27-07-2011, 03:26 PM
On Monday, the lad and I took a walk up the Pine river from Sweeney park at Petrie. The park is still shut after the floods but I parked outside and walked down.
The floods had gouged out some holes that have subsequently been isolated from the river and become stagnant pools. There were dead bass and Boney bream everywhere and sickening to see was 3 lungfish, the smallest about 8 kilo and the largest about 40 kilo. the foxes had been at 'em but they weren't totally decomposed so they've all died within the last week I would say. :-[
Lots of dead bass behind Old Petrie Market as well.
The Daughter In Law had a trip over to Moreton the same day with the Grand Kids. She said there was a big fish kill on the beach at Tangalooma but other than describing 'em as big silver fish she had no idea what they were.
The floods had gouged out some holes that have subsequently been isolated from the river and become stagnant pools. There were dead bass and Boney bream everywhere and sickening to see was 3 lungfish, the smallest about 8 kilo and the largest about 40 kilo. the foxes had been at 'em but they weren't totally decomposed so they've all died within the last week I would say. :-[
Lots of dead bass behind Old Petrie Market as well.
The Daughter In Law had a trip over to Moreton the same day with the Grand Kids. She said there was a big fish kill on the beach at Tangalooma but other than describing 'em as big silver fish she had no idea what they were.