they didn't skim a bit of sand over it for that extra surprise factor!

06-08-2011, 03:57 PM
Yet they are probably the same ppl that complain that you can't take your dogs on any beach any more!!

07-08-2011, 03:27 PM
I wonder how the doggy people would feel if the had to navigate through human land mines ?
Never mind their doggies rolling in it. ;D

07-08-2011, 05:05 PM
At least they didn't skim a bit of sand over it for that extra surprise factor!

Yeah they did. Thats why Im pisd off cause I had a camouflaged one go off under my foot while I was dodging the "line of sight s##t"

Near lost my big toe:P

07-08-2011, 06:30 PM
You blokes are under the hammer down there by the sound of it.

Boats going over on the bar, dog turd grenades on the beach, what next?

Maybe your Council could advertise for a "Dog Turd Removing Tool" in the Positions Vacant.

Could provide employment for a greenie.


07-08-2011, 11:38 PM
Wasn't it "Captain Goodvibes" (a surfing character of the 70's) that had one leg replaced by and an outboard and asmall crane grafted to his head "for removing unsighlty turds".

It just gobsmacks me that we have got into this whole save the plannet, global warmimg carbon taxing, green zoning, prius driving thing...and we still have turds on beaches.

If the population can't cope with dog shit, what hope do we have of " saving the plannet or reversing global warming.

Ring you local member of council and ask them where they stand on dog turds.


Gon Fishun
08-08-2011, 03:04 PM
Quote. Ring you local member of council and ask them where they stand on dog turds.
Hahahahaa.;D;D Thats, Gold . You funny.:D:D:D

08-08-2011, 04:33 PM
hehehehe, you beat me to it,


08-08-2011, 08:38 PM
Think I have an answer fellas....just saw Bear Grills munching on dear nuggets!!!!!!!!! do you reckon council would fund a trip for him?

08-08-2011, 09:40 PM
gee glad i live on the north coast all i put up with is netters and thort that was shity guess its not as bad as the one that gets stuck between your toes

09-08-2011, 08:22 AM
Bear Grills!!
Hehehe, by the time he finishes he will be eating dog burgers, have a dog skin coat and matching headwarmer and have sandals made out of dried doggy turds:D

But on the same day there was a group having a walk on the beach with 2 dogs and having a few cold cans, and they left their dog turds on the beach and their empty cans sitting in a little heap on the sand.

I am starting to think it has a lot to do with Breeding and genetics:P
I think they have closely related cousins that visit the breakwalls on a regular basis too!

Cheers U.S