View Full Version : New to Townsville

01-05-2011, 12:19 AM
Mad keen, but totally self taught and not the most skilled fisherman in the country... Just moved to Townsville and would love to start fishing here. Dont have a boat, so can go land based, but happy to tag along should anyone have any spare seats....

Don't really know anyone in town, so if you need a fishing buddy, let me know....

Scott nthQld
03-05-2011, 03:17 PM
well where do you want to start?

What fish do you really want to get?

I can give you a bit of a tour and a quick run down of what's on offer in our great region if you like....and you will rarely have to travel far from the city!

04-05-2011, 06:26 PM
That sounds great Scott

As for what fish I want, any and all... I think the main thing that will stop me at the moment is my gear, which I am looking at improving, but it does enough for small stuff...

I am back at work now, and will be back in Townsville on Fri next week, so if you are looking at killing some time Mothers Day weekend then let me know....

I starting to get that fishing bug....