View Full Version : snapper, set hook immediatly or use baitrunner?

30-05-2011, 12:08 PM
hey, was fishing for snapper the other day and came across a school of em,
only managed to bring one in but lost another 2 or 3 opportunities.

the one i managed to keep was caught on just a tight drag from the start...

the ones that got away, were taking my baits on the baitrunner reel i was using.
i let em run with it for a little while before striking, but couldnt seem to set the hooks in...

just wondering what the majority of blokes think about the baitrunner reels and is it worth using em or just setting the hooks early instead...

any advice or experiences would be good...cheers

30-05-2011, 12:16 PM
I love my baitrunner for Snapper. Yes, I do regularly miss the hook up despite letting them run. Although, I've found if I control myself and let them run a bit longer than usual (ie 4-6 seconds, which feel like a lifetime), my hook ups are more consistent.
I don't feel that I miss any/many more hookups than with a tight drag. If I'm fishing with a tight drag, I still regularly get a good strike that fails to hook up.


30-05-2011, 12:53 PM
Been through this and found I have much better success not using bait runner function and using 6/0 octopus circle hooks, no need to stike with these style hooks either

no chicken tonight
30-05-2011, 04:27 PM
Ive found that at times, baitrunner mode works better and other times set drag results with better hookup.I think it depends on how savage or timmid the bite is. However in deep water, I will never use baitrunner mode, as the line in the water will create enough drag for the fish to sense something wrong and drop a bait.
Also I have found the same applies with the mackeral. I have been having a fantastic hook up rate with a set drag of late. I switched from letting them run about mid season after finding my hookup rate was only about 1 from 2 with baitrunner.
Works for me but Im sure plenty will disagree.

30-05-2011, 05:55 PM
Yup go with the circles!

Muddy Toes
30-05-2011, 07:54 PM
Been through this and found I have much better success not using bait runner function and using 6/0 octopus circle hooks, no need to stike with these style hooks either

Spot on mate, i recon it depends on what style of hook you're using and if its a single hook or they're ganged.I'm another one voting for the no strike octopus circle.

30-05-2011, 08:46 PM
All depends on your hook type. Circles and wide gape worm hooks will nestle in behind the jaw hinge with a set drag every time. Other types of hooks are best left to the bait runner.

30-05-2011, 09:31 PM
[quote.I'm another one voting for the no strike octopus circle.[/quote]

Fished side by side with blokes whom strike using same rig and found I have much better hook up rate not striking.

31-05-2011, 05:28 PM
i use the baitrunner function with a paternoster rig and 4/0 or 6/0 big guns.normally in 10 metres or under.

31-05-2011, 09:09 PM
not a bad response gents, Thanks
im gonna go for the suicides next time im at the shop for sure, and will probably give the baitrunning lever a miss for a while.
Cant wait to get the rest of em next time!

01-06-2011, 06:36 AM
Go the circles, look abit strange but once you go there its hard to go back. Just need to concider if your using heavier lines the light guage circles can straighten on a big fish eg Mustard demon. I learn't that the hard way fish a wreck in Darwin: Fish 7, me nil. Outfish my Father in-law everytime with the circles :) And have sucess using them with Soft plastics instead of Jig heads - with a running sinker on top.

Donny Boy
03-06-2011, 05:20 AM
Circles...........no question.

Let em run ............and Bingo! :2thumbsup: