View Full Version : f-250 gearbox

14-05-2011, 05:14 PM
I'm after some help or imfo on what to do in regards to imformation i received about the gear boxes on the f250 7.3l auto gear boxes i've been advised whether buying new or secondhand if you plan on towing heavy loads that they have to be rebuilt or they won't handle it and fail i'm in the process of buying one and a rebuild might have to be factered into the buy price any help would be much apreciated, the boat i tow is up to 5 tonne loaded so it will be getting a good work out.

Cheers Randall

captain rednut
15-05-2011, 06:25 PM
hi randall
i own one and tow several large boats up to 5 ton and have the original gearbox, when i first bought it i fitted a larger oil cooler with a thermo fan and synthetic oil and a transmission oil temp gauge to monitor the temps and have never had it hot. my belief is the temperature is what kills them.?? and have you bought the truck yet?? and what year model and klms is it??
cheers jim

15-05-2011, 06:33 PM
Had no dramas with mine towing big weights..... I just stick to 80 km/h and keep an eye on things. And yes Jim, it is the heat that knocks them over, a mate of mine who is good with Effies tells me that whilst the transmission fluid is still reddish and doesnt stink, all is good. Mine has the E4OD gearbox, from all accounts straight out failures are rare, they generally start with dark stinky transmission fluid and go downhill from there. I just check mine heaps and change it every 15k, so far so good.

15-05-2011, 07:54 PM
haven't bought one yet still looking but i have heard of a few gear boxes failing and have one guy that deals with them telling me that it is a problem, i just don't know whether to take his word for it as he might be just suckering me up for a rebuild, i'll be going for a later model if possible but just want something thats reliable and been well maintained under 200000 ks preferably, colour dosen't concern me but it has to be a duel cab 7.3l diesal with good service history. It sounds like from research that the gear boxes can have probs if the right oil is not used and maintained as they do heat up, i guess i just buy one and get it serviced straight away and try to keep an eye on the temp while using and hope i don't have any drama's.
Thanks for the coments guys i've been a little concered after some advise i had received but i have to get one for my business because the landcruiser's just get's pushed around by the weight too much.

jim any idea what cost was involved for those changes you made not that its an issue i'd just be willing to take precautions like you as seems like the way to go to keep an eye on that temp.

cheers Randall

captain rednut
21-05-2011, 09:04 PM
hey randall it only cost about $2000 for my tranny upgrades.
cheers jim

20-06-2011, 12:31 AM
Hey Jim,

were the F250 decals on your truck when you bought it or did you source them from somewhere.

captain rednut
25-06-2011, 09:02 PM
hey baz
sorry for the delay the decals were on it when i bought it, they were on every f250 sold by the one dealer in south aussie. i liked the design a lot of people comment on them.
cheers jim