View Full Version : Taking the girlfriend fishing... Blessing or a curse?... blessing.

25-06-2011, 02:38 PM
Krysten decided she was keen to come for a fish last night. So I woke her up early and made her jump in before she could back out.

We arrived at mooloolah river around 6:15am. Wanting to break in my new reel I zipped off to a nice stretch off jetties which I call Trev-ally. First cast Krysten hooked up to a stinky Hairtail.... Couple of bumps and touches later Krysten got bitten off by a hairtail... Getting sick of the hairtail already we moved down to some flathead grounds where we thought we could get a feed.

Few seconds into the new spot krysten is on already to a little fella. Nearly every cast after that she was making me unhook her fish.. When was it my turn to catch something. They soon played the game and I ended up landing around 5 Flatties 2 bream and a bust off. krysten pinned about 13 flatties
There was nothing huge mainly just legals.

After An hour or so down there krysten was pretty keen to head home. So I suggested we check out Trev-ally on our way back. After about 5 minutes off getting there it was bust ups galore. I hooked up for about 10 seconds and my leader snapped.... Quickly re rigged with some 10lb got my plastic on and all. While this was going on krysten was tusseling with a little GT. I put my plastic dangling in the water and dehooked her fish. Lifted my rod up and a Hairtail pinched my fresh rig. With bust ups going on every where I was rushing to re rig. I finaly got it out there and was on several seconds Later untill my leader knot broke. Krysten has another one I want some trev action. I got back in there and was fighting a decent fish for a few minutes untill it pole wrapped me.. With about 30cm of leader left I just threw a jig head on and some how managed 6 GT's and Bigeyes.

They were so much fun hanging very close to the structure I dont know how we managed so many. The bait school was insanely huge and there must of been 20 - 30 fish cruising with there shoulders out the water chasing them.

Was an awesome end to an already awesome day. Love the new luvias to death it sounds unreal on trevs :D


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25-06-2011, 04:25 PM
Great morning. Well done. My own backyard and I never fish it. Maybe I will have to pop the boat in sometime.

25-06-2011, 05:47 PM
There are some cracking fish around that spot.
Have been dusted quite a few times in the yak this year.
Bee a bit quiet since the hairtails moved in, mongrel fish they are.

25-06-2011, 06:00 PM
Girlfriend now, maybe wife before you know it::)

Treasure the company while you can, my wife seldom comes out in the boat, but when she does, same story. She out fishes me, but we have the best time!

Good catch!


25-06-2011, 07:22 PM
Fantastic post 004! What a great morning on the water, well done!

25-06-2011, 10:37 PM
the best catch u still havent caught legally

26-06-2011, 12:20 AM
Top little session there mate, well done. My wife was the same whenever i took her out she would smash it!

La Vida
26-06-2011, 07:56 AM
good to take the g out as she gets the bug and who knows down the track, at least buying new gear is easier.

just remember the three rings of marriage
* the engagement ring
* the wedding ring
* and the suffering!!!

27-06-2011, 05:37 AM
It's a blessing getting them interested I reckon.
I've taught my wife to back a trailer, use baitcasters and even drive the boat. It's all good, less work for me

The down side is this sort of stuff


28-06-2011, 10:28 AM
Good effort there mate and some great photos to thanks for sharing

.Cheers Rob

29-06-2011, 10:10 AM
I know the spot well... not for the fishing which I probably should try one day but because I keep forgetting that I have my rods sticking up in the air when I get to that bridge and have to make the mad scramble to get them down without hitting.. you would think I would learn hey lol

30-06-2011, 09:02 PM
Great morning. Well done. My own backyard and I never fish it. Maybe I will have to pop the boat in sometime.

Do it Pete, especially if you've got a leccy.

02-07-2011, 10:28 AM
Good on yah for getting the missus into the boat and having a go and boy what a go she went well and you got a good spot up there for her first plastic fish with all the trevs, brim, flatty and the gts well done. DD.....

02-07-2011, 12:21 PM
Good on yah for getting the missus into the boat and having a go and boy what a go she went well and you got a good spot up there for her first plastic fish with all the trevs, brim, flatty and the gts well done. DD.....

She has come out a few times before Last time I found her a trev and she thought she was going to get pulled into the water :P. She couldnt believe the power these fish can pull.


02-07-2011, 12:22 PM
I know the spot well... not for the fishing which I probably should try one day but because I keep forgetting that I have my rods sticking up in the air when I get to that bridge and have to make the mad scramble to get them down without hitting.. you would think I would learn hey lol

I see people doing that all the time, Or leaving there white stick up and panicking as they go under.