View Full Version : gar on fly

27-05-2011, 05:36 PM
The gar are on in the lower Mooloolah Rv around La balsa park.
I got one today on a floating bread fly, but next time I'll use sinking as the locals catch heaps on floats and small pieces of prawn.


27-05-2011, 08:00 PM
Try some trout flies like that resemble big mosquitos, gar cant resist them. I go to NPD and snare a few dozen before i head over to moreton fishing.

28-05-2011, 05:56 PM
Hi Jack,
Today I used a smaller sinking white fly, got a couple and lost a lot, it was fun.
My mate tried a trout fly got one, a lot of bites.
Where is NPD?
They look like perfect bait..........
It was a casting lesson as my mate is an expert and gives me a few tips.......... as well as fishing....
