View Full Version : Wind,scum and police couldn't stop fun

30-04-2011, 07:35 PM
I work with a pretty good bunch and we occasionaly get together for a fish, last trip was to the Logan but today we decided to hit the brissie for a trip and finish with a Barbie at fisherman Is. About 12 blokes have boats so today we squeezed about 27 guys and girls together for a morning session. we all put in $10 bucks in each and buy a few ales ,a few snags and have a few prizes at the end . 5am this morning was pretty ordinary on the water but everyone was keen to get to their spots and catch a few fish. The wind died off enough around 8am and a few fish were caught.
We had a few bream, tailor, summer whiting,squire, E cod, trevally and heaps of flathead. I flew back to the ramp early to set up the barbie for lunch and get a feed going.
Thats when I noticed the Police pull up in a fourby and start checking out cars and boats. At about 11.45 our bunch started arriving back and each boat was checked
Now I think this is great I have no problems especially as everyone of our guys had the right equipment and in ship shape condition but when it eventually came down to a couple of life jackets being more than 25 % faded. I did see a few fellas walking around the park with tickets but thank god it wasn't any of our blokes. The boys in blue put in a good hour and then called it a day.
We let that pass and kicked back with a few stories and a chance to measure a few fish but then the second downer occured.
One of my good mates has just brought a new 435 hornet all set up for lure casting. Unfortunately while we were measuring fish someone decided to help themselves to easy $500 worth of brand new lures stowed in his boat. Just S%$ts me that scum low life get away with this crap. Puts a dampener on the fact that the rig is only a week and a half old and he's been on cloud nine. Anyway some of the better fish were flathead around the 59 cm mark, a 50 cm tailor, one of the girls scored a nice little 44 cm cod and young Joe scored a 57cm lizard. Some of the summer whiting were not bad fish as well but with nearly everyone weighing in a few fish we turned a pretty ordinary windy day into a bit of fun. Cheers

30-04-2011, 07:44 PM
pretty sure the wyhte island boat ramp has 24 / 7 security cameras by the looks like where you are in the pics . maybe the water police can get the scummy buggars off the port cameras

30-04-2011, 07:47 PM
and if one of you had of caught him and gave him a floggin you would be the bad guys and probable get done for assault. It just SUX...

Anyway glad you all had a good time and a nice feed of fish for tea tonight...

30-04-2011, 08:08 PM
cant help but feel we are getting over-policed on numerous things,and frankly it gets to me.as for the scum who stole the lures,hopefully they get theres.sounded like a good day though mate.john

30-04-2011, 08:24 PM
Colour is quite an interesting thing.
How does one determine when a lifejacket is more than 25 % faded?
Sounds like a shampoo commercial promising that your hair will be seven times smoother or your teeth 12 shades whiter.

Hope that this is the last contact you have with sticky fingered scum.
Cheers for the report.

30-04-2011, 09:43 PM
lol so they carry their own colour swatches with them or a paint colour chart from bunnings.....how can they say its 25% faded...i mean if they were nearly white i say yer but to be exactly 25%...cmonnnnnnnn..

30-04-2011, 10:22 PM
Good on ya mate! Takes a bit of commitment to set up the barbie e.t.c. while everyone else is still fishing. As for the dirty,rotten thieves, take confidence in that the decent humans are looking out for them. Not that it helps the poor bugger with the new outfit. Other crimes can be attributed to passion,anger or lust but i just can't understand why people steal other peoples stuff.

30-04-2011, 10:41 PM
Sounds like a good bunch of people you got there mate,good stuff and nice way to finish with some prizes,as for the #######s who stole the new gear,imagine how they would feel if someone stole from them, bet they would be pretty pissed to, karma will get the dead shits.

01-05-2011, 06:04 AM
Sounds like a great little social comp to be part of Chief, and someone has to do the cooking right??::)

I recently replaced aging life jackets for the same reason, they reckoned they were too faded, but I agree, surely 25% is a matter of opinion, but still, they didn't issue a fine on that, only a warning to get them replaced.


01-05-2011, 06:32 AM
Blooey.. your spot on champ.
It was a fun day with most of the lizards coming from the Boggy creek area on the run out tide. A lot of bream around the 29 cm mark and all enjoyed themselves.

I did have a bit of a chuckle when one of the W Police asked a mate to see his life jackets. He produced his jackets from a stow away hatch and the police commented on the time it took him to get them out "What about if you were sinking ?? " was the comment and old mate replied "'I'd be F#$@G Faster"

Secret Spot
01-05-2011, 07:36 AM
Good for you Chief, and good to see most think the same way. It is unfortunate that there is a small minority of this type that have to go and ruin a decent blokes day out with his mates.

I only hope that the low life who did this reads all the replies and takes a good hard look at themselves and sees what low life they really are.

01-05-2011, 09:20 AM
Nice one Chief

Gotta believe in a little Karma......scum like that will come undone at some point.

(I might have to secure a little lockable section for my hard bodies cause I would have $1000 worth in my tacklebox)

My last WP safety gear inspection in the river, I hooked into a nice bream on a deep chubby fishing a rock wall, and as the Police vessel edged it's way over to me I played the fish in, landed it with the net, unhooked it, and flipped it back over the side into the drink.

After the safety gear inspection one of the two Police dudes says to me "You catching any?"...........WTF !!! I thought to myself, if there was some real crime on the river would these guys even see it?? :o

It still makes me chuckle when I think about it ::)


01-05-2011, 02:31 PM
On yah chief good day out of a few shitty police having to make there wages and a fkn scum floggin lures (would have been a cheeky bugger seing you all there and taking it from a new tinny) at least you all got fish but those thieves really get me going. Out of all the f ups i have done at night or in windy conditions i have not been broken into so far but i have laser levels and tools in my ute and it would look tempting but lucky so far. Its prob the same sickoes that check all the crab pots as they obviously have no guilt at all with filthy selves. Well done to all DD.....

01-05-2011, 02:48 PM
Dobson.. Mate it never ceases to amaze me, young Garrett had a pair of steel cap wellies stuffed between his tool box and the side of the tray on his ute and someone taxed them. Good lesson without being expensive. Mongrels will take anything ;D

Heard a few mentions of Karma, lets all hope so Cheers

01-05-2011, 04:12 PM
young Garrett had a pair of steel cap wellies stuffed between his tool box and the side of the tray on his ute and someone taxed them

put another pair there with a funnel web in one and a scorpion in another , should find the culprit limping round easily enough

01-05-2011, 06:24 PM
Scalem...I had the same about 2 years ago and I was approached in a more civil manner and I'm like you I agreed,mate you act on their recommendation . There pretty cheap to replace. It was a great fun day with everyone having a good time.What more could you ask for...

02-05-2011, 07:55 AM
nice get together chief! some great flatty , shame about the thieving mongrel :(

matt fraser
02-05-2011, 08:59 AM
Great report Cheif, sounds like you've got a great bunch that you work with! Some quality fish there too.

It sucks that you alway have to be wary of light fingered low lifes. Tackle left in unattended boats is asking for it. Past experience has taught me not to give anyone the opportunity. Lock it up, or put it out of sight at least.


02-05-2011, 10:22 AM
Yeh matt, I think they would have been straight to the young blokes boat . They were after lures and when you see a 435 hornet 60 hp tiller steer i pilot minn kotta with full side wraps of a bass smacking a lure there's a fair chance its the boat to hit.
Mongrel act.... I would have liked to see who done it mate ???