View Full Version : Which rod blank?

09-07-2011, 06:48 PM

Got a bloke who has a fair few blanks (rods) which he can make into a new stick for me. These are the blanks he has (spelling?);
- Schnider
- Pacific Composite
- Butterworth
- Conlon
- Kilwell

Are any of these worth getting a hold of?
One will be for a Diawa saltiga LD50 and the other for a Shimano Saragosa.
Or would I be better off spending my money on a Tcurve, GLoomis or a Bear for example?

Cheers in advance

10-07-2011, 07:24 PM
Depends on what sort of rod you want?? Can't really say without knowing exactly which blanks he has.
Have a look at his previous rods and see how his rod making skills are. Then the price he is asking.

With those reels it sounds like you may be doing a bit of jigging? If so the Wilson Venom Jig rods are pretty good bang for your buck. I have 2 by PE 3-8 350gm spin stick with 14000 spheros and a 8000 Sustain. And a PE5-10 450gm with a Saragosa 18 000 and love all the rods. The PE3-8 go hard and compared to my T-Curve Deep Jig 400 they are much nicer to fish with. More Parabolic curve for when its loaded up and a much better tip for working 100-200gm jigs.

11-07-2011, 06:48 PM
Basically he said a rod simillar to the wilson live fibre $200 a rod simillar to Tcurve $300. It looks like he does a nice job has a big spinner/ rod roller to set the resin evenly.
Will ask some more questions and re-post. Maybe this should be in the rod section?