View Full Version : Rockhampton kayak fishing

26-06-2011, 11:56 PM
Just hot a kayak and want to catch a few fish. Is there anyware in rocky that isn't affected 2 much by tides I can fish? I was thinking freshwater fitzroy or some creeks? I've got no anchor (unless I steal the big one from the tinny)
Was going to go 2 the causeway but it's a bit of a hike to just go play arround.

A barra would be nice will solely be using lures

27-06-2011, 07:35 PM
Look for the woolwash or frogmore lagoon, the twelve mile, headlow creek all these places hold stacks of barra but it is a little cool for much barra success
maybe when we get those warm winter days around or just after lunch and remember fresh water fitzroy still has a share of big crocs


27-06-2011, 08:31 PM
were is this frogmore lagoon? i was thinking headlow but might go have a crack at woolwash as ive never been there before

29-06-2011, 11:31 AM
Crocs the size of the yak.. sounds like fun. quite a few areas around gladstone, but if the causeway is a hike then i guess gladstone is a little far.

29-06-2011, 11:57 AM
i went to the woolwash but i drifted down on teh far side were its VERY shallow then crosed closer to teh bank/road were its alot deeper no luch i was just using a black bouble pop 80mm lure as i still wasn't very confitent on the yak. didnt even see a fish on teh fish finder :(

do u or either of u guys know a good barra lure and colour to use in there, i know its bit cold but still at least wanta chance to catch one. apparently teh boys at barra jacks are still pulling 10+ barra ina trip in teh river but the sales staff were very vague about details. Yea mate they cought them on lure yep yep in the river yesterday trying to get hints or few hot barra colours that the cold rocky barra are hitting. But zilch

29-06-2011, 08:59 PM
Gros they told me the same thing but remember that they select their days carefully and it definitely isn't every day also the average fish they caught were only little rats
we have been getting lots all year except for the really cold days although one trip down past Nerrimbera a couple of weeks ago I had gloves and a beanie on and we got 5 keepers getting warm hard against the rocks at Casuarina
the best lure bar none for the fish in the Fitzroy is a Ken Richardson extracta 11 in deep and very deep
the serious guys that have the most success with barras locally will use a Richo above all else
the colour is personal choice but we find when the water is dirty use a flouro when it is clean use a more natural type

if you don't see any fish on the sounder and they are without doubt in there, it's because they are so tight into the structures in the woolwash and all the other shallow fresh spots you probably couldn't get the yak in close enough


29-06-2011, 09:32 PM
Are those the lures from Barra jacks? Any goto colors.

My yak's ruder was bumpin off alot of structure.

As even at it's deepest I don't think I'll need a super deep.

Any good surface lures? And gun colors for them?

I might try the yeppen tomorrow but I'm not sure were to launch.

I don't care if it's rat barra at 50cm its still a barra.

I've got 20-30 bommers, 20+ rob garden classic lures, and more
Soft platics than barra jacks.

The amount of syringes and swabs at Woolwash was appalling :(