View Full Version : Netters Camping Out - is this on?

21-06-2011, 01:08 AM
I've noticed that each year some pro-netters hit Teewah Beach fairly hard and camp well south of 1st cutting. My question is do they have special privilages that trail beyond their obvious netting permits which allow camping in an otherwise restricted area?

...or do they line the silver pockets of a certain Council? ::)

21-06-2011, 07:44 AM
Bit of history to the netter's camping at the mouth - For years there has been controversy associated with the netters being camped near the mouth of the Noosa with the then Noosa Shire Council wanting to move them off the beach, but prevented by a mythical law that allows commercial fishers unrestricted access to the resource. This law was then established as being mythical and in 2009 they were moved off the beach by Council who were at that time responsible for Teewah Beach to the low tide mark. Last year the netters camped on private property near the mouth adjacent to the beach which meant that they were legally camped.
During last year the introduction of RAM (Recreation Area Management) for Cooloola meant that DERM took control of the area and to the low tide mark of Teewah Beach. QPWS were notified last week that illegal camping was occurring at the mouth and that dogs were present. QPWS at this stage have done nothing about it, though there is no rational reason why they shouldn't.
Complaints are coming my way thick and fast that the site is squalid (very) with no toilet facilities and is intimidating for people to even go near the area. Locals are well aware of gun incidents in recent years at this camp, so it is understandable that nobody, including myself wants to go within a country mile of the place.

We will see what happens this week with one North Shore local who lives not far from the site particularly active in attempting to have them removed.

21-06-2011, 10:31 AM
Thanks Lindsay, you're a wealth of knowledge when it comes to this stuff mate. Keep up the good work!


21-06-2011, 11:16 AM
A number of years ago I took my old man down there (south of the cutting but not as far as those frikkin feral's camp) for a nice crisp winter's evening of bream fishing. The netters were out of control, they were drunk as, and running up and down the beach in their cars. One bloke even fell out the door of a cruiser ute right in front us and the back wheels of the ute ran right over his legs. I just packed up the old man and got out of there and back to marcoola as fast as we could before one of us got run over. We were chatting to the ferry driver and he reckoned they were driving back into tewantin in that state, they should be removed as feral animals.

21-06-2011, 02:11 PM
The situation at this point in time is that QPWS have told the netters that it is ok for them to camp where they are this year, without toilet facilities, but providing they have vehicle permits, but they will not be permitted to do so in future. There is no requirement for them to pay for camping permits however.
The reason for that is due to RAM having only been declared after the mullet season last year and it being a new situation for QPWS, there hasn't been adequate time for the netters to make alternative arrangements. This, despite the fact that alternative arrangements were made by the netters in 2009.
However, it has been suggested by QPWS that Council could well have a jurisdiction in the location where they are camped due to a 'shared' arrangement between QPWS and Council for this location. I gather that Council have now been contacted and we'll see what happens with that.

21-06-2011, 02:46 PM
Bit of history to the netter's camping at the mouth - For years there has been controversy associated with the netters being camped near the mouth of the Noosa with the then Noosa Shire Council wanting to move them off the beach, but prevented by a mythical law that allows commercial fishers unrestricted access to the resource. This law was then established as being mythical and in 2009 they were moved off the beach by Council who were at that time responsible for Teewah Beach to the low tide mark. Last year the netters camped on private property near the mouth adjacent to the beach which meant that they were legally camped.
During last year the introduction of RAM (Recreation Area Management) for Cooloola meant that DERM took control of the area and to the low tide mark of Teewah Beach. QPWS were notified last week that illegal camping was occurring at the mouth and that dogs were present. QPWS at this stage have done nothing about it, though there is no rational reason why they shouldn't.
Complaints are coming my way thick and fast that the site is squalid (very) with no toilet facilities and is intimidating for people to even go near the area. Locals are well aware of gun incidents in recent years at this camp, so it is understandable that nobody, including myself wants to go within a country mile of the place.

We will see what happens this week with one North Shore local who lives not far from the site particularly active in attempting to have them removed.

just go down and tell them to piss off if you don't like them being there.

21-06-2011, 04:24 PM
I may not be happy about it Greg but it hasn't reached suicidal proportions.

At the end of the day, whether they're camped there or not, the beach will still be netted. But for those recreational users who would like to enjoy that end of the beach, it is not a pleasant place to go while they are there.

21-06-2011, 10:01 PM
Could you post a notification on here when they leave because i woud like to head up to Teewah and chase a feed on whiting but i wont bother while the scum are there.

22-06-2011, 09:56 AM
Council have stated that they don't have jurisdiction over the area where the netters are camped and can do nothing - though they would very much like to.
landy, they will probably be camped there for another month or so, but then the local netters will get their tailor nets out and be active with those until October - or until the summer algal blooms kick in to make it just as hard as when netting is occurring to catch fish. It must be said that when the tailor netting is occurring, there are less nets shot than during the mullet season and windows of opportunity for recs tend to be longer and more frequent.