View Full Version : Stolen boat - Newcastle

24-05-2011, 02:46 AM
Hi there, this is from another (non fishing related) forum.

Wasn't sure where to put this so if there is a section for this kind of stuff, would a mod kindly move it there?

Hey all, woke up this morning to find that our boat had been stolen from just outside the front of our house. If anyone see's it being towed, information would be very much appreciated.

It's a Haines hunter V19c, white hull with an off green gel coat on the top side, fairly new model Johnson 175 on the back. Distinctive green half bimni(doesn't go all the way to the front glass) but that may have been removed.

If anyone happens to see it, PM me for a phone number.


edit: sorry it took so long to get a picture, as an added bonus, yesterday I was told I either have a tear in my labrum or arthritis in my hip(at 20 Years old...) and I've been on some pretty heavy painkillers, makes me drowsy.

edit2: Sorry also if the colour's don't match what I described, I'm colourblind.

http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/230523_10150255292931264_741751263_8874503_1147396 _n.jpg
(http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/230523_10150255292931264_741751263_8874503_1147396 _n.jpg)

24-05-2011, 05:08 PM
I bet they take the top off and spray the upper deck and sell it...... mongrels
There should be a notice board at boatramps with pictures of stolen boats in a locked case.....

the thief deserves to be croc food....................

03-06-2011, 10:44 PM
i love to keep my boat not only in reach of thieves but also in reach of my 2 staffys. Would hate to be that low life