View Full Version : pine mud

08-05-2011, 05:17 PM
Managed to get the opportunity to get out in the bay today although I was by myself as none of my mates could come along due to mothers day duties. Left Shorncliffe ramp a bit late as I slept in a bit. Conditions were nice. Headed to mud to see if I could get onto some snaps. There were many undersize ones and few grassys about which passed the time. Hooked something very big on ecogear prawn blade. It took about ten minutes to get to below the boat before the little hook straightened. No heads shakes so I think it was a big wobbegong. Anyway, things were very slow at mud so I went to a different spot. Conditions had glassed out. First cast using berkley powerbait water melon and I was onto to something solid. Using my 2-4kg stick it put up a fairly decent fight and after a short tussle a jew was landed. Took a few snaps and changed to a lime tiger gulp and I was on again. This time a little better jew. Good fun on light gear. Hard to get a legal one these days! Anyway after releasing the fish I peppered to spot for awhile longer but to no avail. Shot across to the piney to see if the flatties wanted to play ball. Got seven of them in an hour but all were quite small but still legal and good fun. Only kept one for dinner tonight. Great day to be on the water!! I love fishing.


08-05-2011, 05:34 PM
Well done seriola it sounds like you had a very nice day on the bay and with a Fatty for dinner it doent get much better. I am extremely jealous as I am stuck at work in out in the desert.

08-05-2011, 07:35 PM
sounds like a great day to be on the water. jewies would have been good fun on the light stick.

08-05-2011, 08:15 PM
Yeah mate better off calling it for a wobegong seeing as it wasn"t landed!:'( . 10mins on a fish to lose it is soul destroying, no doubt you will be back there using the same lure soon though(and i hope you get a look). Nice little jewies too, great fish no matter what the size i think. Ben

08-05-2011, 08:48 PM
Nice session mate

08-05-2011, 08:52 PM
Great session mate,

where did you get that plastic lip gripper from?


08-05-2011, 09:05 PM
Yeah, those size jewies are fun to land on your own in a boat. Sounds like you had a ball.

08-05-2011, 11:36 PM
sounds like a great trip....always worth it when you come home with dinner.

09-05-2011, 08:55 AM
yeah cheers guys. it was fun with such nice conditions. havent caught many jew in my life time so made a good change.

Jack in the box - mate i got the fish grippers in Rockhampton at Barra Jacks. I hadnt seen them anywhere else before. USA product. glow in the dark. quite cheap alternative to the bog grips. i think i paid around $16. They are good except for flatties as they generally keep their mouth shut when out of the water and its hard to get the rounded thick prong in flatties mouth. sometimes you can though. other species would be fine. not too sure bout big fish though. related link below.


for the record based on a private message i received- thanks for checking but i released all jew as quick as possible after taking some photos. I'm well aware of the new size limit. Also, i generally practice catch and release when i do go fishing but dont mind taking one or two flatties home every now and then. i could have bagged out on little flatties yesterday if i wanted to but took just one. I actually prefer steak and pig! Cheers guys.