View Full Version : Joys of Fishing

04-07-2011, 09:49 AM
Hey to all,
Haven't posted for a while, been busy with reno's and looking after the granddaughter.
Anyways, went on a charter with a few mates back in May and landed a nice brace of Jacks, (Sorry if this in the wrong Forum, but it adds to the post) Both over 90cm. Getting a leave pass to do this trip was a bit difficult, had to promise the wife a 10 day trip on a houseboat in the Sandy Straights when I got back. (Bugger). So, 10 days living on the water, in the Sandy Straights and fishing when the mood was right. What a blast. Caught heaps of Whiting and Flathead, the odd Snapper and some monster Muddies. All in all a great 10 days, can't wait until next year to see what the pay off is for my charter trip.

Regards Mark


04-07-2011, 04:03 PM
man i wish the jacks would stay in the creeks and get to that size...man o man now that would be just deadset awesome... nice fish mate.. ive heard weird things about the reef fish .. like they dont pull that hard and eat strange baits... is there any truth to it? i just cant see that they wouldnt do anything other than hit baits at full speed and pull like hell...

04-07-2011, 08:16 PM
comment removed

05-07-2011, 11:32 AM
Hey Nathan, Yes, I agree, it is a pity they heads out to the deep. Although, these were caught in about 40 meters of water over a rocky ledge using live Hussar on a Snood Rig. I don't know what you have heard but they fight just as mean and dirty out deep as they do in the creeks. Both took about 20 minutes to land on 40lb braid. I was stuffed after the second one. In all, 3 Reds were caught in this session, and also a huge Red Bass. Check out the teeth in the photo above. Mark

05-07-2011, 11:38 AM
Hey Nathan, Yes, I agree, it is a pity they heads out to the deep. Although, these were caught in about 40 meters of water over a rocky ledge using live Hussar on a Snood Rig. I don't know what you have heard but they fight just as mean and dirty out deep as they do in the creeks. Both took about 20 minutes to land on 40lb braid. I was stuffed after the second one. In all, 3 Reds were caught in this session, and also a huge Red Bass. Check out the teeth in the photo above. Mark

live husser!!! nice. a sure fire way to get attention.

05-07-2011, 04:59 PM
awsome stuff... so jealous.. i got that i didnt get a picture of or get to measure off the cooktown wharf once many years ago that went 6.8kgs... weighed it at the fish and chip shop next to the wharf.. dunno what the length woulda been but had to be around the 80's i reckon.. i got dusted 4 times before going to 100lb hand line lol.. standard cooktown wharf fishing gear